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Thread: Living Dead Movie Timeline?

  1. #1
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Living Dead Movie Timeline?


    I hope this isn't really that noobish of a question to ask. I've watched Romero's Living Dead films countless times and I've always wondered about the time frame between each one. If someone could clarify, I would appreciate it.


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    Quote Originally Posted by 3pidemiC View Post

    I hope this isn't really that noobish of a question to ask. I've watched Romero's Living Dead films countless times and I've always wondered about the time frame between each one. If someone could clarify, I would appreciate it.


    That's a damn good question that will never be figured least agreed upon on this website. As I remember, it was addressed not long ago and everyone had lots of input. Search for it

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    AHHHH! This again!

    Just as jimbo said, most everyone's thoughts on the matter are in other threads. There is no definitive timeline and because of that, there are a million different opinions on the subject.

    Some think it's Night, Dawn, Day, Land.....others think it's Night, Dawn, Land, Day, and so on and so forth.

    Personally, I don't think the films are meant to be connected at all. They're all different films in different worlds with the only connection being the walking dead.

  4. #4
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    the one thread guaranteed to bring out just about everybody's inner fanboy.

    like jim and bassman said, this has been fought over, bi*ched about and has come close to making people square off with pistols at 10 paces several times over.

    i'd necromance one of those threads and throw your two cents in.
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  5. #5
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3pidemiC View Post

    I hope this isn't really that noobish of a question to ask. I've watched Romero's Living Dead films countless times and I've always wondered about the time frame between each one. If someone could clarify, I would appreciate it.

    There have been a few, how shall we say, "robust debates" on this issue.

    Personally speaking, it's best just to watch the movies and enjoy them, create your own timeline that makes sense to you (and GAR has now hit the reset button with Diary, so it all begins again).
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  6. #6
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    My personal guess is that Dawn takes place 3 weeks after Night, Day takes place about 6 months after Dawn, and Land takes place 2.5 years after Day. Characters in Dawn mention something about the crisis going on for 3 weeks and in Land Cholo mentions he's worked for Kaufman for 3 years (a mechanic also tells Riley he hasn't seen a working car for 3 years).
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  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    This is just my take on when the very beginning of each movie takes place:

    Night - First day
    Dawn - 2 weeks
    Day - 2 years
    Land - 3 years
    Diarrhea - First day

  8. #8
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    *Rolls grenade into thread and closes the door*

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  9. #9
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3pidemiC View Post

    I hope this isn't really that noobish of a question to ask. I've watched Romero's Living Dead films countless times and I've always wondered about the time frame between each one. If someone could clarify, I would appreciate it.

    Many peoples opinions on this vary and romero refuses to say, so your opening a can of worms by asking really.

    My personal take is that night happens over night on the first night (obviously), dawn picks up the next day and happens over about 6 months, lasting until winter of that year.. day then picks up where dawn finishes and lasts only a few days.

    I dont beleive, as many do, that the events happen over years.

    Thats my take on the original trilogy, i dont include diary as i havn't seen it yet, and i dont include land as i think its utter filth and not worthy of a place in the timeline.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Personally, I don't think the films are meant to be connected at all. They're all different films in different worlds with the only connection being the walking dead.
    That's the coward's way out!

    I once started to try to come up with a decent timeline, but I kind of got distracted, and never got very far.

    I can say that the first zombie attacks began on a Friday in late March or early April, and that Night takes place the Sunday after it.

    If we ignore the fact that Dawn begins in the winter, rather than in summer, we can say that it picks up 3 weeks later. The difference in seasons gums up the whole thing.

  11. #11
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    In my opinion it's part of GAR's style to leave things that are un-explained or un-canonical (even a word?) in his movies so as not to impede the movie he wanted to make.
    Last edited by Craig; 04-Apr-2008 at 12:24 AM.

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Much debated, never resolved.

    The only thing we know for sure is that the Night of the Living Dead occured on the day that the time changes for spring, presumably the early evening of March 10th 1968. Beyond that, everything else is speculation as to year, month, etc, and even with NOLD it is a big leap of faith to pin down the year as 1968 (since it could be something that is supposed to happen in the near future)

    I agree with Bassman that each of the movies are related only by the fact that the dead are resurrecting, and that each are independent of the other. Otherwise, you need to reconcile the different time periods each is shot in, and therein lies madness.
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  13. #13
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3pidemiC View Post

    I hope this isn't really that noobish of a question to ask. I've watched Romero's Living Dead films countless times and I've always wondered about the time frame between each one. If someone could clarify, I would appreciate it.

    Personally, I think that this is a great question! Rather than direct you to other threads, I will give you my answer here in this thread. As one of my favorite topics, my response may be lengthy, but I will attempt to answer as completely as I can.

    Your specific question is about the "time frame between each one", which I will give my thoughts on. Before that, I feel it is worth mentioning the issues of "when do they take place" and "are they related to each other", which are two separate questions, but topics that others here have already addressed, even though they are not directly tied to your initial question.

