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Thread: More quality teenage behaviour. Killed over a £4 bottle of wine...

  1. #16
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    Being out of prison in under a year for manslaughter or even GBH beggars belief. And I am very sorry to hear about your loss, Tricky.
    To be honest i didnt know the lad,i'd probably met him in passing before,but he was a good friend of a girl im very good friends with & shes obviously devastated,theres nothing i can say to make her feel better either i just cant believe such a lenient sentence has been passed

  2. #17
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    there are nights where i would have killed for wine.

    there are ways around the underage killers getting away with it.
    we had a monster here named craig price. He BUTCHERED 2 women and
    2 children, I remember them finding the bodies of the kids
    in a shed chopped up in garbage bags.

    google craig price.

    this from wikipedia
    "Craig Price (also known as the Warwick Slasher) is a serial killer from Warwick, Rhode Island. He was arrested in 1989 at age 15 for four murders committed in his neighborhood: A woman and her two daughters that year, and the murder of another woman two years prior. He had a previous criminal record for petty theft.

    After he was discovered, Price calmly confessed to his crimes. Arrested a month before his 16th birthday, he was tried and convicted as a minor. By law, this meant that he would be released and his criminal records sealed as soon as he turned 21. Price bragged that he would "make history" when he was released. The case led to changes in state law to allow juveniles to be tried as adults for serious crimes, but these could not be applied retroactively to Price.

    Due to the brutality of his crimes and the opinion of state psychologists that he was a poor candidate for rehabilitation, a group called Citizens Opposed to the Release of Craig Price formed to lobby for his continued imprisonment. Price was charged with a variety of crimes, including criminal contempt for refusing a psychological evaluation, extortion for threatening a corrections officer, and assault and violation of probation for fights while in prison. He was sentenced to an additional 10–25 years, depending on his cooperation with treatment.

    Price maintains that he has paid his debt to society, and that he is being kept in jail partially due to racism."

    He thought he was going to serve 4 years for multiple murders
    but now he is serving 10-25 years, and had to be removed
    from RI prison to Florida for his own safety.

    If people take a stand these underage
    killers WILL serve full sentences.
    We did it here.
    We changed the law and locked this animal in a cage
    like he deserves to be.
    The question is why aren't you doing it where you live?

  3. #18
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    there are nights where i would have killed for wine.

    there are ways around the underage killers getting away with it.
    we had a monster here named craig price. He BUTCHERED 2 women and
    2 children, I remember them finding the bodies of the kids
    in a shed chopped up in garbage bags.

    google craig price.

    this from wikipedia
    "Craig Price (also known as the Warwick Slasher) is a serial killer from Warwick, Rhode Island. He was arrested in 1989 at age 15 for four murders committed in his neighborhood: A woman and her two daughters that year, and the murder of another woman two years prior. He had a previous criminal record for petty theft.

    After he was discovered, Price calmly confessed to his crimes. Arrested a month before his 16th birthday, he was tried and convicted as a minor. By law, this meant that he would be released and his criminal records sealed as soon as he turned 21. Price bragged that he would "make history" when he was released. The case led to changes in state law to allow juveniles to be tried as adults for serious crimes, but these could not be applied retroactively to Price.

    Due to the brutality of his crimes and the opinion of state psychologists that he was a poor candidate for rehabilitation, a group called Citizens Opposed to the Release of Craig Price formed to lobby for his continued imprisonment. Price was charged with a variety of crimes, including criminal contempt for refusing a psychological evaluation, extortion for threatening a corrections officer, and assault and violation of probation for fights while in prison. He was sentenced to an additional 10–25 years, depending on his cooperation with treatment.

    Price maintains that he has paid his debt to society, and that he is being kept in jail partially due to racism."

    He thought he was going to serve 4 years for multiple murders
    but now he is serving 10-25 years, and had to be removed
    from RI prison to Florida for his own safety.

    If people take a stand these underage
    killers WILL serve full sentences.
    We did it here.
    We changed the law and locked this animal in a cage
    like he deserves to be.
    The question is why aren't you doing it where you live?

    Taking this to the extreme we had the Jamie Bulger. Killed (horribly) by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables who were 10 years old. They were released after 8 years, and given new identities and new life in Australia (I believe). One them now has a child of their own...

    Horrible stuff -

    So after 8 years they get a new life, where as the family have lost their loved one forever, in the most horrible way!

  4. #19
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    This will continue to happen as long as people stand by and allow it.

    They just live in the neighborhood, and let a bunch of punks rule their lives. A "no-go" area? These people let thugs scare them into hiding in their homes! What is wrong with people? You can't just let a man get beat to death on your front lawn. Grow some balls.
    That is sooo much easier in theory than in practice though

    In a really bad "no go" area, just a handful of people standing up will get knocked back down, reinforcing the idea in the rest of the community's minds that it is safer to put up with the situation than try to change it.

    You might think that if you lived in a terrible area with kids it would encourage you to change things, but I think the reality is that it would make you less likely to make a stand for fear of your family being targeted in response.

    About the only thing I can honestly say that I would be brave enough to do in that situation is call the police- and they often take their time when it comes to sorting out violence in a bad area so they don't get beaten up themselves

    EDIT: I am not saying that it's good or even sensible to do nothing, just that a little sympathy should be given to people who have grown up knowing only that a) people are bad, b) they themselves are weak and incapable, and c) nothing can change

    I know we fortunately didn't grow up with those lessons; but they're difficult to shake when a) you've been brought up with them and b) your environment appears to confirm their validity.

    Again- I am not excusing, but rather trying to explain.
    Last edited by Chic Freak; 28-Jan-2009 at 09:45 AM.
    La freak, c'est chic!


  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I know - the Bulger case was exceptionally shocking, the stuff that those two evil kids did to that poor toddler is beyond understanding.

    As for "why is nobody doing anything?" - what we have in Britain is a "broken society", if I dare be so bold to use the phrase.

    You've got people who don't trust the cops to do their jobs, cops who are bound by red tape and target chasing, you've got softies in charge of the cops, you've got gangs who know that they can literally get away with murder and prowl the streets like feral beings doing whatever they like.

    As a result, the good people are living in fear and want to desperately stay under the radar - because you know how it is - try and rally a group, and at least half will not follow through with their support - then you've got a minority trying to face up to a majority, and it's all going to end in tears (most likely literally).

    What's needed is - tough cops catching these shits, and the judges to be dishing out tough sentences - and then of course (or rather first, to predict the rise in criminal population) you need the prisons to house these thugs.

    In prison, they should only get minimal creature comforts in all honesty - we can't treat them like animals, otherwise we become animals, and you need something to distract them from getting up to mischief - but keep it at the bare minimum.

    In addition these thugs should be made to do menial work (kind of like in America where prisoners make license plates and such).

    Nevermind "community support officers" - they're not real cops, they're mocked by the thugs, can't do squat for the victims and they're even a joke (and/or a nuisance) to the public at large.

    Real cops catching these bastards, proper judges dishing out real sentences, and the shits getting banged up and PUNISHED for their crimes.

    This shit in the UK has gotten far too out of hand, with Blair and Brown doing absolutely F*** ALL to stop it.

    We need some f***ing change in the UK.


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