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Thread: Can you say dodgy, much? Labour's propaganda machine...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Can you say dodgy, much? Labour's propaganda machine...

    The government, directly funding and getting involved in "documentaries" based around certain issues which are political in nature to 'get their message across' ... if that isn't Propaganda, I don't know what is.

    Obviously, I'm totally opposed to this, and is yet another sign of how underhanded and downright shady the bunch of idiots in power are.

  2. #2
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    MZ attacking filthy labour Juntaship = Instant agreement from Legion2213.

    Chin up though MZ, they will be booted out in the next election.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  3. #3
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    problem is how much irreversible damage can this bunch of clowns do before the next election?quite a lot by the looks of things!we'll probably be under the EU jackboot by the time the next general elections are on which will be about the equivalent of voting for a local council

  4. #4
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    You need Lady Thatcher.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    The government, directly funding and getting involved in "documentaries" based around certain issues which are political in nature to 'get their message across' ... if that isn't Propaganda, I don't know what is.
    And how is that different from anti-government people creating documentaries based around certain issues which are political in nature to "get their message across"?

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    And how is that different from anti-government people creating documentaries based around certain issues which are political in nature to "get their message across"?
    They're individuals, it's a matter of public opinion.

    The goverment being directly involved in something, paying and meddling to have their view put across under some other guise (in this case a reality TV documentary), is simple propaganda.

    There's propaganda, and then there's propaganda ... this is the latter. It's simply unethical, and a government should have no part in it. If they want to get their message across, do it by traditional governmental, political means - stand up and have a televised debate for instance ... but Brown will NEVER do that, cos he's a pussy.

    They don't do traditional arguments and debates. They never won the vote on 42 days detention, they brow-beat and bought it instead.

    F*cking sickening.

    And Tricky is right - it's the irreversible damage, or things that take time to undo that we really need to worry about once Labour are booted. For example, "bendy busses" in London, they can't be gotten rid of for several years due to newly drawn up contracts that Red Ken put in place not too long ago before he was booted out, therefore all Boris can do is get rid of them at the earliest opportunity.

    But honestly, with bendy busses being such a road hazard, they should be taken off the roads immediately. They're simply far too huge for London streets, just get a double decker - like we've had for DECADES - and leave it at that.

    And that Milliband ... he's a c*nt in all.

  7. #7
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    And that Milliband ... he's a c*nt in all.
    Abso-feckin'-lutely!he looks shiftyer than blair & brown put together which takes some doing!if that tw*t challenges darth brown for the leadership i dont think the people will stand for yet another unelected leader taking over without a general election labour need to be booted out,its waaaayyyy overdue

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Abso-feckin'-lutely!he looks shiftyer than blair & brown put together which takes some doing!if that tw*t challenges darth brown for the leadership i dont think the people will stand for yet another unelected leader taking over without a general election labour need to be booted out,its waaaayyyy overdue
    Darn tootin'...

    Despite it not being law that they'd have to go to the public, but as they've already hoisted Brown on us unelected (he was barely challenged at all), they simply couldn't - even with Labour's complete lack of moral and ethical standing - hoist ANOTHER unelected "leader" on us.

    I don't trust Milliband whatsoever, and that shifty twat in charge of education is another twat-faced-dickhead.

    Indeed, they need ousting quick smart, and this nonsense about energy too - if that all goes arse up, we'll be having planned power cuts - what the f*ck is that? We're supposed to be one of the world's leading economies, like #5 of something. You expect that of Zimbabwe, but not Britain - heck, even South Africa have planned power cuts cos they've cocked up their power.

    God this Labour lot are absolutely f*cking useless. The sooner they're gone the better, let's start fixing our country, but it'll take some time after the sheer volume of damage Blair, Brown and all their cronies have done.

  9. #9
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Chin up though MZ, they will be booted out in the next election.
    To be replaced by who, the Conservatives? Oh hurrah

    I genuinely don't know who I'll be voting for this time around, but I'm pretty certain it won't be either of these two.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    You need Lady Thatcher.

    Btw- this is probably a stupid question- but did anyone else spot her in Vogue last month (and nearly have heart failure)??
    La freak, c'est chic!


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    Btw- this is probably a stupid question- but did anyone else spot her in Vogue last month (and nearly have heart failure)??
    I would like to say 'yes' but I don't think I could survive the brickage thrown at me for admitting to flicking through Vogue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I would like to say 'yes' but I don't think I could survive the brickage thrown at me for admitting to flicking through Vogue.
    It's fair enough. I had to re-assess my life a little when I reliased that I read a magazine that gives you tips on how to look like that frumpy old psycho
    La freak, c'est chic!


