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Thread: Watchmen

  1. #61
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Maybe Snyder did something right.
    *Holds breath, waits 10 seconds for the world to end.*

    I hope he did...

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  2. #62
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i cannot wait for this movie, im actually off to read it again i lvoe this book so much, hard to believe whos directing it. that trailer was nice but the previous one with the smashing pumpkins just sold it for me.

  3. #63
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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  4. #64
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Well, that's a more exciting take than what actually will happen en suite at the Moore residence. If the room were bugged, it would almost certainly pick up the sounds of grumbling, the signing of checks and moths fluttering out of unkempt whiskers.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #65
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    I don't know that I've ever been so nervous about a beloved property & how it's going to turn out. Saw a long trailer w/ Snyder the other night doing his typical fan boy raving "This movie is going to be unlike any thing you've ever seen before visually" I believe was the quote (uh oh)....ok great Skippy, but did you get the story right, you tool.

    I really wanna see it (w/ trepidation in heart). My thought is the BEST we can hope for is a straight, literal adaptation of the "A" story, which will be good, but only captures 1/2 of the awesomeness of the novel. There's just so much there that I don't know HOW you can translate to a film. If he does figure out some way to do it? Then the guy is much more of a frickin' genius than I've EVER given him credit for.

  6. #66
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    There are some movie clips on yahoo that are well worth watching. It's looking pretty tasty to me so far.
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  7. #67
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Sylver, I think you hit the nail on the head. Fingers crossed for the long is it now? Two weeks?

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  8. #68
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Sylver, I think you hit the nail on the head. Fingers crossed for the long is it now? Two weeks?
    Yep. 3/6/09. Doing a little reading now...I'm thinking the DVD will be the way to see this bitch done up proper. Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on the film

    "A DVD based on elements of the Watchmen universe will be released; it will include an animated adaptation of the comic Tales of the Black Freighter within the story, starring Gerard Butler, and the documentary Under the Hood, detailing the older generation of superheroes from the film's back-story. An extended edition of the film, with Tales of the Black Freighter interspersed through the main storyline in a manner reminiscent of the comic, is forthcoming." (Two of the things I was really gonna miss from the "B" plotlines)

    Tales of the Black Freighter, a comic within the Watchmen comic, will be adapted as a direct-to-video animated feature from Warner Premiere and Warner Bros. Animation, which will be released on March 24, 2009. It was originally included in the script, but was cut due to budget restrictions, as the segment would have added $20 million to the budget, because Snyder wanted to film it in a stylized manner reminiscent of 300. Snyder considered including the animated film in the final cut, but the film was already approaching a three hour running time. Gerard Butler, who starred in 300, voices the Captain in the film, having been promised a role in the film, which never materialized.

    The Tales of the Black Freighter DVD will also include Under the Hood, a documentary detailing the characters' backstories, which takes its title from that of Hollis Mason's memoirs in the comic book. Under the Hood is rated PG because of the friendly public image of the characters. The actors were allowed to improvise during filming interviews in character. The film itself is scheduled to be released on DVD four months after Tales of the Black Freighter, and Warner Bros. will release a director's cut and the extended version in July 2009, with the animated film edited back into the main picture. Snyder said if the film does well enough, the director's cut will be simultaneously theatrically released in New York and Los Angeles.

    Here is a link to an article that reveals a pretty major change to the end (SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER-IFFIC!!!)

    Here is an excerpt from an IMDB user who saw a sneak preview. Sounds like the best case scenario, so that's good:

    "Watchmen, which is considered by many Moore's best work, might make a comic-book fan cringe at the thought of an adaptation. I know my first reaction at the thought of a Watchmen movie was "how are they going to fit everything?" It would be impossible. The film would have to be 12 hours long (Which is how Gilliam approached it; he wanted it to be a mini-series...then it was canned) and a scene-by-scene remake. Admittedly the film lacks the depth and weight that the graphic novel is famous for, but of course it does! One must understand that there is always going to be something lost in an adaptation. It's like when a band covers a song, it's going to be very different in it's new perspective.

