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Thread: Homosexual encounter

  1. #16
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I suppose it depends on the type of kiss, theres a whole world of difference between a passionate embrace as described above, and the frantic tongues everywhere & practically having sex that some people do in the corners of nightclubs or in bus stops etc!

  2. #17
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Disagreeing is okay!

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    I don't agree with the above poster. Displaying affection in public is totally fine and if the moment calls for it a passionate kiss is their business and no one elses's.

    Take an approach like that brings the sin connotation back into love.
    As long as you understand I am not talking about a kiss, a smooch, or open mouthed stuff....I am talking about the "Hey get a room!" kind of stuff.

    I am totally in favor of PDA or public displays of affection.

    Oh and it ist kind of funny (at least to me) to equate a openly gay male with putting the "sin connotation back into love".......I am usually accusing the Christian Right of doing tha!!!!! (No offense meant to Christians of the moderate variety)

  3. #18
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Whether the dude is gay or not is irrelevant. Whether he's kissing some other gay dude is irrelevant.

    Bottom line is, this was a dickhead that thought he'd try to intimidate capn with the punk-patented "whatchoo lookin' at?" line. Fuck him. If cap had stomped his ass into the street, he'd get no pity from me. That's what happens when you call out some random dude that's just trying to get down the street.

  4. #19
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Very true!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Whether the dude is gay or not is irrelevant. Whether he's kissing some other gay dude is irrelevant.
    That is why I call it a "Stupidity Encounter" not a "Homosexual Encounter"....the sexuality of this idiot has nothing to do with anything!!!!!

  5. #20
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    If you think about it though, the fact of his homosexuality is clearly important - to the guy himself. It's an issue for himself because he's so insecure about it. Judging by his reaction, the only prejudice in all of this existed in the wanker's own head. He seems to be homophobic about his own homosexuality. Now THAT'S a guy with problems!

  6. #21
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    First off, any homophobia or namecalling will be removed immediately.

    I left my house this afternoon drinking a glass bottle of Coca-Cola when I saw two people kissing. I thought it was a male kissing a female and smirked at their display of affection. It actually turned out to be two men and the taller of the two became aggressive. He was only a teen, I'm sure.

    "Who are you fucking looking at you fucking queer cunt? You never seen two men kissing before?"

    First off, the non-intelligence threw me. Me? A 'queer cunt'? Never seen two men kissing before? Totally baffled me. I decided to ignore the guy and walk on but he went too far with his second verbal.

    "Yeah, go on! Walk away, you fucking wanker. Next time I see you around here I'll carve you up!"

    I emptied the contents of my bottle and held it around the neck before walking back towards him. The look on his boyfriend's face was classic and the lippy dude knew he might have to fight his way out, which he didn't seem to like the look of. I walked straight up to the guy, all six foot three plus of him and said, "whatever sexuality you chose to be is fine but I fucking swear, you talk to me like that again and you will be smiling on the other side of your face, pal"

    Anyway, I continued on my way and did some grocery shopping for a good 45 minutes. On my way back I encountered the boyfriend again. He was quick to approach me and apologised for his partner's behaviour. I asked why his boyfriend was such a twat and he replied that the guy is a total bitch in the sack but a butch on the outside and becomes agressive with anyone who questions his sexuality. I have to admit, I started laughing my ass off there and then.

    Anyway, I've seen this 'butch' dude around a lot and he seems like a well known member of the community. I got nothing against his life choices but I really don't know how I'm going to react when I see him next. I'm hoping he just crosses the road. Obviously I'm not going to kick off with him but golly will it be hard to keep a straight face.

    I was a bit ugly when I confronted him but I ain't gonna be walked over, if you know what I mean?

    i totally agree cap, this is as bad as perez hilton calling the members of the black eyes peas faggots and queers but preaches about "not hating gay people"

    something kinda happened to me in high school once, now i was a jock but i wasnt mr sports who'd walk all over people. but anyway im in class and i called one of my friends a fag. this REALLY obvious gay guy turns around and goes "like omg did you just say fag?" yes i did. so he goes on to tell me how i shouldnt use it and shit and blah blah blah. so i looked at him and went "you ever heard of buttin out of conversations you werent in at the start of?" he never said another word.
    Last edited by acealive1; 26-Nov-2009 at 11:21 PM.

  7. #22
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    If you think about it though, the fact of his homosexuality is clearly important - to the guy himself. It's an issue for himself because he's so insecure about it. Judging by his reaction, the only prejudice in all of this existed in the wanker's own head. He seems to be homophobic about his own homosexuality. Now THAT'S a guy with problems!
    That thought occurred to me as well. There are some folks who use their alternate lifestyle (whether it be sexuality, style of dress, alternate religion, whatever) as a cry for attention.

