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Thread: the senate has rejected gay marriage ban amendment...

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    the senate has rejected gay marriage ban amendment...

    the issue of an amendment is dead for now - thankfully.

    Advocates Revel in Marriage Ban Defeat

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Supporters of gay marriage celebrated the Senate's defeat of a constitutional amendment to ban such unions - and seized the moment to warn conservatives and President Bush that anti-gay sentiments won't influence November elections.

    The Senate rejected the measure by a wide margin, voting 49-48 to limit debate and bring it to a yes-or-no decision. That was 11 votes shy of the 60 necessary.

    Charles Simpson, 49, a bookstore clerk in Northampton, Mass., called the proposed constitutional amendment ``morally bankrupt and politically irresponsible.''

    ``As a gay man watching what's happening, I carry this anxiety that this kind of manipulation of homophobia can carry severely negative consequences,'' he said. ``Some politicians take advantage of how easy it is to provoke prejudices and make them worse.''

    The amendment's backers announced plans to resurrect the measure in the House next month.

    ``It is clear that most Americans saw this for what it was: base political pandering, skewed priorities and abdicated responsibilities,'' said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

    Massachusetts' gay nuptials and San Francisco's short-lived same-sex wedding spree in 2004 were credited with creating a conservative backlash that fueled Bush's re-election. Yet gay marriage activists pointed to Tuesday's primary elections as evidence that sexual orientation is irrelevant in politics.

    The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a political action committee funding lesbian and gay candidates, reported that nine of its 51 endorsed candidates either won primaries Tuesday or earned enough votes for a runoff.

    Winners included a lesbian running for a seat in the Alabama Legislature who made it to a two-person runoff, an Iowa lawmaker who won re-election after coming out as gay during his first term, and a lesbian who could become the first openly gay lawmaker in the Arkansas Legislature.

    But Evan Wolfson, director of Freedom to Marry, said it was too soon to celebrate, noting that Alabama voters decided Tuesday to amend their state's constitution to ban same-sex marriage. Voters in seven other states will be asked to do the same in November.

    The amendment's supporters, meanwhile, angrily denounced the Senate for refusing to put the matter to an up-or-down vote.

    Robert Knight, director of Concerned Women of America's Culture and Family Institute, said he was insulted by comments from some senators that gay marriage was not a pressing national issue.

    ``There's nothing more important than protecting marriage and families, because without them the United States faces a bleak future in which government is daddy and mommy and the state keeps growing to pick up the pieces of the shattered social order,'' Knight said in a statement.

    Patrick Guerriero, president of the gay political group Log Cabin Republicans, said it was ``laughable'' to say the amendment was gaining support.

    ``Momentum is on our side as a growing conservative force stands up in defense of the core American values of equality, liberty, and federalism,'' he said.

    Associated Press Writer Adam Gorlick in Springfield, Mass., contributed to this story.
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  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    GOOD says I.

    I can't believe in this day and age, the president of the united-bleedin'-states is running around preaching anti-gay sentiments such as these. Land of the free my arse, what on earth is wrong with gay people getting married, they're people too. Quite frankly they'd probably last longer than hetero couples, because the gays would most likely really appreciate the right to marriage and really appreciate it.

    In the hetero world marriage is a complete joke, it's throwaway, drive-thru-in-Vegas tat. Yep, I'm a romantic at heart ladies and gentlemen.

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Rock on!!!
    That was a very smart move on their part. Obviously there are some freaks in the Senate the understand that they cannot control a person and their private tastes/lives.

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Quite frankly they'd probably last longer than hetero couples...
    That's one of the things that's so tragically funny about people who talk about hetero marriage being the best form of marriage and the best way to raise a kid. Give me a break. Most people I know, including myself, are products of failed marriages. Straight people get divorced, they abuse their kids, they cheat on each other, and ALL of that. So, this is supposed to be superior to, say, two guys as parents. So the kids'll be made fun of in that actually worse than any of the things I listed above? I thin not. get made fun of in school for everything and anything, gay parents or not.

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  5. #5
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie-A-GoGo
    Most people I know, including myself, are products of failed marriages. Straight people get divorced, they abuse their kids, they cheat on each other, and ALL of that. So, this is supposed to be superior to, say, two guys as parents. So the kids'll be made fun of in that actually worse than any of the things I listed above? I thin not. get made fun of in school for everything and anything, gay parents or not.
    I am a product of a "failed marriage" AND my best friend is gay -
    To quote a song from a band that I loathe (yet, I follow this rule to the fullest)

    People are people
    So why should it be
    You and I should get along so awfully

  6. #6
    Being Attacked kar98k's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    GOOD says I.

    I can't believe in this day and age, the president of the united-bleedin'-states is running around preaching anti-gay sentiments such as these. Land of the free my arse, what on earth is wrong with gay people getting married, they're people too. Quite frankly they'd probably last longer than hetero couples, because the gays would most likely really appreciate the right to marriage and really appreciate it.

    In the hetero world marriage is a complete joke, it's throwaway, drive-thru-in-Vegas tat. Yep, I'm a romantic at heart ladies and gentlemen.
    i live in the U.S. and i say amen to that

  7. #7
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    SCREW IT! I'm posting the lyrics!!!!! PEACE to all, my bitches!!!!!

