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Thread: What would you take?

  1. #16

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ocala, Florida
    United States
    Pot will work as a trade good,
    It worked for a variety of cultures for many years in one form or another, and it would work again, for all the reasons mentioned. Plus, you've got those bleeding heart types that want to make those who get infected comfortable, and let them live right until the last moment when they keel over and turn. Those kind of people would trade for it.

    Anything that makes you feel better will have value in an apocalyptic environment. There may be some who abstain, but there will be more than enough who don't to merit peeking your head in the liquor store if it doesnt look like it's infested/been looted bare as you travel through. If nothing else high-proof booze is an excellent antiseptic, as well as crude painkiller/sedative for medical procedures.

    Just my .02

    Me, I take my Apocalypse Backpack (which includes a small photo album), and my dog. I've always had a feeling when I look at the third dog I've owned that in some manner I don't know this dog is going to save my butt some time. Can't explain it, at all, but it's a solid feeling. Plus he's useful/well-trained enough to merit the little bit of effort to keep him fed. Even if I'm on my own I could sleep in an unsecure location if absolutely necessary, because of Gabriel's habit of tugging hard on my shirt/pouncing on me if anyone gets within 20 feet of me he doesn't know REALLY well. He also wakes me up when he hears stuff outside of his usual routine (which can be damned annoying, let me tell you, but is a quirk I've always found wise not to chastise him for, just in case)

  2. #17
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Albany, New York, United States
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Anything that makes you feel better will have value in an apocalyptic environment. There may be some who abstain, but there will be more than enough who don't to merit peeking your head in the liquor store if it doesnt look like it's infested/been looted bare as you travel through. If nothing else high-proof booze is an excellent antiseptic, as well as crude painkiller/sedative for medical procedures.

    Just my .02
    That is a really good point items that help people escape reality, or provide you with pleasure would definitely become more valuable in my opinion. So alcohol, drugs.

    Further to that I think barter would replace money really fast in most situations, I could not defend myself with money. But I could with a gun. So if I have a case of whiskey, and you have two guns. I am sure we could work out a trade... of course with guns if you wanted to you could just take it all if I was unarmed. But you seem like a good fella to me.

  3. #18
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I'd take my 3 cats but truth be told, none likes to travel, and if I can't out here, then my chances as a refugee are pretty slim indeed.


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