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Thread: Oh man i cant wait for tomorrow, bring on them darleks!

  1. #31
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    can someone answer this question

    does anyone else think that perhaps mickey and martha are joining torchwood to replace tosh and owen?

  2. #32
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    does anyone else think that perhaps mickey and martha are joining torchwood to replace tosh and owen?

    Hopefully they'll make Torchwood more "adult" like was original intended, and avoid all the teenage soap opera style stomping of feet and whining. Series 2 was a 50/50 mix of that sort of stupidity where you think "these people are defending the earth?", and some actually really good episodes - such as the last couple, where the sense of loss was properly rendered and it was actually dramatic and gripping.

    So Torchwood, when done properly, is good ... but they've tended to also make some really stupid, rubbish and generally groan-inducing episodes.

    Anyway, yeah, last night's episode wasn't quite as gripping as last week's, but that was bound to happen. Still a great episode though, and I still stand by the tying off of all the characters at the end, if people just disappeared or it was like "aiiight, laterz" you lot would be pissing and moaning about that.

    Last night's episode was displaying some of that "deep character stuff", remember what that used to be the rage, before garbage like Yawn04 and 300 and Date Movie?

    It had to be done, and I found it just as interesting as the rest of the show - because I did want to see where everybody went, otherwise you'd just have sloppy, loose ends and not enough closure.

    I thought the last shot of the Doctor, all on his tod in the Tardis, on his own again, was a great way to end it - suited the more thoughtful final 10 to 20 minutes of the show.

    I also liked how his counter part (from his hand) was deliberately put into Rose's alternate universe as he'd committed genocide against the Daleks, the second Doctor did have a sense of danger about him which I thought was portrayed very subtly, but very strongly on the other hand - you totally sensed it. Plus it was nice, because then Rose could shack up with the Doctor, without actually shacking up with the Doctor ... a cheeky slice of having their cake and eating it too.

  3. #33
    Chasing Prey

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    Sorry I thought the last episode was total and utter gash. No surprises he didn't really regenerate, but what did surprise me was the over-the-top "tearjerker" moments of the whole epsiode. Nothing felt clever like they have in the other finales, and everything and everyone was so completely hammy and stupid it left me feeling like I'd just watched some 80s cheeseball feel good movie. Bring back the dark sci-fi. Nothing exciting happened in this one, it was just another case of someone pressing clever buttons and spouting outlandish science until the bad guys had gone...instead this time it was Donna and not the Doctor. Bah.

  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I thought it was pretty dark - Donna had all those adventures and did and saw so much, but because the knowledge she gained from the Doctor would have eventually killed her, she had her mind wiped and then her mother and grandfather would have to keep it all secret for the rest of her life.

    The Doctor's clone commits genocide against the Daleks and is ostracised to another dimension where Rose can keep an eye on him (and yes, get her privates poked by him).

    The Doctor himself, then loses all his companions to other times/places/organisations and ends up - yet again like always - completely alone.

    I think that's pretty dark, especially ending on a final shot of just the Doctor, all on his tod, once more.

    Poor bugger.

  5. #35
    Chasing Prey

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    ahh i dunno, felt the "dark" element was just too cheesy and melodramatic. There was nothing that made me feel unhappy or dishevelled from it, I just cringed all the way through....I can't remember how many times I said "oh my god" before laughing.

  6. #36
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    same here.

    "hello captain cheesecake"

    davis is truly a master of the linguistic arts.

  7. #37
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Geez, you people...

  8. #38
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    I first saw Dr. Who on Public Television in my teens here in the US, and Tom Baker was the first one I knew, so have a soft spot for him. We had a convention here in Fargo years ago; Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane) came and we got to have a Q & A with her. She was extremely nice and it was a great time.
    I was excited to hear we were getting a "new" Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and it was going to air on SciFi, so when it started I felt like a kid again.
    Great series, but wish more Americans knew who Dr. Who was....What a shame.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnGirl27 View Post
    Tom Baker was the first one I knew, so have a soft spot for him.

    "Would you like a jellybaby?"

  10. #40
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Yes, please!

  11. #41

    All seven surviving Doctors reunite!

    Yup, according to all the UK tabloids, all seven surviving Doctors - Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and current Doctor David Tennant - will reunite for a one off TV special (Children In Need) on November 14th. Get up there!

    Click for article.

    Also sources reveal that Tennant is staying on for the next season.

  12. #42
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i heard the other day that patrick Stewart's joining the show as a new timelord character,which sound neat.

    -also heard russel brands after replacing tennant.


  13. #43
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, Brand? I calls fakies on that.

    Next series? I thought they were just doing specials from now on for a bit? Or perhaps that's what the sources mean, he's staying on for the specials.

    Well that's good, cos Tennant rocks as the Doctor.

    The Children in Need thing sounds pretty kick ass too, last year's double-Doctor thing was rather good too.

  14. #44
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    That would be beyond awesome to have that reunion, although if we'd ever see it over here in the States....Please, please, please, SciFi channel! Patrick Stewart would be a great addition in an episode or two, as well. Great actor.
    Hopefully Tennant will be staying another year - he makes a great Doctor...

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    i heard the other day that patrick Stewart's joining the show as a new timelord character,which sound neat.
    Doctor Who and Star Trek does not mix. Well not to the die hards.

    Quote Originally Posted by DawnGirl27 View Post
    That would be beyond awesome to have that reunion, although if we'd ever see it over here in the States....Please, please, please, SciFi channel!
    Doubt if it would make the Sci-Fi Channel but you can bet yer ass it will be on You Tube. You can count on me (or someone else) to send a link.


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