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Thread: A pre-trial execution by flame thrower is the only answer for this sub-human animal:

  1. #16
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    God gave man free will.

    Sorry stray, but if God is omniscient then he knew the outcome of the event prior to the event. If the outcome is known prior to the event, free will can not exist. This is the fundamental flaw in the concept of god that no one has been able to logically justify in thousands of years. Sure, believers will try to use circular "logic" to try to reconcile this flaw internally, but that is not reason nor logic.

    In any event, I don't want to get into a discussion of god in this thread. The thread is about the crime. Please believe in whatever makes you the most happy. I don't begrudge anyone their religious beliefs...except for when those beliefs lead to one strapping bombs to oneself in order to kill innocent people. Then yeah, I admit I have a problem with it.

  2. #17
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaos View Post
    Sorry stray, but if God is omniscient then he knew the outcome of the event prior to the event. If the outcome is known prior to the event, free will can not exist. This is the fundamental flaw in the concept of god that no one has been able to logically justify in thousands of years. Sure, believers will try to use circular "logic" to try to reconcile this flaw internally, but that is not reason nor logic.

    In any event, I don't want to get into a discussion of god in this thread. The thread is about the crime. Please believe in whatever makes you the most happy. I don't begrudge anyone their religious beliefs...except for when those beliefs lead to one strapping bombs to oneself in order to kill innocent people. Then yeah, I admit I have a problem with it.
    Knowing the outcome of an event does not nullify free will, if one chooses to believe that God is inherently omniscience -- or more simply, He could know if He wanted to, but out of respect for His "children" chooses not to know.

    Just to clarify, I have few, if any, "religious" beliefs. I am as independent in my spiritual thinking as I am with my politics. It's what makes me so "smart" and has caused me some bit of trouble with my more fundamentalist ("fundys" I call them) friends.

    As for religious suicide bombers ...

    Bring it on.


    ps -- yes, I agree. Stay on topic. Final "God" post, at least on this thread.
    Last edited by strayrider; 29-Jan-2009 at 04:16 AM.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    They had a beautiful little girl. Thats fucked up. The "I love you" part got to me. I don't see how you can do something like this to your own flesh and blood and so young.

  4. #19
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post

    As for religious suicide bombers ...

    Bring it on.

    Again, with the circular internal logic...I mean faith...dang xtian! That picture is perfect though. LOL!


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