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Thread: No Hope

  1. #16
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    . We should impeach Obama immediately, and install Chancelor Palin as the Commander in Chief. I am sure that our standing in the world, the respect that the Presidency receives, and all of our financial problems will be immediately improved. I mean hey, intelligence, thoughtfulness and sincere caring are all highly overrated. And of course, everyone should be held accountable for the actions of others, not their own.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Is there anyone involved with Obama who doesn't have a criminal record?
    How does painting a piece of art that was eventually adopted by a presidential campaign make this guy "involved" with Obama?

    I get it... the self-righteous, patriotic right hates anything "counterculture." However, apparently they can't quite decide if Fairey is counterculture or Totalitarian. Well, here's a clue...

    "The artist was arrested at about 9:15 p.m. as he was about to enter a sold-out dance event at the Institute of Contemporary Art on Northern Avenue, known as 'Experiment Night.' The event is geared toward a younger-age crowd, with techno-style music, and more than 750 people were waiting for him, some of whom had bought tickets for the event on Craigslist for as much as $500."

    Fairey is a Capitalist, and graffiti art is big business. (In fact, one of the biggest clients at my job is a branded Brooklyn "street artist.") Looks like Fairey and his ilk are actually good for stimulating the economy. He may need to be bailed out of jail, but at least he doesn't need to be fiscally bailed out with the other criminals.

  3. #18
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    How does painting a piece of art that was eventually adopted by a presidential campaign make this guy "involved" with Obama?
    I meant that in the Biblical sense ... they are "involved" aren't they? No, wait, that was Larry StClare wasn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    I get it... the self-righteous, patriotic right hates anything "counterculture."
    Critical now equals "self-righteous"?

    The boy, as I have since found out, was arrested for "tagging", or defacing private/public property with his "art", probably in an attempt to get his "counter-culture" message out there to us unwashed masses.

    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Fairey is a Capitalist, and graffiti art is big business. (In fact, one of the biggest clients at my job is a branded Brooklyn "street artist.") Looks like Fairey and his ilk are actually good for stimulating the economy. He may need to be bailed out of jail, but at least he doesn't need to be fiscally bailed out with the other criminals.
    I actually like a LOT of his work. He is an inspiration unto me, but he really needs to keep it in the studio, a gallery, on private/public property with permission, or in magazine or even presidential campaign ads. If he makes a fortune in these outlets, power to him! Simply slinking around in the dead of night and pasting his stickers wherever he wants is just plain naughty.


    ps -- if you're really into this form of art, send me a PM with your home address. I'll stop by sometime and spray paint something special on the side of your house.

  4. #19
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie View Post
    When you OWN the wall you can paint it how you like. When it belongs to somebody else and you paint it anyway then it;s probably vandalism no matter how artistic.

    Unfortunately not even that is true. A local artist in my city painted the side of his art studio with pictures of cherubs and the portraits of those who died in the Columbine massacre and the city went after him over it, they claimed that not only did it violate the "No second sign on a building" rule (yet they allow many fast food businesses have second and third and fourth signs) but that it distracted from the beauty of our city. He painted over the mural, but was still involved in a lawsuit with the city. This went back and forth between him and the city, with him repainting the wall with people and simple messages like "hope" as it was within his right to do and finally ended after nearly 10 years with him winning in the state supreme court. The city wasted all the tax payers money because they basically didn't like his art even though at many city council meetings people stood up and spoke out against them going against him. It took a state supreme court ruling for him to have the right to paint his own building with a mural to beautify the city.

    It's guys like the one the OP is about that cause these types of problems. Yes graffiti can be considered art, there is plenty of beautiful graffiti out there, but what it comes down to is that vandalism is a crime.

    However, there is no need to bring Obama into the situation because they guy painted a picture that was adopted by the campaign. It also doesn't say he was arrested for his art, but that he was arrested for two outstanding warrants and that "police could not describe the nature of the outstanding warrants" so for all we know he could have been arrested for unpaid traffic tickets even though it is probably his art that got him arrested.
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