    As to "are they related", I suppose that is up to the viewers own interpretation, however, I would ask which option seems more reasonable to you, that GAR made separate movies, all set within the same story-telling universe, but chose to have them not related to each other, or that he made separate movies within the same story-telling universe, and chose to have them related to each other? I think it is far more logically to assume that they are in fact related to each other. Why bother to create such a great story-telling universe, and then tell separate stories that have nothing to do with each other set in that very universe? You will have to decide that for yourself, but I mention this first to let you know that I in fact believe they are connected to each other, and my answer to your initial question will be influenced by that belief. If they are not connected to each other, then by definition your question would be invalid to begin with. There would not be any "time frame between each one", since they are not connected to each other.

    As to the "when do they take" question, I will briefly say that I believe the when is unimportant, and that the movies themselves should be seen to be set in a ... "non time-frame specific" universe, in other words, they are timeless. Part of the reason why questions such as these exist is that GAR was making movies on a limited budget, and without a lot of forethought into endless disection by us decades later. When he uses 1960's clothing styles in Night, and then late 1970's clothing styles in Dawn, it is not to be inferred that Dawn takes place a decade after Night, rather, he just shot the films in the real-world time they existed, without giving thought to the time frame problems that such issues create. Again, you have to make your own judgement on this question, but this is what I believe. Night is not set in 1968, but simply "at the start of the outbreak".

    Now to your question. To determine how much time passes between each film, I suggest that we have to use the evidence provided within the films themselves. The evidence can be a little hazy at times, and not definitive, so again, you have to make your own determination. As already mentioned, there has been much debate over this issue in the past, so feel free to look at those posts in a later time. But here is my opinion, based on the evidence we have in the films themselves, and based on the core beliefs that I have expressed in this post.

    Night - The start of the outbreak, around the time the US goes on Daylight Savings Time.

    Dawn - Takes place approx. three weeks after the events in Night. The main evidence for this is Dr. Foster right at the beginning of Dawn saying "its been three weeks!" He was making the argument that it had been 3 weeks since the outbreak, and the situation is getting worse by the minute, and people had better start listening to him or all will be lost. The events in Dawn take place over a period of several months, as evidenced by Fran marking the calendar, and the fact that it is revealed that she is pregnant, and is showing at the films end.

    Land/Day - Here I have an opinion that most disagree with, but it is my opinion nonetheless. I believe that the events in Day happen after the events in Land. The exact period of when the events in either film happen in relation to the events in Dawn is unclear. Many feel that Land takes place 3 years into the outbreak, due to several mentions in Land about "3 years", such as Cholo saying he worked for Kaufman for 3 years, and the dude in the garage saying "no car has driven out of here in 3 years". I could make logical arguements against this theory, however nothing definitive, so even if the events in Land are 3 years after the start of the outbreak, I still say the events in Day happen after that. I look to the evidence in the films themselves to support this idea. Day is more dark, more bleak, more lacking hope. It seems to me that is has to be much further into the outbreak that the events in Land. In Land, there are survivors all over the place. They are still using money to exchange for goods and services. With all of the people that are alive in the Green, they are still able to find food, medicine, booze, etc. in towns close enough to the Green to support everyone. Seems to me that after a long period of time, towns close enough for raids of this type would be depleted in short order, and the idea of using money would no longer be realistic. The mindset of the characters was still set in a "pre-outbreak" world, even though the world had obviously changed. Cholo, who seemed to be a rather smart guy, was obsessed with getting money, and Kaufman was also obsessed with keeping his what end? Cholo wanted to money to take to another outpost, to Cleavland. Even though he realized that everyone in Cleavland may be dead, he still wanted the money. They were still deluded about things being the way they were. There is no such delutions in Day. They realize in Day that they are screwed. Communications are down. There is no hope in sight. They have searched for survivors 100 miles in each direction, and found none. Is it more logical to assume that for some reason survival rates would be so much higher in Pittsburgh that in Florida, or that more time had passed since Land, and there were less survivors left by the time Day rolls around? And all of these questions are clouded by the movie making techniques of GAR.

    So in closing, I say the time between each movie is...
    Night - start of outbreak
    Dawn - 3 weeks later
    Land - 3 years after start of outbreak (this seems like too much time to me, I think it is much shorter, but everyone seems to like 3 years, so whatever, no real way to tell)
    Day - hard to give any definitive answer, but after Land

    This is my best answer to your question.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    It's possible that Dawn is a lot more than 3 weeks after the first outbreaks (after Night, in other words). The talking head just says that "you haven't listened" for 3 weeks.

    Who's to say that this guy jumped on the air and started sounding the alarm the very instant that the first corpse chewed somebody up? Odds are great that he didn't. He's also on a local show; whatever the situation, even if it did start only when he went on tv, could be taking place at a different rate than other areas. Philadelphia itself may have been decently secured for awhile, and is only now starting to get into "all hell breaking loose" mode.

    There could have been small, isolated outbreaks that got put down (like the one in Night) for months leading up to this point.

  15. #15
    Banned Choas's Avatar
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    If you watch the movies ,they'll give you the time frame.


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