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Thread: Another Remake! This time: ROTLD....

  1. #31
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Oh, I agree about trying to sell it to a younger generation - but personally I would rather the younger generation see the originals in the format and way they were intended to be viewed. Remaking a film (unless it's a shot-by-shot duplication of the original) just taints the original vision of the filmmaker who made the original. It's like the remake of NOTLD/3D - when I saw the trailer and saw Sid Haig, I thought "man, this looks good" - then they flashed to the other actors and other scenes and I rolled my eyes - nothing but 'young kids' in the movie to appeal to the younger generation, and an editing style that I've heard referred to as "ADD Editing" - y'know, that quick-cut MTV style of crap. Infuriating.

    On the flip side of that, take the original Dawn of the Dead - there's not a single person under the age of, say, 30 that could probably sit through it and enjoy it. It's just too long for the ADD kids of the current generation, so in a way I just shot my own self down with the whole "they should see the originals" They wouldn't be able to get out of it what we did when we saw it originally. -sigh- It's just a big mess.

    I dunno, I'm just ticked off at hollywood. They really need to come up with some original ideas and stop remaking movies that have no business being remade, and stop making movies about comic book characters and cartoons. I haven't seen but maybe a handful of "original" movie ideas in the past 3-4 years. Movies from the 'big movie makers', for the most part, have just sucked horribly for the past few years.

    I'm tellin' ya, watch the independent film market, it will explode soon enough just like the "indie music" scene - that's where the original ideas are going to be. Hollywood is more concerned about making friggin' money than making decent, watchable and enjoyable entertainment. It's a thing of the past for them, just like major music labels.


  2. #32
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hollywood sucks beanbag. As for films like Dawn, there will always be the dedicated underground, people like us. I saw Dawn when I was 15 - really perfect ADD MTV fodder - but I was FLOORED by Dawn when I first saw it. Was glued to my seat, barely blinked, was BLOWN away by it. Although I was always a couple of years ahead of myself maturity wise in my teenage years, then I balanced I'm probably immature for my age, ha!

    I'm hoping that in a couple of years this remake fad will be over, people are starting to wake up and smell the rotten celluloid. Originality or sh*t you haven't seen before is where the ticket sales are at. Hollywood is just too scared and too whipped and retarded to understand why they're not succeeding.

    Not all remakes are bad, but there's so many that the term has been given a really bad name.

    For instance, the Hills Have Eyes remake took an okay film and made a pretty darn scary and rather well written and put together flick. Carpenter's "Thing" goes back to the source material rather than Hawks' own take on proceedings. But goddamn, come on Hollywood, wake-the-fudge-up!

  3. #33
    Fresh Meat Combat Zombie's Avatar

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    I'm 15 and I like the original Dawn more than the remake. And I'd rather watch Nosferatu than the next Underworld or something. And Sean Connery is the best Bond ever.

  4. #34
    Fresh Meat NVK's Avatar

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    Yeah im 15 too. And I hate MTV and current "trends". There is this kid in my class at school. It was during the time Slither was in theaters. I was talking about Slither ripping off Night Of The Creeps. He mentioned that now it will have better special FX. Which I assume he meant CGI. I told him Night Of The Creeps had good FX, even to today's standards. He just was like "Surree" Ironically, he really DOES have ADD.

  5. #35
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    CZ and NVK - I'm glad there are a few exceptions to the rule. Overall though, most people of your generation (and there is no offense meant by this) would have a hard time enjoying the original DOTD. Too long, too drawn out - but i'm glad there are some like you guys that can see it for what it is and enjoy it. Kudos to you.


  6. #36

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr
    CZ and NVK - I'm glad there are a few exceptions to the rule. Overall though, most people of your generation (and there is no offense meant by this) would have a hard time enjoying the original DOTD. Too long, too drawn out - but i'm glad there are some like you guys that can see it for what it is and enjoy it. Kudos to you.

    I don't think any offense should be taken. I remember seeing the whole trilogy between the ages of 11 and 13 and just being blown away by them, and that was in 90s. Looking back on it all, I just think I was gifted by good taste


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