    With Watchmen, we have a bit of a watered-down storyline, which makes sense, as it's necessary for the story to play on the silver screen. I'm going to down-play that part of the experience, even though I know many won't, and talk about why I think this film is worth your ten dollars. This movie is beautiful. They have done a FANTASTIC job with the sets and costumes. It's amazing seeing the most memorable parts of the graphic novel come to life. It seemed for a lot of parts they used the original source as a storyboard, and I'm glad they did. I'll admit I got some chills of excitement every once in a while watching it.

    Beautiful cinematography and effects put you right in the heart of New York City during this time period. There's a certain shine or flair that this movie has that makes it really worth checking out in the theater and will most likely make a lot of viewers come crawling back for more.

    In conclusion I must say if you're a devoted fan of the graphic novel and expect something just as good... prepare to be disappointed! But, if you can separate yourself from the original medium and try to enjoy the movie, you will. There's a lot to like about this adaptation."
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 24-Feb-2009 at 12:55 AM.

  9. #69
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    IGN posted their review, 5/5:
    It's the Watchmen movie you always wanted to see but never expected to get. Snyder's Watchmen is a celebration of how films can add worthwhile dimensions to a beloved story – at all times reverent to the original, but careful to remind us that costumes and masks are never as colourful as the people underneath.

  10. #70
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Not in the least bit bothered about this movie ... and I still highly object to the use of "visionary" in the trailer to describe Zack Snyder.

    Copying panels out of a comic book isn't visionary.

    Ridley Scott, and the concept artists who made Blade Runner - that's frickin' visionary. James Cameron, that's a visionary ... Zack sodding Snyder? It's like calling Schwarzenegger a beanpole skinny boy ... it's just not true.


    Figured you'd all like some MZ-brand "annoyed rant" for your party up in here.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Feb-2009 at 10:01 AM.

  11. #71
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Not in the least bit bothered about this movie ... and I still highly object to the use of "visionary" in the trailer to describe Zack Snyder.

    Copying panels out of a comic book isn't visionary.

    Ridley Scott, and the concept artists who made Blade Runner - that's frickin' visionary. James Cameron, that's a visionary ... Zack sodding Snyder? It's like calling Schwarzenegger a beanpole skinny boy ... it's just not true.


    Figured you'd all like some MZ-brand "annoyed rant" for your party up in here.
    Yeah...visionary is a STRONG that I would reserve for someone who's done something ORIGINAL. Just because a movie has stunning visuals does not mean the director is a "visonary"...just that he has an eye for VISUALS (these people DO know the difference...right? )

    IF Snyder manages to translate the graphic novel faithfully and well (a TALL order TBS) I'll tip my hat to him. I might even call the guy a genius filmmaker. But a visionary? No...Allan Moore was a visionary for WRITING the goddamn thing in the 1st place.

  12. #72
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    He's visionary because he's so good with slow motion and green screen

  13. #73
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Not in the least bit bothered about this movie ...
    dude. tell em youve at least read watchmen. i read it again yesterday and its hands down my favourite graphic novel, with kingdom come being a close second.

    you dont know watchmen then formally you must relinquish your nerd badge and leave the clubhouse.

    and you better believe thats a paddlin'

  14. #74
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Two pretty damn cool clips with Rorshach...

  15. #75
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    genius filmmaker
    Also too strong, and again - that's the likes of Scott and Cameron.

    Snyder may be directing panels from the comic book, but did he adapt it all into script form?

    Bassman - lollercopter @ the slow-mo-green-screen thing. There looks to be plenty of that mid-shot slow-mo bullshit getting used in Watchmen from the clips I've seen.

    Hellsing - no, I've not read it - I don't really read much in the way of graphic novels, nor comics. Fair play to those who do, but I read Total Film and these things called "books" ... currently I'm reading "By Any Means" by Charley Boorman. And I'm keeping my nerd badge, and I busted your paddle ... ha!


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