"An evil force is awakened in downtown Athens transforming the unsuspecting citizens into raving zombies. The few survivors will have to fight hard for their lives. To the death."

Just saw this one. Pretty good little zombie movie. Hit's the ground running & moves along pretty well the whole film. Has a really interesting beginning, showing how the outbreak starts & how quickly it spreads that is pretty cool.

For the most part them movie has a realistic, serious tone that is nice, EXCEPT FOR the zombie kills which are WAY too over the top & "gag" oriented. They would have been much more at home in "Dead Alive" than here, & it does put the movie a bit at odds with itself & ruins the mood occasionally. Also there are some weird editing shots (split/multiple screens) that are kinda out of place & distracting. These two things are really the only negatives I have though (well, other than the fact they're runners, but I'll forgive them that...)

Overall...not bad. Decent & fairly entertaining. I'd say rent it, maybe even buy it. Especially if your a collector/completist.