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Thread: 127 reasons why Ghey08 blows...

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    That's the same thing he says when people say that they genuinely don't like Dawn04.
    I know...

    And I'll whip out my similar retort.

    While the name-rape of it all is certainly a grievance of mine, if this movie was called anything other than Day of the Dead, such as "bunch of idiots in a sh*t movie" or whatever, all my 127 grievances would remain, because it's a f*cking sh*t movie. It's god-awful.

    In all honesty, I preferred Children of the Living Dead over this garbage, and COTLD was gash. At least it had Savini at the start, but it was an atrocious movie (with or without the "of the Living Dead" and 'real sequel' pretensions it held).

    And besides, these films are specifically remakes. They're constantly touting the original film in their wake and those involved are always preaching about their so-called love & respect for Romero's original (while raping it in the ass at the same time), my point being, the fact that these films are remakes doesn't go away. These being remakes is a part of the movies themselves and it is inescapable. So the "different name" argument is daft, to me at least, for two reasons as out-lined here just now in front of your face ... sitting there with you drink ... and on your chair ... in your house ... as you download pornography ... yep ... I see you.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 19-Feb-2008 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #32
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I don't argue the dialog and script sucks, but the zombie mayhem stuff is the only thing that kept me watching it. I watched it again last night and yes it is a piece of crap, but come on.... seeing the hospital overrun with zombies, and the parking lot and main street of town being turned into a slaughter house was pretty neat.

    I agree on almost all other points, but for zombie mayhem this had enough of it. However, like I said forget the title and you guys would enjoy the zombie carnage as well. And again, you keep using Romero's rules. This isn't Uncle George's film, he did not direct it. So if Steve Miner chose to take it in a new direction that is his decision. I don't see you guys pissing and moaning about The Return of the Living Dead, and that has talking zombies whom are smart enough to set up ambushes.

    It seems you guys have a double standard for your zombie flicks. Its ok to do this, this and this. For example... you have no problem with Big Daddy running around and whining for 97 minutes, using a machine gun and coordinating a massive charge on fiddlers green, but let someone else bring in smart zombies, amp up their abilities (Although I agree the zombie on the ceiling was stupid) and you piss and moan about it.

    I hate Land because from beginning to end the entire execution was poor, and I hold Romero to a higher standard than I do the people behind Day 08. His choice in actors for Big Daddy was completely stupid, he gave his zombie more emotions than most living humans carry in their pinky toe, and the concept of a safe city being held for ransom was quite stupid. At least with Day 08 the zombies were straight killing machines, albeit fast and furious, but still they killed. Zombie Bud... well they failed executing that segment, although I did laugh when he was on screen.

    I don't disagree that Day 08 isn't without issue, but it is nowhere near as bad as you guys make it out to be. You all walked in with low expectations, even a hard on for it to fail so what did you expect... you were going to nit pick about it from beginning to end. Yes it did deserve it to some extent, but not the bashing it is getting right now. You guys are taking it over board. Especially you Minion… Your list of 127 items just shows how much hate you had going in, and I bet you had to stop the film every ten seconds just to jot this stuff down.

    You complained about Ving Rhames raping the legend of Capt. Rhodes. Seriously, what did you expect him to do? Play it the same exact way? We already have that version. We don’t need it again. I think Ving as a human was the only decent actor in this flick whereas everyone else was worthless. You complaint about TV static was a joke man. If a TV is knocked on its side, maybe, just maybe the cable came undone and therefore it may have static, plus the military did block all phone communication, what’s not saying they disrupted internet and TV…. Open your mind up a bit MZ.

    You also complain on the zombification of people. Again, this isn’t Romero’s film, and last time I check Uncle George is no longer the only person that can make a decent zombie film, Zack Snyder has pulled it off. How or why the zombie virus does what it does is no big concern, everyone is allowed to change the rules for their film. Again, stop relying on George’s mythology so much. This is a new millennium, a new era, and things are going to change, even your beloved slow zombies.

    Basically the point is, yes the film has problems and needs work to fix a lot of it, but I still think you guys are beating to death unfairly. You are giving it as much scorn as if it was House, Night 30th or even Children. This film is way better, and deserves better. It may not be Day of the Dead… which frankly who cares… The title is just a title. Seriously guys… grow up a bit.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #33
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Of course 'a title is just a title', but titles can suck on their own in separate cases.

    But my points are still valid. These films from the off simply ARE remakes. They tout themselves as remakes, therefore they deserve to get bitching in that theme.

    HOWEVER - as I've also said, and like I've said before with Yawn04 - same title or not, the films still suck. Just accept our opinions for what they are (no, not "rubbish" ) and leave us be!

  4. #34
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    127) Credits - everybody should be completely ashamed of themselves

    that is for sure.

    i need to go back through the threads and find the one where i predicted that steve miner would totally screw the pooch with this thing.

    couldn't find it. maybe i''ve been smoking too many poprocks lately but i did fiind this gem of a quote from DJ:

    The DAY remake cost $18 million and has the same crap look and acting as Contagium and it's supposed $9,000,000 budget. So if COntagium cost 9 mil who snorted the 8.5 worth of blow, and if the Day remake cost $18 mil, who snorted 17.9 mil worth of blow)
    Last edited by Mike70; 19-Feb-2008 at 04:37 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #35
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I need to retract someof that because it looks like they only snorted 15 million in blow.

    The Day remake is still bad, but not a total waste of a zombie film.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #36
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    The movie blows goats, fact...actually, it blows so many goats I've heard it was in a goat-blowing-bukkake-movie that lasts for 5 hours!
    Minon, that list was about the most hilarious thing I have read for about as long as I can remember. Kudos to you, sir! Love to see what you would have done for the other crappy zombie film attempts out there like House of the Dead or Contagium.

    A toast to Minon.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  7. #37
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Craptagium eh?

    Well I do have a copy...maybe I'll do one for that some day.

    I think I have House of the Dead sitting somewhere unwatched too...*rubs hands* day, one day.

    Glad you enjoyed the list.

  8. #38
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Craptagium eh?

    Well I do have a copy...maybe I'll do one for that some day.

    I think I have House of the Dead sitting somewhere unwatched too...*rubs hands* day, one day.

    Glad you enjoyed the list.
    I assume you never heard back from AICN?
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  9. #39
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I assume you never heard back from AICN?
    Nope, didnay...

    Ah well, their loss on 127 laughs.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ah well, their loss on 127 laughs.
    I blame the burger sauce.

  11. #41
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Heads up Yawn04 haters, I'm amidst a bitch list for Snyder's gash-fest. Still another session left to go, but an hour in with over 70 bitchings...truthfully I didn't expect this many so soon.


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