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Thread: Metal thread

  1. #16
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    No, but I have many bootlegs. E.vil N.ever D.ies is one of my all time faves.

    i think that "deny the cross" is my favorite tune by them.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #17
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Stuff I've been listening to the most lately...

    Tygers Of Pan Tang
    Gospel Of Horns
    Merciful Fate
    Morbid Angel (Alters Of Madness is always on heavy rotation)
    Judas Priest (also ALWAYS on rotation)

    I feel like I'm going to throw up every time I hear/read people talking about metal and someone brings up friggin Dragonforce. I can't stand any of those wimpy "fantasy metal" bands. I don't know why, but they piss me the frig off!!! On that note, my friend is moving in with Sam from that band... kind of gross considering she's 18 and he's like 30...

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    kind of gross considering she's 18 and he's like 30
    <keeps quiet>

  4. #19
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Tygers Of Pan Tang

    now there is a name i havent' heard in many, many moons.

    speaking NWOBHM- i have been listening to diamond head a lot lately.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #20
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    You guys like NWOBHM?

    i've been constantly spinning the venom reissues from a few years back - the f*ckers have like twelve bonus tracks (ie nightmare, die hard etc) - plus the come in nifty slipcases - get them if you havent already.

    also Metal Black by venom is better than you might think! new album soon, more excited about the tour tbh.

    check dis
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  6. #21
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    You guys like NWOBHM?
    yes sir i certainly do. the roots of the great thrash bands that came after.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Merciful Fate
    "magic circles drawn after midnight
    around graves to be opened.
    he'll used a wand to raise the body
    he'll ask the questions then burn the remains."

    damn awesome tune that along with evil, black funeral, a dangerous meeting is easily one of fav songs by them.
    Last edited by Mike70; 18-Feb-2008 at 11:21 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  7. #22
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    You guys like NWOBHM?
    ****in A right, I do. Along with the American/Canadian heavy metal bands that were totally influenced by the NWOBHM such as Anvil, Kulprit, and especially Witchkiller.

  8. #23
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    oh and there is one thing i forgot to mention in my posts on the crazy/great shows i've been to:

    i was at a king diamond show in 1988 where a dude got killed in a fight. he got punched and fell back and cracked his skull on the floor and ended up dying in the hospital.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  9. #24
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    i was at a king diamond show in 1988 where a dude got killed in a fight. he got punched and fell back and cracked his skull on the floor and ended up dying in the hospital.

    One of the times I saw Maiden, back in I guess 03, my crew rolled up on a bunch of nazi's that were at the show. Mind you, it was a Tweeter Arena, so half of the show is under a roof, the other half is just free-roaming on a huge lawn. So we were on the lawn and battled a ton of racist assholes; full on brawl, must've been seriously about 50 people in all, fists flying everywhere while Dio's drummer was doing a drum solo...

    Needless to say 1 of us went to the hospital for a broken nose... but we sent at least 5 of them to it with way worse injuries. None of them died, though, as far as I know...

    EDIT: I forgot to add that those of the rednecks that weren't sent to the hospital were promptly kicked out of the show by a mob of security. Afterward, we were hunted down and thanked.

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post

    One of the times I saw Maiden, back in I guess 03, my crew rolled up on a bunch of nazi's that were at the show. Mind you, it was a Tweeter Arena, so half of the show is under a roof, the other half is just free-roaming on a huge lawn. So we were on the lawn and battled a ton of racist assholes; full on brawl, must've been seriously about 50 people in all, fists flying everywhere while Dio's drummer was doing a drum solo...

    Needless to say 1 of us went to the hospital for a broken nose... but we sent at least 5 of them to it with way worse injuries. None of them died, though, as far as I know...

    EDIT: I forgot to add that those of the rednecks that weren't sent to the hospital were promptly kicked out of the show by a mob of security. Afterward, we were hunted down and thanked.
    like i posted above a bit ago, i precipitated a rather sizable brawl at a slayer show. i'll attempt to be brief.

    i was crowd surfing. i got close to the barricade and this ass bouncer instead of pushing me back into the crowd (in accordance with all accepted practice at metal shows) tries to pull me over the barricade. well some of the folks up front try to pull me back a big tug of war starts (with me as the rope). one of this bouncers buddies comes over and i go over the barricade.

    bouncer 1 screams in my ear "you're f**kin out of here." well unfortunately for these two cretins to throw someone out of bogart's they had to leave the safety of the barricade and head for one of the downstairs doors through a thin part of the crowd at the extreme side of the stage.

    well i am fighting like a cornered animal. throwing punches, lashing out with kicks but these dudes are like 3 times bigger than me and they've got me. out of the corner of my eye i see my friends sasquatch (that ought to let you know how big he is) and roger (another huge dude) blasting their way through the crowd. they reach us and sasquatch lands one of the most tremendous punches i have ever seen on the bouncer holding me. lays the dude out flat.

    while sasquatch turns his attention to the other bouncer ( while a couple of other bouncers are moving in on the brawl, roger picks me up like a baby and carries me into the dead center of the huge raging pit going on. he yells in my ear "no matter what stay close. if they follow us in here its going to be a fu*king meatgrinder."

    we can see sasquatch battling like mad with like 3 dudes (he had already put 2 guys flat out on the ground at this point) and other folks are startiing to come to his aide. some of the bouncers foolishly enter the pit after roger and i. roger yells in my ear again "here we go. stay close." so these bouncers entering the pit just get mobbed. dude there's like 30 or 40 people (maybe more) battling it out in the pit with bouncers and roger is kicking ass and taking names. i;m throwing punches like mad too. the whole pit has descended into one giant fist fight - and the bouncers are losing.

