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Thread: 1% of the adult population of the US...

  1. #16
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    Here's a little breakdown of these arrests...

    _1,846,400 Drug abuse violations.
    I wonder how many of these were simple possession arrests, not sale or trafficking? One of those arrests was my younger brother, caught with 3 ounces of marijuana individually packaged for sale in $5 and $10 bags.

    _1,371,900 Driving under the influence.
    Did you know the police MUST incarcerate you if they have the suspicion that you are driving under the influence? Even if you pass all of the sobriety tests and blow a clean breathalyser, they have to jail you so, just in case you really are tanked, they don't get sued.

    _1,301,400 Simple assaults.
    Simple assaults as in two people have an argument, it turns into a fist fight. You remember when you were younger and got into fights with your friends, this is for the older people here. The cops rarely showed up, or if they did they asked you all to shake and make up and that was it? Well guess what? You go to jail for it now. Same as if you raise your hand in a threatening manner (also assault, depending on what you say when you're waving your hand).

    _1,146,700 Larceny/theft.
    Really nothing to say here. Bitches need to stop stealing.

    ___678,200 Disorderly conduct.
    Questioning a police officer's judgment; asking an officer for your license back after he decides you don't need it; explaining to the responding officer that yes, it is legal in Florida to carry a loaded firearm in the center console of a vehicle, so long as said console is closed and latched in some way; basically any "sassing" of a police officer is disorderly conduct in Occupied America.

    ___597,800 Liquor laws.
    No idea what that is, unless it covers things like open container, which I was charged with in '99 while standing in front of a Fort Lauderdale club. That's right, you can't stand two feet from the door of a place that serves alcohol in Fort Lauderdale. Weird, huh?

    ___556,200 Drunkenness.
    Even if you are in your own home and the police arrive and ask you to go outside you can be charged with public drunkenness. Reason? Because they can. So if the cops go to your house and you've had a bit too much to drink, do NOT leave your house, period, unless you're surrendering to them already. In that case, what's one more charge?
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  2. #17
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcades057 View Post
    _1,846,400 Drug abuse violations.


    i wonder what it is costing every single day to keep this many people locked up? to provide for things like: food, housing, electricity, water,gen maint on the prison/jail, paying guards, paying the civilian staff, medical care, etc.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #18
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    It costs at least $25,000 a year scip
    to keep a person in jail.

    Some of these people belong there

    many do not

    and we are paying way too much money
    to imprison them.

    how about that money going
    to help families with medical, or heating,
    or god forbid something gets spent on
    a family or person who hasnt broken a law?

    yes we need jails
    but some of the things people are locked away
    for are just stupid.

  4. #19
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    so... what can we do about it?

  5. #20
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    so... what can we do about it?
    Turn New York into one large prison that houses the entire prison population of the US!

  6. #21
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    The prison industrial complex is alive and well in this country. You put enough people through the system, and you effectively remove their right to vote and bear arms for the rest of their lives, even after they finish doing their time. This keeps the old money in power and the lower caste insignificant.

    The feds alot so much money to the states for prisons, and the more prisoners you have in lock down means more federal dollars. That's why you see these long-ass, draconian sentences for inmates.

    In many ways, the prison industrial complex is worse than the military industrial complex. You deindustrialize an old manufacturing town, and drive out business. When the town's mainstreet starts boarding up its windows and all the mills close down, you move in and hire the people to build a prison. Then you hire the rest who's jobs you just sent to Mexico, and make them guards. That's why you'll never see prisons in places like Beverly Hills or the Hamptons, but by God, you'll see them in Deerwater, ID or any other small town around the country.

    It's just like people who work in federal munitions and defense plants. You make a large cross-section of your economy reliant on manufacturing bullets for Uncle Sam, not only is their life reliant on ensuing war but that's how they feed their families. End the war and military buildup, a lot of people are out of work. The same can be said for the prison industrial complex.

    Now you're seeing all these colleges offering courses in surveillance and forensics and law enforcement. It's become a vital part of our economy. And this is how the government insures that the people go along with their failed policies. They deindustrialize the nation, and the only jobs created are either state or federal or in law enforcement. You might be against the war or against draconian mandatory sentencing laws for non-violent offenders, but if you're making bullets or working at the local jail and that's the only job you can get... You might just play along afterall.
    Last edited by SoCalLoco; 03-Mar-2008 at 02:25 PM.

  7. #22
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Turn New York into one large prison that houses the entire prison population of the US!
    I take it you haven't been to New York recently
    it pretty much is like that now.

    Everyone needs a dollar cuz they ran out of
    gas and they need money to get home or something....

  8. #23
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I take it you haven't been to New York recently
    it pretty much is like that now.

    Everyone needs a dollar cuz they ran out of
    gas and they need money to get home or something....
    I've never been to New York. I was actually making a reference to John Carpenter's Escape From New York...

  9. #24
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Yes Bass, I know you were refering to Snake Plissken

    My bad, i assumed you thought i knew your reference.

  10. #25
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    Yes Bass, I know you were refering to Snake Plissken

    My bad, i assumed you thought i knew your reference.
    You just essentially said "That you assumed that he assumed that you knew"....

    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  11. #26
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Oh god Terran

    a pesron as unique as you
    should be guarded like a treasure

    its more like:

    "I assumed he was aware that i understood his reference."

    is that better? at all? in any way? maybe? please?

    But please do use the word assume many times

    "i assumed that you assumed bass that i assumed correctly
    that you were talking about the assumed film, assumedly".

    God what a sad world this would be with out you Terran.


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