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Thread: A fan review

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post are going to have to go a LONG way to convince me of that. i hope it is as good as this dude says it is but i've read this kind of masturbatory fan review before and many times they prove to be dead wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    i'm currently in Toronto awaiting the screening tonight, will post a review either tonight or tomorrow morning. Absolutely cannot wait for this
    Lucky so-and-so. Will look forward to it, chap.

  2. #17
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    i'm currently in Toronto awaiting the screening tonight, will post a review either tonight or tomorrow morning. Absolutely cannot wait for this
    Please. If it sucks - let me down gently.

  3. #18
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    from what i'm hearing and gauging by the reaction in Venice and the press (minus that one review) I think we're talking better then Land and Diary.

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    from what i'm hearing and gauging by the reaction in Venice and the press (minus that one review) I think we're talking better then Land and Diary.
    Ooh you lucky bastard - and you got to play a zombie in it, correct?

    Ooooooooh!!!! *screws up into a little, jealous ball, and buzzes around the room like one of those vibrating knobbly children's toys*

  5. #20
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ooh you lucky bastard - and you got to play a zombie in it, correct?

    Ooooooooh!!!! *screws up into a little, jealous ball, and buzzes around the room like one of those vibrating knobbly children's toys*
    yes sir, I'll find out tonight if all of my scenes made it in, so i may be writing the review covered in the nerdgasm i'm sure to have in the theater

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    yes sir, I'll find out tonight if all of my scenes made it in, so i may be writing the review covered in the nerdgasm i'm sure to have in the theater
    *jealousy explosion!*

    Kick ass though dude, hope you have a kick arse time.

  7. #22
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    thanks man, I'll have a blast regardless of how the film is. I'll post pictures on here probably tomorrow night when i get back in the states

  8. #23
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    thanks man, I'll have a blast regardless of how the film is. I'll post pictures on here probably tomorrow night when i get back in the states
    AWESOME! I'm so excited for you man!

    Just don't post any photos of your "nerdgasm". I can do without those particular money-shots.

  9. #24
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    loved every single second of it, better then Land & Diary, will do full report Sunday night when i get home

  10. #25
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    From AICN:-

    I was lucky enough to catch Romero's Survival Of The Dead, and Joe Dante's The Hole, at the Venice Film Festival last week and, seeing as nothing seems to have turned up about them on the site, here's my thoughts.

    First off, Survival Of The Dead. I love George Romero. I would have liked to have given that big bear of a man a big bear hug. I enjoyed Diary Of The Dead, but was left a bit cold by Land Of The Dead. It came across a bit rushed to me and it felt like it had been interfered with. Diary played like a fun experiment and I could go along with that, but it also seemed a bit below such an icon as Romero. After watching only one clip of Survival online, a less than great scene of the guy catching a zombie on his fishing line, my hopes were low, but the film is a pleasant surprise or unpleasant, depending on where you stand with gut munching. If anything, it's his first western.

    The story revolves around two feuding families on a small, east coast island and some mercenaries who turn up there to find a safe haven. The mercenaries were the guys in Diary who dressed like they soldiers or maybe they'd gone AWOL - you might remember them stopping and stealing from the kids in the Winnebago. The main guy with the beard is the lead character here. Anyway, the islanders and families have different approaches to the epidemic. One wants to keep the Zombies alive, train them to eat animals and give them some sort of quality of existence until a cure can be found. The others want to shoot em. The mercenaries are now looking for a home and after seeing an advert on the internet about Plum Island, they set off. They pick up an annoying hipster on the way when they rescue him from a bunch of looters who keep zombie heads on sticks for fun. When they get there, the island has degenerated into a sort of asylum for survivors and zombies alike. Which is an idea I'd like to have seen played out more. The zombies are chained up and repeatedly try to post letters or chop wood. Like I said, the island stuff plays like a western. The end has a definite Wild Bunch feel to it and there are probably other references that I didn't catch as Westerns have never really been my thing. There's even a zombie on horse back, which is better and spookier than it sounds.

    The film is not without it's faults. There's a twist about the zombie on horseback that seemed like a bit of a cheat to me and the guy who wants to keep the zombies around out of respect for the dead goes a little gun crazy in the middle of the film. The audience loved it, though. They gave George a five minute standing ovation before and after the film and politely applauded the big kills. Flare gun and fire extinguisher stand out, but there's plenty of chomping, splattery gunshots and gut chewing at the end. It's the film Romero should have made when Universal were throwing all that money at him to make Land and I think it's his best since Day Of The Dead. With the glut of sub-par zombie stuff around these days it made me really happy to see the man who wrote the rule book so appreciated.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    So after that Variety dude bitching about it (wasn't expecting anything else, to be honest), we're now getting some good responses, which is nice.

    I'm optimistic, and have been since hearing "it's not going to be subjective camera". As always - bring it on.

  12. #27
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Reviews that I've read seem to be split 50/50 between telling us that it's by far the best and most old-school-like of the new Romero films, and telling us that it's the weakest of a tired series. This even extends to professional industry reviews, with Variety calling it weak and uninspiring and The Hollywood Reporter calling it a blast and a potential box office hit.

    I've read over most of the reviews and identified the trends. The negativity in the reviews tends to focus on:

    1. Awkward acting and uninspired dialogue.
    2. Less emphasis on social commentary
    3. One dimensional characters

    Whereas the positive reviews focus on:

    1. Lots of action and gore
    2. Strong central character (Sarge)
    3. Overall inventiveness and Romero-esque feel and shooting style

    Personally, I can live with some hammy performances and bad dialogue from the supporting cast - think Wooley in Dawn or some of Jamaican John's OTT dialogue in Day, they're corny but we love em. You know, there's "bad", and there's "BAD". An example of "bad" from Diary is the professor - a stereotypical English gent prone to going off on poetic monologues, he was silly but entertaining, and he made his scenes amusingly watchable - and an example of "BAD" is the annoying bimbo Texan chick whose accent kept slipping and whose scenes were really embarrassing (I'm glad to see that the rumours were wrong, she's not in the new one).

    As for social commentary, I think it's similar to Day in that it's really just about our unwillingness to listen to each other. I don't have a problem with it - it's simple, meaningful and should give us something to think about.

    Finally, one dimensional characters are pretty much a hallmark of the series. With the exception of the four in Dawn and Ben/Cooper in Night, pretty much everyone in all of these films is fairly 1D, but we still love em. Saying that, the short viral clips of the Sarge seemed to hint at some depth to his character, distracting chain-smoking notwithstanding.

    The bad reviews haven't done much to dent my enthusiasm for the film, and the good ones have helped build it up. I'm not going in expecting Dawn all over again, but I think it will be good.

    It's the first independent, straightforward zombie film Romero has made since Day of the Dead, that's pretty exciting in itself.

  13. #28
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    as funny as this'll sound, my review is being looked over as its going on a website hopefully and as soon as I get it back from being proofed, I'll post it here.

    Oh, by the way, I enjoyed the hell out of this film. Better then both Land and Diary


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