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Thread: Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds

  1. #31
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    seen one person skate there, all the rest stand by the halfpipe chewing gum like cattle and holding a board to there chests.

    the picture next to poser in the dictionaries never been more apt.

  2. #32
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    if i want to skate realistically ill get off my fat ass and go to the skatepark outside my house, tony hawks has always been an escapism game, letting you do things you never could.
    You wanna step outside, boy?

  3. #33
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    not being sarcy, though it looks like that on screen i would genuinely do that if i wanted a realistic experience.

    im not ready for a cable in my head and being suspended in nutrient goo just yet.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    not being sarcy, though it looks like that on screen i would genuinely do that if i wanted a realistic experience.
    Totally. Back in the day, me and my buddies used to have Friday night piss-ups playing Tiger Woods 99 on multiplayer (ah, remember the days). One night one of said pals started getting cocky because he was winning repeatedly and it was really getting on our tits. I said, "you'd get your ass kicked on a real course buddy", and he was all "nah, nah, nah, don't be a bad sport." To cut a long story short, the following morning three of us went to the local golf course and used/shared a mutual friend's clubs. The cocky little squirt couldn't play real golf for s**t and bowed out in frustration after the third hole.

    The point? Even the most realisitic games are absolutely f**k all like the real thing.

    And today, I'm right in the mood to clock THUG once again. I don't know why but that game is very relaxing to me.

  5. #35
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Well considering the following elements, I can't really do the stuff in real life that I can do in SKATE. :

    -Police are hardcore on busting skaters.

    -Coming across good spots is becoming increasingly difficult due to the above.

    -I'm not as limber as I was when I was younger and I don't have health insurance (in fact, I owe $3,000 to a hospital from recently doing something dumb that I shouldn't have been doing at my age).

    -Maybe you guys have the balls to actually 360 shove-it a 10 foot gap with a 20 foot drop, but I sure as hell don't.

    So, I'll stick to a realistic skating game since I can't/shouldn't do the real thing.

  6. #36
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    actually ive never seen cops hassle skaters over here, not once. and i mean ones who will grind and or barrel down a massive set of busy stairs and nearly brain an old lady at the bottom.

    fun times.

  7. #37
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    actually ive never seen cops hassle skaters over here, not once. and i mean ones who will grind and or barrel down a massive set of busy stairs and nearly brain an old lady at the bottom.

    fun times.
    That's because listing all skating related "crimes" aren't on their target lists, but stopping hoodies who look "shifty" is.

    Otherwise, they're too busy indoors filling out forms and getting lectures from "community cohesion officers" or whatever they're called ... limp-winded numpties basically ... so yeah, not many cops about unless the footie's and/or pubs are letting out.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    actually ive never seen cops hassle skaters over here, not once. and i mean ones who will grind and or barrel down a massive set of busy stairs and nearly brain an old lady at the bottom.
    I haven't either. I was at Bromley South station once and some kid came down the sloped entrance of the train platform by grinding down the centre handrail. He came off badly and landed way over the yellow line just as a train was pulling up. You'd think that would be enough for the BTP to remove him by the scruff of the neck and escort him off the premises (not only could he have killed himself but also injured commuters) but no, they actually let him get on the train.

  9. #39
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    actually ive never seen cops hassle skaters over here, not once. and i mean ones who will grind and or barrel down a massive set of busy stairs and nearly brain an old lady at the bottom.

    fun times.
    Whoa, in America you'd be lucky to skate at a good spot for 45 minutes without being hassled by pigs.

  10. #40
    Just finished THUG for the second time in three days. It is by FAR the best THPS game ever made. It has the just right balance of learning curve, mission objectives, and playability - although THPS3 is a damn close second.

    Timed myself on Normal. I did everything including ALL stats, ALL 130 missions (including KISS mission) within 4 and a half hours. The last mission where you have to race Eric Sparrow around the block for the tape (even on Normal) is a total and utter f**king bitch. I never skipped one cutscene and even landed the chopper gap on the pink hotel balcony (which is a f**king bitch also).

    Call me a 'non-realist' but I would like to see a Tenth Anniversary THPS mix-match, which has a story revolving around, say, 15 of the best levels from THPS1 to THUG2 (updated to fook), an optional Classic Mode which actually involves using each character as opposed to plonking the Classic goals in game and a sturdy set of two-player modes. You can sling these open world games up your arse for all I care, just gimme a THPS game I can play.

    And not Proving Grounds 'cos it was utter gash!
    Last edited by capncnut; 14-Jul-2008 at 03:08 AM.


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