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Thread: diary and empty seats

  1. #46
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZombieGrrL View Post
    For someone to talk on their cell phone is EXTREMELY rude, but to bring a child to see a zombie film - absolutely ignorant & stupid.

    Guess it is cheaper to be rude to your fellow theatergoers than to hire a proper babysitter. Still, I agree with ZombieGrrl, and DJEvel about bringing badly behaved kids to the theater. Yeah, the "Look at cutie-pie me!" toddlers are totally annyoing. Maybe we should all arm ourselves prior to our theater experiences, with silver bullets nonetheless!
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  2. #47
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I remember seeing Fantastic Four in the cinema with a few lads (we all gawped at Alba ) and some plonker parents had obviously brought along their (well behaved) child to see it (who was about 10 or something, so target audience zone basically). But they also brought along their BABY - who would cry intermittently and they kept taking the kid out to shut it up, pathetic really.

    Either get a baby sitter, OR, one of you parents stay at home and watch the baby while the other parent takes their older, well behaved kid, to see the movie they wanna see.

    At times there can be nuisance cinema experiences in the UK, but I rarely experience them. Although just before Kill Bill there were a bunch of chavs a few rows behind me and my posse of chums and I swear to GAR the stupid chav girl exclaimed proper loudly "IT'S ONLY HIS FOURTH FILM???!!!" or something along the lines of that - so? So f*cking what? Does everybody have to be like McG or some other MTV wanker who's pumping out garbage every 2 years?! F*CK OFF YOU SLAG.

    They must have caused offense and were escorted out by the people on duty - so top banana. Then I enjoyed seeing an awesome movie.

    Also, when I saw Pirates 3 - it was PACKED - plenty of kids, but all well behaved...however, the bastard next to me, some kid I duno, kept farting or something. He kept leaking this atrocious stink, absolutely rank. It was seep out every 10 to 15 minutes and linger around me for 2 minutes and then vanish ... this went on for a lot of the movie - SHOVE A CORK UP YOUR SUGAR-RUSHING ARSE YOU PRAT CHILD!

    Still, the pizza afterwards was proper lush, so that balanced it out.

    I also remember going to see a film, not sure what it was, maybe Goldeneye, and during the previews there was a bunch of 'keds' on the back row mouthing of about random bollocks and swearing and carrying on like they were immensely f*cking cool - no, the Fonze is cool, you lot are twats. Me and my Dad moved away from them and I think someone from the cinema told them to shut up or f*ck off, then we enjoyed the movie.

    So I've rarely experienced a bit of annoyance at the cinema, but it's a rare experience indeed, and usually dealt with quickly by the staff...*touch wood* for it to continue as such.

    It also helps to avoid going to see films that only nob'eds go to see...which are movies I don't usually like anyway, so that's good.

  3. #48
    Just been bitten ZombieGrrL's Avatar

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    MinionZombie, your post was proper lush & made me ROFLMAOPMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    eat flesh.

  4. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJEvelEd View Post
    I saw Diary in Elizabeth NJ after work on opening day. There were about 20 people in the theatre, including a couple who brought a CRYING CHILD.
    WHY OH WHY WOULD YOU BRING A SCREAMING CHILD TO A ROMERO MOVIE?!?!?! The child was obviously bored after an hour and started yelling and carrying on. Get a baby sitter!
    American moviegoers trouble me. They will flock to see light-horror like the Ring and think it's scary, but the good old fashioned gory zombie flicks are just too much for their weak little minds. I would have loved to see someone getting sick from Diary!

    Maybe since the Dawn remake is currently being played out on cable (like every night), the interest will get rolling in the good zombie flicks. People have to start somewhere. I was 10 years old dragging my Mother to see Dawn in 1978. I was enlightened early in life. Some peeps are late bloomers.

    Since you probably paid close to a thousand dollars for your tickets, why didn't you go and fetch the manager? Either way, you're going to miss part of the movie. Why they let kids in the theater is beyond me.

  5. #50
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Knowing in advance that this movie was only showing for one week at most cinemas, and for two weeks only at two other cinemas ...

    I purposely waited until the very last showing (Thurs 20th @ 20.45GMT) of DIARY, and went alone, so that i COULD sit in an emty cinema, but unfortunately ... two other people, a fay boy and a fat girl, attended and sat near the front, meaning that i had to sit in front of them and pretend that they were not there

    Cant beat a totally deserted cinema for that Omega Man/Woodstock vibe

    The film was great, i really enjoyed it, but i wanted to see it again right afterwards!!!

    Anyone know the DVD release date???

  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Deadman - Region 1 DVD comes out May 20th apparently, it's what I've heard anyway.

    Aye, same here, there were 3 other people, one of whom left, so it was 3 of us in total. I would have liked to have been the only one there, I've never been in a completely empty cinema ... interestingly I'm re-watching Omega Man at the moment.

  7. #52
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    ... interestingly I'm re-watching Omega Man at the moment.
    "it's sunday. i always dress for dinner on sunday."

    on another note:

    when i saw dawn04 someone had brought like a 4 year old with them. the kid didn't cause any trouble but still, i thought that odd.

    my little guy is monster crazy right now. he is probably the only 2 year old i've ever known that can clearly say the word "werewolf", which are by far his favorite monsters. i had to rip the full page pic of del toro as the wolfman out of our copy of EW and give it to him to be able to browse the mag in peace.

    i;ve shown him small snippets of things. nothing violent, bloody or tramautizing. mostly just little peeks at werewolf movies (mostly transformation scenes and a few bits of the zombies creeping around in night90. but as for taking him to an R rated movie with lots of violence and blood in it. no fooking way. he'll have to wait quite a few years before he that.
    Last edited by Mike70; 23-Mar-2008 at 07:39 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #53
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Your kid sounds awesome.

    Have you shown him the old school Universal monster movies from the 30's and 40's?

    They're quite tame by today's standards, but it's where it all started for those classic monsters.

  9. #54
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post

    my little guy is monster crazy right now. he is probably the only 2 year old i've ever known that can clearly say the word "werewolf", which are by far his favorite monsters.
    Spoken like a truly proud father should!

    When my wife and I finally have our child, I hope that he is like your little guy. Rock on, Scipio!
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."


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