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Thread: Embarrassing moments...

  1. #1

    Embarrassing moments...

    Okay, I'm loaded and I dialled for a pizza half hour ago. The phone rings and I thought it was my mate so I answer, "HELLLOOO C**T FEATURES!!!" and the guy says, "Erm, hello pizza delivery? I'm outside."

    Anyone had an experience on par or worse?

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    OK so a guy comes through the double doors at work, he bows, lowers his hand as if to say in a flamoyant way "go on through" - so I said thanks, went to walk through the doors only to see a beautiful women coming the other way - that's who he was flamboyantly waving through, not me...damnit.

    The other day I made a very inappropriate comment about a "fat man entering me" in a room made up of senior producers...oops

    answering the phone at work like this (i work in TV btw) "Hello, Brentford morturary" only to realise it was my boss on the phone.

    having a major argument with my gf on the phone whilst at work, screaming and slamming the phone down only to realise I wasn't alone with a rather embarassed person wanting something trivial standing in front of me...

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
    Super Moderator

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Mandatorium
    Never accidentally called a pizza guy a c*ntface, but I did accidentally drop the c-bomb at the dinner table once...and swiftly continued talking with plenty of f-words thrown in to cement over that indiscretion.

    Also, when I was at uni I'd order food online from Tesco and get it delivered (awesome way to do it by the way), anyway, I was in need of sustinence and ended up ordering some food to arrive in the evening rather than my usual mid-day (when not at uni of course), but this was on an evening when my housemates were getting drunk before going out, well one in particular.

    So when the poor bloke came to the back door, Tom went running up and was all over him practically, asking-nay-demanding that the man shake his hand, and then getting offended that the poor, terrified bloke didn' I'm there loading my bags in through the back door from the Tesco boxes, trying to hold back a drunk and sweary Tom, as well as check for any substitutions on my list and then signing the electronic thingy whilst appologising profusely to the poor man, who was inching back into the darkness everytime Tom lunged forth to attempt a hand shake.

    Deary me...

    Also, when waiting for the people who managed our house to come around and check out a leak in the roof, I nipped in for a shower, and of course they immediately came around. Adam answered the door and said I was having a sh*t and they all laughed while I'm protesting that I'm in the shower instead, bastard.


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