    They act out with it, get very demonstrative, & then when someone DOES take the bait they get very militant/aggressive/offended & play the "What are you looking at?!?! Haven't you ever seen a _____ ?!?!?" card. Then use it as great fodder for stories later one so they can continue to play the poor persecuted victim who's misunderstood by big bad society at large.

    Anybody who's made a lifestyle choice that falls out side the "norm" can have a bad day, snap at an inopportune moment, if they've had to endure a lot of shit or someone is making an issue of it.

    But if you're out in public putting on a show, going out of your way to be as blatant & graphic as possible, & some poor sap happens to glance your way & you jump his shit about it? Uh uh. I ain't buyin' it bud. You were looking to get into a pissin' contest with SOMEONE. You just happened to pick someone who called you on it, yet was level headed enough to make it quite clear they were going to stomp yer ass flat REGARDLESS of your sexuality, but because you were being a dick!

  8. #23
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    That thought occurred to me as well. There are some folks who use their alternate lifestyle (whether it be sexuality, style of dress, alternate religion, whatever) as a cry for attention.

    like chastity bono?

  9. #24
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    There are some folks who use their alternate lifestyle (whether it be sexuality, style of dress, alternate religion, whatever) as a cry for attention.
    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    like chastity bono?
    Nah, more like Moon's mom.
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  10. #25
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Nah, more like Moon's mom.
    Now why you gotta go draggin' me poor old mudder into this? Don't get all passive aggressive on me just cuz yer stuck at work on Thanksgiving, while I still repose in post gluttonous splendor from the magnificent feast that fine lady toiled over today...

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Now why you gotta go draggin' me poor old mudder into this? Don't get all passive aggressive on me just cuz yer stuck at work on Thanksgiving, while I still repose in post gluttonous splendor from the magnificent feast that fine lady toiled over today...
    Ye bastid!!! Ye Rat Bastid!!!
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    If you think about it though, the fact of his homosexuality is clearly important - to the guy himself. It's an issue for himself because he's so insecure about it. Judging by his reaction, the only prejudice in all of this existed in the wanker's own head. He seems to be homophobic about his own homosexuality. Now THAT'S a guy with problems!
    Yup, well said Martin.

    The reason why this thread is called Homosexual Encounter is because it deals with two homosexuals. Not two straight people. Obviously I am not claiming it to be a true study of all homosexuals but two in particular who stand on the street next to mine and continue to do so.

    The dickhead of the two definitely fails to accept his sexuality because I saw the other guy tonight throwing little stones at his window at 11pm. The moment the guy saw me, he stopped and started looking around and whistling like I was an imbecile who hadn't noticed. I felt like saying, "quit it you stupid fool because he wont be coming out tonight. You are persuing someone who is ashamed of his sexual preferences. Find someone who gives a shit."

    Then again maybe he's a hetero-chaser.

  13. #28
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    As long as you understand I am not talking about a kiss, a smooch, or open mouthed stuff....I am talking about the "Hey get a room!" kind of stuff.

    I am totally in favor of PDA or public displays of affection.

    Oh and it ist kind of funny (at least to me) to equate a openly gay male with putting the "sin connotation back into love".......I am usually accusing the Christian Right of doing tha!!!!! (No offense meant to Christians of the moderate variety)

    I know what you mean with the "get a room" thing I just doesn't bother me at all...I mean groping might be a little unfair for the kiddies to see but as long as they're nowhere near a school then I don't even see much of a problem with a little squeeze of the ass whilst in passionate moments...! Or a big squeeze...nah its all good with me...

    Only thing I've found myself offended by recently is the state some people leave public toilets in...haha
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  14. #29
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post

    Only thing I've found myself offended by recently is the state some people leave public toilets in...haha
    And from what I hear, the womens are usually far worse than the blokes!!

  15. #30
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    And from what I hear, the womens are usually far worse than the blokes!!
    Apparently girl's have an etiquette system, where they won't do a shit if someone else is in the toilets - they wait for each other to leave before plopping one out...

    Guys tend to be a little more....blatant...I've heard the most disturbing noises from other toilets where I work...

    The other week I got so offended by the noises this guy's ass was making I almost knocked on the door and said "do you realise how unfair it is of you to inflict this entire building with your stench and noise because you can't eat healthily. Just because you eat shit and are backed up all the way to your intestines doesn't mean people should suffer you trying to dislodge it!!!"

    I mean a farty poo is one thing, this guy was farting and slushing in the toilet for about 20 seconds straight and the whole place stunk like a sewer...
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.


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