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Thread: anne coulter revealing how ignorant she really is...

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    anne coulter revealing how ignorant she really is...

    on the cbc (canadian broadcasting corp) show the fifth estate. the interview conducted was part of a CBC show about the FOX news network that, uh, wasn't very flattering to say the least.

    she was on the show responding to some of her usual idiotic and thoughtless comments - this time about canada.

    during the interview she insists, even though she is told several times by the interview that she is dead wrong, that canada sent troops to fight in vietnam. my wife (a canadian) and i laughed ourselves silly over this. she later tried to say that what she meant were that there were thousands of canadians that joined the US military but if you watch her during the interview this is clearly not what she means - she is clearly under the impression that the canadian govt. sent troops.

    here is bill o'reilly's moronic self attacking the CBC's program, claiming it is part of an anti-us propaganda campaign and likening the CBCs program on FOX as "nazi propoganda", and claiming that it could lead to "millions" of deaths. hilarious.

    all of this very shortly after the canadian govt. had just voted to extend its military committment in afghanistan and dump another couple of hundred million dollars into afghanistan. now who was really being ungrateful?

    Last edited by Mike70; 28-Jan-2008 at 04:04 PM.
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  2. #2
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    Those Fox people are nutcases!

    I think most intelligent (note I say most) realize that the Fox New Channel is just propaganda. I used to watch Oriely and fox and friends in the morning before the Iraq war and shortly after switched them off. I saw first hand Oriely lying and attacking people for no real reason and those people, it turns out, were correct in their analysis on this so called war on terror.

  3. #3
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy911sc View Post
    Those Fox people are nutcases!

    I think most intelligent (note I say most) realize that the Fox New Channel is just propaganda. I used to watch Oriely and fox and friends in the morning before the Iraq war and shortly after switched them off. I saw first hand Oriely lying and attacking people for no real reason and those people, it turns out, were correct in their analysis on this so called war on terror.

    If FOX is propaganda, then what is CNN, MSNBC, and all the major networks? All of them are fair and tell the truth, but FOX doesn't? Give me a break.
    FOX News has been dominating the cable ratings for a long time. Why do you think that is?

  4. #4
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    FOX News has been dominating the cable ratings for a long time. Why do you think that is?

    first this thread was about anne coulter revealing herself as the ill-informed moron she really is and about bill o'reilly's usual self-serving, self-righteous hyperbole. not about which trashy cable news site has the highest ratiings or offers the best news. frankly i don't give a flying fook about that.

    but fox may be dominating the ratings for one of these reasons:

    a. americans really are as stupid as the rest of the world thinks.
    b. people like the abrasive, nasty style of the networks talking heads.
    c. people with sense are getting their news from other sources like the paper or off of the internet (like at the bbc, cbc, ap, associated press sites, etc) and aren't watching cable news is all pretty much trash as far i am concerned, leaving the chaff to soak up the "wisdom" of people like bill o'reilly.

    i hope it is combination of b & c.
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  5. #5
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    first this thread was about anne coulter revealing herself as the ill-informed moron she really is and about bill o'reilly's usual self-serving, self-righteous hyperbole. not about which trashy cable news site has the highest ratiings or offers the best news. frankly i don't give a flying fook about that.

    but fox may be dominating the ratings for one of these reasons:

    a. americans really are as stupid as the rest of the world thinks.
    b. people like the abrasive, nasty style of the networks talking heads.
    c. people with sense are getting their news from other sources like the paper or off of the internet (like at the bbc, cbc, ap, associated press sites, etc) and aren't watching cable news is all pretty much trash as far i am concerned, leaving the chaff to soak up the "wisdom" of people like bill o'reilly.

