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Thread: Prince Harry racial slur

  1. #16
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    Yeah, as I said it's all vapid, titty-rag-flogging bullshit.
    that is a saying i am defo going to remember and use sometime in the future. thanks for the laugh.

    i agree with MZ - aren't there slightly more important things going on in the world that qualify as actual news other than what very might well be a slip of the tongue that had no mean spirit or ill will behind it?
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #17
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Whoevers making these editorial decisions needs to be sacked. Totally out of sync with more important news items.
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  3. #18
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    I've noticed this problem in the media going on for almost ten whole years now. Most "news" programs really only focus on the things that will create powerful emotions or reactions from people, not neccesarily what is actually important information for the masses. Half the time the information is biased or incomplete anyway. I want to see more on the stations than tabloid material! - Noodle
    Calm down, ya Oriental midget. Just a bit a fun. - Murdoc

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Whoevers making these editorial decisions needs to be sacked. Totally out of sync with more important news items.
    Ugh - damn straight Sir.

    BBC News and Sky News are both awful these days for pish editorial decisions. If it's a problem for Labour, they're grinding their teeth with agony if they have to report it. If it's a poke in the eye for the Tories, they're all over it with a fevered boner - even if Labour's Mandleson is part of the scandal (i.e. "Yacht-gate").

    Sky News' red button with 8 windows of news is a complete joke too.

    1 window is the weather, 1 window is showbiz wank, 1 window is usually boring sport bollocks, 1 window is the live feed - this leaves 4 more windows - in that you have Headlines (a shorter version of the live feed essentially), and then three real windows for other news - BUT IT'S ALWAYS WHATEVER THE BIGGEST STORY IS - three issues related to the biggest story, that's rolling around EVERY BASTARD FIFTEEN MINUTES on the main feed, clogging up the three properly available red button interactive windows - it's bloody stupid.

    Now while Gaza etc is an important issue and it needs to be known about - the world doesn't stop turning, and nor do home-bound issues disappear. There needs to be far more variety in the news reported, and less of this "every fifteen minutes" bullshit, because then you've just got the same 15 minutes of two stories cycling round for 24 sodding hours.

    Then when it comes to politics - BBC and Sky are completely biased - just look at them from a floating voter's eyes - what can you deduce from their political coverage?

    Labour get the lion's share. The Liberals get fuck all, and the Tories only get any air time when they can't be possibly ignored any longer, or if it's a chance to poke them in the eye.

    It's gotten worse since Mandleson came back as well (and with that scumbag Alistair Campbell rummaging around in the background).

    As a floating voter you'd have no real, true and honest view of the three main players in British politics today - it's sick - especially when you've got the likes of the middle-aged-teenager (whose name momentarily escapes me) on Sky News who is friends with Gordon Brown's wife and goes there for parties for fuck sake! Kay Burley - that's her name - fucking hell she's useless, and certainly not worth half a million a year or whatever she's pulling down.

    And while I'm ranting - what's with Sky News having this "who does Brown talk to first?" trailer running on their channel - firstly it's politically biased, and indeed shows up Sky News' political leanings behind the scenes, and secondly it's actual bollocks. Sky News might sometimes be the first news channel he talks to first - but more often than not it'll be Andrew bloody Marr and his softly-softly easy ride touch - hence why Brown ran off to Marr to say that he wasn't calling an election after all and he didn't want any awkward or probing questions.

    God, this bloody government and the television news media in this country makes me sick - and what's more - the way the presenters deliver the news. They all have the same patter to their voice, the same words get emphasised in the same way, and they all "um" and "ah" their way through their ham-fisted attempt to skew the news to suit Mandleson's backstage manipulating, or whenever the Autocue breaks down (John Snow was absolutely fucking useless in December when the Autocue broke, he was a jibbering wreck of nonsense, I saw it live on telly, it was half-hilarious and half-pathetically worrying).



    Rant over.

  5. #20
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    So is Paki considered a mildly off color (like a bit distasteful, let's say) term or full on racist in English society?
    Full-on racist. Maybe it was considered okay by our parents' or grandparents' generation (as some people have already highlighted)... but then a lot of shit was back then.

    It's not just an abbreviation of "Pakistani" any more than "nigger" is just a slight variation on the Latin word for "black." It holds a lot more meaning than that, as a pejorative term against anyone of Middle Eastern origin, or, to quote an Asian comedian whose name I have totally forgotten, "anyone who, y'know, has a bit of a tan."

    NO, Prince Harry saying "Paki" is not THE worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world, but NO, he still shouldn't have said it.
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  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    NO, Prince Harry saying "Paki" is not THE worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world, but NO, he still shouldn't have said it.
    Indeed on both counts.

    I see Prince Charles is getting bitched at for calling an Asian polo buddy "Sooty" - now I duno about anyone else, but since when was "Sooty" a racist term for an Asian? I hear "Sooty" and I think of this dude:

    The "victim" of the "Sooty" name also has said himself he doesn't mind whatsoever - and so I'd still like to find out what the "victim" in the Harry case has to say about it - a dude who, you could argue, was implicit in the whole "raghead" dialogue.

    Also - Harry gets mocked for having red hair - and some people still to this day mock and bully and victimise red haired people in the exact same manner that a racist would pour grief on a black person or an asian person or whatever.

    So it's all a bit "oh just fuck off", to me really.

    Mountain out of a molehill, that's what it smacks of to me - and nope, I'm not defending racism or racist language, but it's far from angry or with malicious intent as seen in the much-screamed-about video as seen on Sky News, who've made such a song and dance about it.

    There are far more things going on right now to be properly concerned about - and as I've said before, WORSE things are said - and indeed done - in primary and secondary schools up and down the country.


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