    People are People
    Depeche Mode

    People are people so why should it be
    You and I should get along so awfully

    So we're different colours
    And we're different creeds
    And different people have different needs
    It's obvious you hate me
    Though I've done nothing wrong
    I never even met you
    So what could I have done

    I can't understand
    What makes a man
    Hate another man
    Help me understand

    People are people so why should it be
    You and I should get along so awfully

    Help me understand

    Now you're punching and you're kicking
    And you're shouting at me
    I'm relying on your common decency
    So far it hasn't surfaced
    But I'm sure it exists
    It just takes a while to travel
    From your head to your fist

    I can't understand
    What makes a man
    Hate another man

    Help me understand

    Take THAT, you punk ass bitches!!!!
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 10-Jun-2006 at 01:05 AM.

  8. #8

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    I have nothing against gay people. I believe that people have the right to make their own decisions with their lives, however I do draw a few lines. For one, nobody is born homosexual, it is all a product of upbringing. I think of it as a car, being straight is standard package while being gay is an add-on. Second of all, what is wrong with banning gay marriage? Honestly, gay people can be together, it doesn't really have an impact on me and it's not like their rights are violated in any way. All I ask is just the decency to keep marriage being straight people. My parents have been married over 25 years and have done a good job raising me, I have 2 aunts, 3 uncles on my mom's side with families and 2 aunt's on my dad's side, and off all that there have only been 2 divorces (one for the better, one maybe not). However, I think the big reason many divorces happen are because a lot of people are unwilling to accept responsibility and simply ignore every warning sign and rush to marriage without thinking things through. Of course there are times when marriages go under because one or both parties involved are too self-obsorbed to take notice of anything but themselves. Anyway, back on take on gay marriage is against. To basically repeat my opinion, people have the right to be with whoever they want, however I think gay marriage would lower the value of normal marriages. It's kind of hard for me to say what I believe so some parts might not make sense, but I hope you can see the general direction I'm heading in. Besides, why do we have to lower our standards on everything(including morality) just to appease every freaking person in the world?

  9. #9
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04
    I have nothing against gay people. I believe that people have the right to make their own decisions with their lives, however I do draw a few lines. For one, nobody is born homosexual, it is all a product of upbringing. I think of it as a car, being straight is standard package while being gay is an add-on. Second of all, what is wrong with banning gay marriage? Honestly, gay people can be together, it doesn't really have an impact on me and it's not like their rights are violated in any way. All I ask is just the decency to keep marriage being straight people. My parents have been married over 25 years and have done a good job raising me, I have 2 aunts, 3 uncles on my mom's side with families and 2 aunt's on my dad's side, and off all that there have only been 2 divorces (one for the better, one maybe not). However, I think the big reason many divorces happen are because a lot of people are unwilling to accept responsibility and simply ignore every warning sign and rush to marriage without thinking things through. Of course there are times when marriages go under because one or both parties involved are too self-obsorbed to take notice of anything but themselves. Anyway, back on take on gay marriage is against. To basically repeat my opinion, people have the right to be with whoever they want, however I think gay marriage would lower the value of normal marriages. It's kind of hard for me to say what I believe so some parts might not make sense, but I hope you can see the general direction I'm heading in. Besides, why do we have to lower our standards on everything(including morality) just to appease every freaking person in the world?

    I don't even know where to begin with this. Luckily, I'm leaving for 10 days or so, so I don't have to. It's up to the rest of you lot to take this on. Good luck.

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  10. #10
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    I have no problem with gays either

    BUT <----(yes a but)

    The united states was founded under christian ways and last time I checked its a sin to be gay "one nation, under god, indivisable for liberty and justice" something along those lines

    im not preeching god but im pointing out an issue here

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BLUNT
    I have no problem with gays either

    BUT <----(yes a but)

    The united states was founded under christian ways and last time I checked its a sin to be gay "one nation, under god, indivisable for liberty and justice" something along those lines

    im not preeching god but im pointing out an issue here
    The "Christians" are the main reason the US is as screwed up as it is.

  12. #12
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    The "Christians" are the main reason the US is as screwed up as it is.

    AMEN to that brutha!

    I was raised catholic, however, the last time I stepped in a church was probably 12 years ago. I don't believe in a lot of the churches rules and regulations and the christian law is seriously flawed.

    If two people really care about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together marriage is what you use to show that caring and love. That is what marriage is about. it isn't about 1 man 1 woman. It is about loving someone and wanting to take care of that person forever.

    F*ck the gov't and thier bullsh*t. I am all for letting gays marry. These people so up in arms about it are afraid the nuptials will be in their living room... Get real and hey america... It is the 21st century... wake the hell up. Let's get out of the stone age. The way the conservative religious right is going now... burning at the stake is not too far off as another form of capital punishment.
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  13. #13
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    The "Christians" are the main reason the US is as screwed up as it is.
    actully it's not, but I'll NEVER convince you of that

    and why is pro-hetro considered anti-homo? Just a thought.

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."

  14. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    The "Christians" are the main reason the US is as screwed up as it is.
    I must disagree with you on this one. But to avoid any argument, let's just try to respect each other's opinions, m'kay?

  15. #15
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    While I'm not Christian myself, I can't understand that argument.

    It's not like Israel is all messed up because of the Jews

    or Pakistan is all messed up because of the Muslims.

    While it's not the religion itself, it's the united States goverments desire to help the RADICAL right of Christiandom in the United States. The evangelical bible thumping people who vote and vote and vote, that is really the only way that "Christians" have messed up the united states.
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