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Thread: what the bailout has cost...

  1. #1
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    what the bailout has cost...

    £30,000 for every person in the UK and $10,000 for every person in the US. the UK has far outspent every other country in terms of stimulus money per % of GDP. the UK has spent stimulus money equaling 94% of it's gross domestic product compared the US 25%.

    so far, the world's largest economies have spent over £6 trillion on stimulus programs. a large majority of that money has been spent by the UK and the US.

    in fact the article cites that the interest on the UK's debt is so high that by 2014, just the interest alone will be bigger than the UK's entire education budget.

    The private financial sector is estimated to have write-offs amounting to $4tn, of which two-thirds are losses suffered by the big international banks such as Citigroup or RBS.
    4 trilllion??
    Last edited by Mike70; 11-Sep-2009 at 04:40 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I know ... *sigh* ... fucking sickening isn't it?

    The UK has been saddled with such preposterous, out-of-proportion debt it's unbelievable.

    And this added to huge tax rises during the boom years - although, not to every area of the UK ... places like Labour-voting Manchester have much lower taxes than the Tory-or-Liberal 'Shires, for instance.

    They've been slashing interest rates (now at 0.5% - doing my savings FUCK ALL GOOD ) like it was going out of style, before they even say any affect their cuts might be having ... then they had this absolutely RETARDED cut in VAT (Value Added Tax) from 17.5% to 15% - but the only way you'd benefit is by BUYING stuff with money you DON'T HAVE, or have FAR LESS OF these days.

    For instance, I bought a new Quad Core monster of a PC - cost me like £1350 ... I saved a grand total of £30 ... if I can afford £1350, I can afford the extra £30!

    The cost of the VAT cut has been something like £12 BILLION - for that same amount of money, they could have out-fitted the entire UK with optical fibre broadband - something which would have benefitted our country FAR MORE than a stupid-ass 2p-on-the-pound VAT cut.

    Despite the VAT cut though, the price of petrol increased at the same time, so nobody was seeing any help there.

    They keep banging on about "deflation" - but bugger me if we've seen any at the supermarket et al.

    Gordon Brown is a massive c**t, as is Alistair "Badger" Darling, as is every single one of those "New" Labour morons who peddle lies, spin and complete bullshit rather than anything in the remote vicinity of vague truth.

    Like that Liam Byrne one or whatever his name is, the Labour guy with the bald head ... wheeled out constantly to defend the indefensible, peddling the same absolute garbage and constantly trying to spread the Labour version of what the Torie's (the Queen's opposition) are saying.

    Do I care what Labour think the Tories are saying? No, because it's going to be lies and half-truths. I want to know what they're going to do about fucking ANYTHING - but they're not doing squat.


    It's like that bloated windbag of hypocrisy and self-importance John "two Jags" Prescott - boasting about Labour building 2,000 council houses (about 30 per council ) - he completely forgets that they're knocking down 3,000 old council houses ... and that the most council houses ever built (one million) was under a Tory government ... ... what an absolute wanker, and a damn good example of what is precisely wrong with this rabble of inept, self-aggrandising, lying, self-serving, desperate-to-stay-in-power pigs with their noses most firmly rooted in the trough (while all the while proclaiming themselves to not be any of those things - I tell you, the sleaze and self-servicing this Labour crowd have done since 1997 makes anything done by any government of any shade in the past 100 years look like a speck on the windshield of history.



    And to cap it all off - Labour are going to spend more money than ALL the previous governments EVER combined, on this stimulus crap.

    They can't even get the scrappage scheme right - in Germany you can apparently buy one year old cars on it (thus avoiding most of the initial depreciation) - but oh no, not in the UK, it absolutely has to be a brand new car.

    I'm so stupendously fed up of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, Alistair Campbell, Peter Mandelson, Jackie Smith et al that it's impossible to transcribe into the English language - even if I did use every swear word known to man in the past, present and future.

    Although "scorched earth policy" sums them up...


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