    my little brother (who was only 15 at time) was one of the folks who went and joined in the sasquatch segement of the brawl and ended up landing some shots of his own.

    so at this point slayer stops playiing and tom araya and jeff hanneman are just screaming at the top of their lungs over the mic at the bouncers - stuff like "leave our fu*king fans alone you pigs" and all other manner of stuff.

    meanwhile some of the dog brothers up in front decide to create even more chaos and start trying to rip down the barricade. so now the bouncers have more than they can handle. tom araya and jeff hanneman stop the folks from ripping down the barricade and the bouncers retreat back behind it.

    there was a brief pause while the management threatened to call the police and slayer told them that if that happened they would never play bogart's again. slayer started playing again, finished the set and everything went back to normal (for a slayer show).

    we got invited backstage afterward. got to smoke a fat one with jeff, kerry and tom and laugh about the whole thing.

    the final score:
    sasquatch- 3 bouncers laid out flat cold. a couple more driven off.
    roger - at least 2 bouncers disposed of in the pit fight and untold punches thrown at others.
    me -i ended up with a shattered pair of glasses, a black eye, a busted chin, a huge number of landed punches and kicks and we all got to party with slayer.

    sasquatch was the best insurance policy ever. 6ft7 several hundred pounds of solid muscle and did not believe in fair fights. if you messed with one of his friends, you messed with him and that was your ass.

    a grand night. ah to be 18 again.
    Last edited by Mike70; 19-Feb-2008 at 04:17 AM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    <keeps quiet>


  12. #27
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Scipio, that story was great. The detail you put into it made me picture it very vividly and seemed almost familiar.

    Ah, I can't stand the bouncers at certain places that go on power trips. A friend of mine was once at an Exodus show and got beat up by bouncers simply for headbanging while against the barrier.

    When I was a young teenager going to shows at this place in Philly called The Troc (watch Ultimate Revenge II with DEATH/Forbidden/Dark Angel/Raven to see the place) I was a really small kid so when the pits would get crazy I'd always try to seek refuge next to the huge biker bouncer dudes... but they'd always either pick me up and throw me into the middle of the chaos or shove me away from them and I'd get deck and sucked into it all. Dickweeds.

  13. #28
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Scipio, that story was great. The detail you put into it made me picture it very vividly and seemed almost familiar.

    Ah, I can't stand the bouncers at certain places that go on power trips. A friend of mine was once at an Exodus show and got beat up by bouncers simply for headbanging while against the barrier.
    even after 20 years this is frozen in my memory and is somehting that my friends and i still talk about when we see each other. in fact one of the most vivid memories of my life is roger and i standing next to each other in that pit and fighting like mad.

    tom araya said it best afterwards- "that's one for the good guys."

    yeah it does seem like bouncers vary a lot from place to place. i've been to lots of shows where everything was laid back, the bouncers were actually letting folks have fun. BUT bogart's was always one of the worst. a lot of the bouncers there came from UC's football team and they thought they were hot sheyat and too cool for words. so you mix these idiots with thrash or punk fans and there could be certain, uh, problems.
    Last edited by Mike70; 19-Feb-2008 at 02:47 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #29
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    The only trouble i've ever had with the beef patrol is being chucked out of the Purple Turtle for being pissed.

    Today i've been listening the crap out of "Streetcleaner" by Godflesh. I see this record as a sort of spiritual sequel to "Scum" by Napalm Death.

    It's SO RELENTLESSLY BLEAK, I love it. There's something so bleak, nasty and dirty about Thatcher era British extreme metal.

    Slayer and Akercocke and King Diamond rule with their phantasmagorical trappings and all, but there's something all the more unsettling about the gritty, down to earth realism of Streetcleaner.

    I think that's ultimately why the Metallica/Pantera type of band wiped out Fantasy stuff (eg Dio) and Cock Rock as major commercial forces - it goes back to the basic delta blues tradition of singing about day to day things, which is something that resonates with people more readily than songs about dragons and ****, and as such lends greater gravity to the songs.

    I'd love to do a horrible, bleak heavy metal project with bulldozer (plugged into a distortion pedal) bass, a tinny drum machine & distorted Napalm Death/Godflesh style vocals, singing songs about how **** England is.
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  15. #30
    Banned User

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    Stormtroopers of Death, baby! Billy Milano + Scotty Ian = Pure, frothing thrash with some good humor and right wing politics thrown in. You can't go wrong with songs like **** the Middle East, Speak English or Die & Kill the Assholes. S.O.D. reigns supreme.

    Anthrax (with Joey Belladonna)! N.F.B. (Dallabnikufesin), I'm the Man, Startin' Up A Posse, Bring Tha Noise = 'Nough said.

    Metallica = Master of the Puppets, Ride the Lightning & And Justice only. Kill 'Em All occasionally. Black album and beyond is pure, frothing ****.

    Megadeth! Up to and including Countdown to Extinction.

    Venom = I don't really like them, but they are fun to listen to around old people. That's always good for a giggle. Slayer had some bad stuff. Several buddies of mine used to rock out to South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss. But not really my bag. I hear they still have a pretty big underground following.

    Hmm, that's about it for me when it comes to metal. Thrash & punk (along with the old stuff) is where it's at. Whatever happened to bands like King Missile & M.O.D. & The Dead Milkmen? Hell, for that matter, what happened to all that skate-punk **** from the 80s, made famous by Suicidal Tendencies & others?
    Last edited by SoCalLoco; 26-Feb-2008 at 04:48 AM.


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