    i hope it is combination of b & c.
    I'm not trying to start a fight with you, so don't take it as if I am, but...
    Ann Coulter is anything but a moron. The woman is an attorney and she once worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee. She has authored 5 New York Times bestsellers and gets paid a great deal of money to speak at public appearances and colleges. I went to see her speak at Pitt last year in fact. She is a very smart woman. So because she got some little known fact incorrect means she is not smart? How many times have you thought something and found out it was incorrect? Never? I doubt it. You just don't like her and disagree with her, so therefore she is a moron. I get it. I can't think of a thing I ever agreed on with Bill Clinton. And I think he is total slime as a human being. But I'd never call him a moron. Why? Because he is not. He is a brilliant man and there is no doubt of that.
    I can't imagine getting my news from the BBC or the CBC. And I consider myself to be pretty intelligent and not misinformed at all. I read both Pittsburgh newspapers each day. I read online news sites and I watch all of the cable news networks. And I listen to talk radio. So just what is the BBC or CBC informing you about that the U.S. news is not?

  6. #6
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    didn't say you were trying to start a fight, i didn't take your post that way and i hope that my response didn't give you that idea. if it did, i apologize.


    anne coulter is a demagogue of the first order who talks about things she manifestly knows nothing about and says horrible, mean, thoughtless stuff all the time. as far as being an attorney - that takes no great intelligence. the 5 bestsellers - so what. a bunch of slavering rightwing folks bought them up. the same folks who feed on the sort of crap that rush limbaugh throws out everyday.

    i think the worst thing about anne coulter is that she cannot spend even thirty seconds in a rational debate with someone before attacking them in an almost insane manner.

    and the things she says about people who don't toe the bush party line are downright frightening.
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  7. #7
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    Again, people mistake commentary for news. Bill O'Reilly is what he is. Just because you don't agree with one hour of programming a day, people write off an entire news organization. There's nothing wrong with Fox as a news organization. I don't write off CNN because i think Lou Dobbs is a schmuck. I just don't pay any attention. To be honest, i stopped watching him a long time ago, not necessarily because I disagreed with some of his thoughts but because he annoyed the snot out of me.

    As for Ann Coulter......I rank her only slightly higher up the food chain than Howard Stern. See.........people automatically assume she speaks for the Right wing. I don't automatically assume that people like Bill Maher speak for the entire left wing. You have to be able to accept that there are extremists on both sides, and equally as obnoxious. She's most definitely not a moron, and has actually made some good poiints (well, unless you're a liberal in which case maybe not ) but her over the top actions have made anything sensible she's ever said totally moot.

    *sigh* Can't we all just get along????

  8. #8
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    didn't say you were trying to start a fight, i didn't take your post that way and i hope that my response didn't give you that idea. if it did, i apologize.

    No need to apologize my friend. Just a friendly debate, like it should be.

  9. #9
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    No need to apologize my friend. Just a friendly debate, like it should be.
    well i just want to be sure that you knew i wasn't trying to start a fracas. there has been quite enough trouble here recently without the two of us, who have been around here for a long time, going off the deep end over anne coulter.
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  10. #10
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Anne Coulter is a woman who is full of hate and spite for anybody who disagrees with her. She argued with the guy interviewing her, telling him he is wrong when he was in fact correct, then she spins the story on another show saying she was talking about the Canadian troops that joined the US millitary, when she clearly was not. This lady is a hateful spiteful troll. She is a pock mark to the Republican party.

    As for Fox News, check out my post in the games forum about how they blatently made up false information about the game Mass Effect and then basically said "Oh well" when they were called out on it. Fox News is News Entertainment, not real news... much like the WWE is Sports Entertainment and not a real sport.
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    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    As for Fox News, check out my post in the games forum about how they blatently made up false information about the game Mass Effect and then basically said "Oh well" when they were called out on it. Fox News is News Entertainment, not real news... much like the WWE is Sports Entertainment and not a real sport.
    It's not just them; it's every network. Every last one of them does all they can to influence opinion, rather than just staying neutral and reporting fact only.

    There really isn't any way around that, though, as long as human beings manage the "news".

  12. #12
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    The BBC is just as biased as any US news station...they are all the same, none are "fair and ballanced"
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    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    It's not just them; it's every network. Every last one of them does all they can to influence opinion, rather than just staying neutral and reporting fact only.

    There really isn't any way around that, though, as long as human beings manage the "news".
    Thats true, but it seems Fox does it more than the others... or maybe they just get caught more.
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