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Thread: I finally watched Flightplan.......

  1. #1
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    I finally watched Flightplan.......

    .....or should I say Yawnplan (thanks, MinionZombie, for the many uses of the word "yawn")
    It's come to my attention that Jodie Foster can only play ONE roll; a retarded, overly dramatic, one dimentional panic attack.
    Have any of you seen this thing? How did it make it to the "Big Screen" and NOT go straight to betamax!????!

  2. #2
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    ugh, i'm sorry.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten Mikey's Avatar

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    I agree...I just saw it two nights ago

    Me and my wife watched it and we thought it sucked. Though I must admit, Jodi Foster has a hot little body. Too bad only other chicks get to touch it.
    "Totally Togepi!"

  4. #4
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    I can not stand Jodie Foster. i will never watch the movie. She annoys me for some reason

  5. #5
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    .....or should I say Yawnplan (thanks, MinionZombie, for the many uses of the word "yawn")
    It's come to my attention that Jodie Foster can only play ONE roll; a retarded, overly dramatic, one dimentional panic attack.
    Have any of you seen this thing? How did it make it to the "Big Screen" and NOT go straight to betamax!????!

    You've never seen Contact then, or Silence of the Lambs, The Accused or the myriad of other roles she's played. Now, Panic Room was terrible, and Flightplan was no great flick, but to classify such a talented actress as "retarded" is a bit off.

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by deadwrtr
    You've never seen Contact then, or Silence of the Lambs, The Accused or the myriad of other roles she's played. Now, Panic Room was terrible, and Flightplan was no great flick, but to classify such a talented actress as "retarded" is a bit off.

    I've seen all three of those.
    Contact - I didn't like it because that was another book that should not have been made into a movie - in fact, it was NOTHING like the book. (complete re-write)

    Silence of the Lambs decent flick, maybe it's her "butch-like lisp" and raspy voice that un-nerves me in this one. (typical, predictable Hollywood formula flick)

    The Accused Now, this may be the only role she was made for. I saw this when it was first released and it's quite disturbing and, in my opinion, a flick that should be seen by all.

    Talented? No. She's able to go the the motions and perform in a "formula flick" but, not talented.

  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I liked Panic Room! I thought the directing was really cool and it had a lot of funny dark humor.

  8. #8
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    at least Contact had Jake Busey in it

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."

  9. #9
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    contact was ok, when it's viewed on it's own and not with the source material as a reference. the movie completely looses it in the third act, but everything up her meeting the aliens is excellent. the contrived bit about them building a device that can fold spacetime, then all to easily forgeting about the time part was just patheticly written.

    Panic room was, i think Fincher's low point. the direction is great, as is the acting but for some reason the movie just never worked for me.

    Of late Foster seems to be doing movies just to pay off her house, and that's about it.

  10. #10
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    I've seen all three of those.
    Contact - I didn't like it because that was another book that should not have been made into a movie - in fact, it was NOTHING like the book. (complete re-write)

    Silence of the Lambs decent flick, maybe it's her "butch-like lisp" and raspy voice that un-nerves me in this one. (typical, predictable Hollywood formula flick)

    The Accused Now, this may be the only role she was made for. I saw this when it was first released and it's quite disturbing and, in my opinion, a flick that should be seen by all.

    Talented? No. She's able to go the the motions and perform in a "formula flick" but, not talented.

    Considering her star power, she can pretty much do what she likes. Did you ever see The Little Girl Who Lived Down the Lane? For it's time, one of the most outstanding movies ever made. Yes, it's dated, but an excellent flick, nonetheless.

    As for Silence of the Lambs, this too was an excellent flick, evident by its box office numbers, the world wide notoriety (making Hannibal Lecter a household name) and the spawning of additional films (including a remake of Red Dragon) places it FAR from the predictable formula flick you mention. Perhaps it's the subject matter that disturbs you in that one, rather than her "no talent status" as you claim. It's all right. A movie that moves you to any state other than that of boredom is noteworthy, regardless the reason.

    The Accused, well, what can I say. I agree with you 100%. Kind of changed my idea of how women are portrayed, regardless of how they look and the clothes they wear, and the misconception such outward appearances can instill in men.

    Regardless of your beliefs, Jodie Foster is an excellent actress, far from the mold of actresses starring today in many films, and paved the way for women in films and preconceived expectations in the eyes of the public.

    Beautiful, if not digitally manipulated

    Who can argue with her beauty? I'm gay, and I think she's hot as hell.

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by deadwrtr
    Perhaps it's the subject matter that disturbs you in that one, rather than her "no talent status" as you claim. It's all right. A movie that moves you to any state other than that of boredom is noteworthy, regardless the reason.
    I can assure you that the subject matter did not disturb me.

    I'd completely forgotten about The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane I'll have to add that to my list on - I saw it as a kid and remember it creeping me out...thanks for the reminder.
    I'm not really sure what it is that troubles me about Jodie Foster - some stars just rub me the wrong way; Jeff Goldblume, for example - I'd rather have my eyes gouged out and gasoline poured into the infected sockets than watch one of his tiresome flicks.
    Oh well....


  12. #12
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Now, I consider myself a fairly patient viewer when it comes to film, but I just couldn't sit through this movie. I was not entertained, nor did I feel enticed to find out the mystery.

  13. #13
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Probably the only flick I liked Jodie Foster in was "Taxi Driver"....and she played an under age whore .

    I haven't seen "Flightplan" but I was a bit let down with her performance in David Fincher's "Panic Room". Or maybe it was just because I expected more out of that flick after seeing Fincher's previous works. Decent flick....but had much more potential. They did, however, chose a good actor to play her couldnt tell if she was male or female.


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