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Thread: NIMF is Shutting Down

  1. #1
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    NIMF is Shutting Down

    About time. I am tired of religious, conservative, self-rightious watchdog parent groups trying to dictate what they feel is appropriate for everyone else. Fuck them. First, Jack Thompson and now this.

  2. #2
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    I am tired of religious, conservative, self-rightious watchdog parent groups trying to dictate what they feel is appropriate for everyone else. Fuck them. First, Jack Thompson and now this.
    awesome news and i agree, it's about time. i'm pretty well sick and done with groups on both sides of the political spectrum trying to control what adults see, read, and hear.

    what happened to that asshole jack thompson still puts a smile on my face.

    i think i'm gonna share this story out. i know a few folks who'd find this interesting.
    Last edited by Mike70; 21-Nov-2009 at 02:12 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    NIMF must be more of an American thing, as I think I've only heard of them in passing really, but even still - awesome.

    I too am fed up of morons who don't play videogames, or watch horror movies, or listen to metal, or whatever bitching shit out of their arse-like mouths all day long.

    The recent fuss about Modern Warfare 2 has seen plenty of that from various tossers here in the UK, from both sides of the spectrum - although a number of people complaining about it have been from the Left Wing ... and the champagne-supping socialist chattering class, like on some BBC1 show the other day called "The Big Issue" (on BBC1 or BBC2) or something like that hosted by Nicky Campbell. It's a religious type of show anyway, so it seems ... saw a bit of it on iPlayer and goddamn it just pissed me off so much I had to turn it off.

    Some woman with short dark hair on the main panel was the champagne socialist one, who bleatered on about the airport scene "making her cry" as she sat and watched it with her son - her FIFTEEN YEAR OLD son.

    Now, I don't care about kids playing it when they're underage - hell, I started watching horror movies aged 9, and was playing the likes of Carmageddon Uncut long before I was of-age to do so, and I turned out fine.

    Still though, for some bossy old bint like her to be so opposed to it, and still have her 3-years-too-young son watching it with her smacks of hypocrisy.

    Also, no doubt these numpties (like the ones bitching about it on Newsnight Review a few days after MW2 was released) watched the versions on YouTube in which the player has deliberately shot up the place and knifed civvies that are hurt and crawling away etc. They're completely unaware that you can:

    A) Skip the level entirely.
    B) Not shoot any civvies if you don't want to.


    So yeah, I've got no time for this variety of c**t, from either side of the political spectrum. In fact it's possibly worse coming from those on the Left, as they claim to be against such bullshit, yet do it anyway - it's why the UK Left's rabid support of the EU is so utterly hypocritical.

    Better go and calm myself down...


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