  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    To be replaced by who, the Conservatives? Oh hurrah

    they really,really cant be any worse than the bunch of clowns we've had for the past decade though,and lets face it none of the opposition stand a cat in hells chance of getting in

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, even if you're not a Conservative voter, you have to admit, they're the only way of getting shot of Labour, and for non-Tory voters who hate Labour and want them out, it's the best you can do, and at the very least help in getting someone else in to freshen things up.

    I was reading an article in the paper last night talking about that dick Milliband and how he's lining up to take over from Brown and how it's all about 'a return to Blairite politics', but as the columnist rightly pointed out the entire list of Blairite flaws and f*ck ups which has rendered this country an impotent mess, we simply cannot afford a return to Blairite bullsh*t.

    A change of government is an absolute MUST, it just is. Things WILL only get worse and worse if this crowd stay in, and their 'anti-terror' bullsh*t will just continue to get deeper and more oppressive, while all the while they say we're free.

  14. #14
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    they really,really cant be any worse than the bunch of clowns we've had for the past decade though,and lets face it none of the opposition stand a cat in hells chance of getting in
    I'd rather get some extra seats in for another party than vote Tory. And they could be worse. Inflation in Britain, a hot topic atm, went from 8% to 20% within the first year they were in last time around, for example.

    It's never fun to be poor, but a Conservative government would surely make my life worse. Their record on policies affecting lower-earning demographics (i.e. moi) aren't exactly admirable!

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Things WILL only get worse and worse if this crowd stay in, and their 'anti-terror' bullsh*t will just continue to get deeper and more oppressive, while all the while they say we're free.
    I'm reserving judgement until the Conservatives' 'Responsibility' and Security agendas are released I have a feeling that they are a) making gay civil partnerships illegal again, b) making life harder for single parents and c) trying to make "stronger ties" with the US, but I may have imagined all this, so I'll see what they say.
    La freak, c'est chic!


  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    went from 8% to 20% within the first year they were in last time around
    But - how much of Labour's arsing up was responsible for that? It's well known that first terms of a new government are overshadowed by the lingering past of the final term of the former government.

    Also, I wouldn't want to judge the Tories too harshly just because of well over a decade ago, and even though there was a recession, they did pull the country out of it.

    My family too suffered a lot in the recession, losing thousands upon thousands of pounds, both in shares and in property, and as such as a family, we didn't have a lot of money to spend. We had assets - but they were both suffering a lot due to the recession.

    What we most need is common sense, and there's a distinct and absolute lack of it from Labour who bugger things up so spectacularly they'd win first prize everytime at a Buggering Up festival, in my view at least.

    I doubt the Tories would make civil partnerships illegal, because it goes against Britain's forward thinking society, as well as the fact that it'd be stupid, pointless, and deeply unpopular. I vote Tory, but I'm pro gay, pro abortion, pro stem cells, anti 42-day, anti-ID and anti-Gordon-Bastard-Brown-and-all-his-other-twats, and also anti-downright-f*cking-stupid.

    I don't see a major issue with "stronger" ties with the USA, I believe that the USA will go through a bit of a 'clean up' if you will, after a few years of suffering badly on the world stage. I can sense the sea of change both in America and here in the UK, and it's about bloody time too.

    Labour hasn't done much for low income earners though, the poor-to-rich divide has widened, people have been trapped in an ever-revolving cycle of benefits (which essentially BUYS their votes, which is sick in itself - I myself would take low income earners out of tax pretty much entirely and 'wean people in' to tax as their earnings increase, so it's more a case of "you earned this money, it's not a lot but you earned it, so you keep it and do yourself some good with it" basically).

    Yes, Labour have done some good over the piece, but I see it as they've done an extraordinary amount of bad, much of it through their poor management (or indeed over management).


    As for other parties, the Liberals are the only other party of any significance worth acknowledging, but I don't trust them one bit, they as soon slip into bed with Labour if there was a chance of a co-op government, than they would witch-hunt the old guy and shove in the "bloke who isn't gay" to lead.

    UKIP - useless.

    Greens - one agenda party, they'd be f*cking useless.

    Monster Raving Looney Party - nutters.

    BNP - racist, disgusting, sh*t-smelling scum.

    Legalise Cannabis Alliance - they'd be too tired or too hungry to do anything aside from toke.

    ...and the others, I've no idea who they are, therefore - useless.


    I'd better stop now, or else I might get into a full-on, uncensored rant.


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