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Thread: Absolute drivel...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Absolute drivel...

    Anne Diamond is a UK 'celebrity' from ages ago, she was on Celebrity Big Brother a few years ago. She's got f*ck all idea about videogames clearly, and use the sort of sensational adjectives you'd expect from such a reactionary tabloid rag.

    By all means add a comment telling her as such on the article.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    By all means add a comment telling her as such on the article.
    Can't be done because I'll end up up telling that whore right where to stick it. Who made her an expert, the parasite knows absolutely F**K ALL about videogames!

  3. #3
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    as i waxed on about in cinezombi's thread, as far as computers go there are plenty of programs out there that allow you filter/block the content your children can access on the internet. that is all you need. f*cking period - nothing more to be said.

    now i am all for ratings/age warnings on video games. i don't think that it is any different than rating movies based on content. i have some games (like mercenaries as just one example) that i won't even let my son watch me play because he is way too young to see the content of it.

    giving parents (many of whom might not have grown up gamers like i have-especially if their kids are early teens) information about the content of a game makes perfect sense. it let's them decide whether or not the game is or isn't suitable for the age group their child falls into.

    now be advised that i am coming at this thread in parent mode and have read the article and thought about the kind of info i want as a parent that will help me to make decisions regarding what my kid sees.

    still the lady in the article doesn't come off well. very self-righteous and kind of a fear mongering jackass.
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  4. #4
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Meh. Hitler never played GTA. What was his excuse?

    I don't buy the whole "it's not the person who's evil; it's just the games/movies/music he's subjected to!" theory. Never have, never will. So her alarm is meaningless as far as I'm concerned.

  5. #5
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    This is another case of parents wanting to use the media to babysit their kids instead of being a parent and taking care of the job themselves. Years ago it was music or movies and now its video games.

    Blame everybody but yourself is too many peoples attitude, it has become too often a way to do things and an excuse as to why kids turn out bad.
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  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Scipio - again, well said Sir.

    I certainly agree that games should have content descriptions so parents know what they're buying, but beyond that, it's all down to parental discretion and supervision.

    Heck, I was watching horror movies from the age of 9, and was playing Carmageddon and Duke Nukem years and years before I ever turned 18 - and I turned out fine. My parents didn't mind the content, they didn't really know much about games, but they did know I knew the difference between reality & fiction, right & wrong.

    I remember when watching The Fly 2 when I was like 10 with my Dad, and he said - at the point where the guy gets crushed by the elevator (which as a special effect, I thought was awesome) - 'if that was real life, someone at the company would have to inform his family' and went on about how the mother would be widowed and the kids would be without a father - IF IT WAS REAL LIFE.

    Which was a good thing actually, because although I already knew that, it's coming from someone else and you're taught about it.

    I certainly had to work my way up the horror movie chain, there were certain flicks I wasn't allowed to see (like Poltergeist, for some reason) and others I snuck in and dubbed off mates and watched secretly ...but it's all good, I'm not running around chopping people's heads off. I'm a decent young man, I respect other people, and I tow the 'do good things and good things happen' line.

    My problem with this article, is she has no idea about videogames clearly, and particularly in the case of COD4, uses some alarmingly descriptive rhetoric. Everything sounds worse when someone describes it to you, especially when they focus on certain aspects rather than the other stuff.

    She neglects to mention that in COD4, certain good guys die - and you feel sorry for them, or gutted that they've been killed off - she doesn't focus on the fact you're stopping world war three essentially by taking out terrorists. She neglects to mention that there are only a number of terrorist models, so you do see the same set over and over again - not exactly life like. She neglects to mention that the weapons in the game, while aiming for realism, aren't like the real things at all - something said by genuine weapons experts...because - shockingly - this isn't real, it's a videogame, which is supposed to be enjoyable to play.

    These sort of morons also neglect to research the fact that most gamers thought Manhunt was boring and sh*te. I liked certain stylistic aspects of it, but beyond that it was a repetitive game with minimal world interaction.

    As for the 'research' thing that somebody mentioned in the comments, there's is an equal amount of research that says violent games DON'T make you a nutter - which, when you use common sense, is the real answer. There are millions upon millions of gamers - but not millions upon millions of Agent 47's or whomever.

    There was some interesting research recently which included kids playing GTA (not in the experiment, but in interviews with them), and there were answers like 'you get to try out things you'd never do in real life, or things you'd hope won't happen in real life to you or other people', they also focussed on the characters and the humour and were completely aware it's just a videogame.

    These are the facts and realities of videogames these numpties like her refuse to accept. Well f*ck off, bitch, because more and more parents these days are videogamers themselves, and they know exactly what is up - and it's not what Anne Diamond is peddling.

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey

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    Anne Diamond, Lowri Turner....hitler's bitches.

    Two females TV "personalities" which I'd rather see wiped off the face of the earth.

  8. #8
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Who the hell is anne diamond?

    Sounds to me like another Z'lister rejected for celebrity big brother and desperate to get her name back in the media.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Actually she was on Celeb BB, several years ago.

    She used to host Good Morning Britain and TV-AM and apparently makes regular appearances on The Wright Stuff, which in itself is a groan-fest. It's either stupidly right-wing, or it's bleeding heart lefty pansies flopping around like they've got no bones in their body as they sit behind their expensive cups of coffee.

    TWS really annoys me, it's like tabloid TV ... kinda like Tonight With Trevor McDonald - tabloid TV. Pick an issue, slap exciting adjectives around it, then have somebody who's quite possibly not properly informed (e.g. the one about Manhunt and other violent games back in 2004), then have 95% of the interviews support the show's stance and ignore any dissenting arguments, even if they're rational.

    That AD article just sickens me, what a load of garbage.

    While she did good with a campaign about cot death many moons ago, more recently she's been known for cheating on her husband with a female radio presenter, and cheating on Celebrity Fit Club by having one of those gut bands stuck in surgically.

    There you go Andy, a bit of education courtesy of Google.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 01-Apr-2008 at 10:28 AM.

  10. #10
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    Take a look in the picture in the article, it looks like her head and shoulders have been badly photoshopped onto her (or someone elses) body.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    There's certainly been something going on, look at the games in her left hand - see how badly photo-shopped they are, they're chopped off in a straight line - what's that all about?

  12. #12
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    No one notice that the boy in the pic seems to be playing using a ps pad on what looks to be N64 mario Kart hmmm one of the most violent games filled with half naked daiseys and mushroom men.....

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm View Post
    No one notice that the boy in the pic seems to be playing using a ps pad on what looks to be N64 mario Kart hmmm one of the most violent games filled with half naked daiseys and mushroom men.....
    lol, I thought the same thing.

    There's no console on show, so it could be the Wii (apparently you can use that controller ... or maybe it's the Gamecube one, I duno, I'm not a Ninty guy) ... but aye either that's an old-ass picture and they were too lazy to find a new one (or not 'in the know' enough to find one for new consoles) or it's kids playing an old console today.

    Basically, it all adds towards the surrounding air of lack of knowledge on the part of those involved with this gash article.


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