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Thread: my life is twilight...ugh

  1. #16
    Chasing Prey

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    emo sissy vampires.........not my cup of tea

  2. #17
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Mista Mo, try getting your ass dragged to a midnight premier. I will say this with a straight face---I would rather get waterboarded than have to go through that hell again. When the first Twilight movie came out, my wife begged me to take her to the midnight premier. At the calculation of having to endure roughly three hours of crap than be nagged for months on end, I chose to go see the midnight show. I was litterally one of five men in the whole audience, and better than 80% were no older than 16. There wasn't a moment of complete silence once that damn Patterson's ugly ass face appeared on screen. It's bad enough that I had to actually read those four pieces of crap that are passed off as novels, but that experience by far was the worst ever.

    Incidentally, the only reason this series is so popular is because about every damn five pages Meyer describes Edward's smoking hot body. When I told my wife that I had plowed through the remaining three novels in less than a two week period after taking a full two months to get through the first one, my wife asked if it was because I enjoyed them so much. My answer was simple. "No, I just skipped every part of the damn stories that described Edward."

    On little piece of advice for all the rest of you. If you can avoid it, do not, and I say again, do not get into a debate over how crappy this book series is with a fan, they will litterally try to flay you alive. I've had to deal with grown women acting like whiny pre-pubescent girls every time I mention what a pile of crap these books are. The funniest argument I've ever heard concerning this was that if the genders of the main characters were reversed, I would like it. Here was my response- "Please try to convince me how a book in which a male lead character spends every 10-20 pages describing how his female attraction has such a voluptuous ass, perfect perky boobs that bounch slightly every step she takes, and how he loves the feel of her body rubbing up against his, would last five seconds without the author being burned alive by women screaming bloody murder about sexism, much less being sold as a young adult book."

    And don't even get me started on the supposed 'true love' that's protrayed in this crap. The human/vampire relationship in Rob Morganbesser's "Stranger" on this site was better fleshed out.

  3. #18
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor

    this is a real shirt. that is all.

  4. #19
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    What? Insomnia is great. . . a bit slow, but great still.
    Wow, you liked that? I thought it was a literary abortion...slow wasn't the issue, it was the whole book for me...rubbish characters, rubbish setting and a rubbish plot...but hey if you liked it, perhaps I missed something...if I ever see it around I'll give it another glance

    ---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by rightwing401 View Post
    Mista Mo, try getting your ass dragged to a midnight premier. I will say this with a straight face---I would rather get waterboarded than have to go through that hell again. When the first Twilight movie came out, my wife begged me to take her to the midnight premier. At the calculation of having to endure roughly three hours of crap than be nagged for months on end, I chose to go see the midnight show. I was litterally one of five men in the whole audience, and better than 80% were no older than 16. There wasn't a moment of complete silence once that damn Patterson's ugly ass face appeared on screen. It's bad enough that I had to actually read those four pieces of crap that are passed off as novels, but that experience by far was the worst ever.

    Incidentally, the only reason this series is so popular is because about every damn five pages Meyer describes Edward's smoking hot body. When I told my wife that I had plowed through the remaining three novels in less than a two week period after taking a full two months to get through the first one, my wife asked if it was because I enjoyed them so much. My answer was simple. "No, I just skipped every part of the damn stories that described Edward."

    On little piece of advice for all the rest of you. If you can avoid it, do not, and I say again, do not get into a debate over how crappy this book series is with a fan, they will litterally try to flay you alive. I've had to deal with grown women acting like whiny pre-pubescent girls every time I mention what a pile of crap these books are. The funniest argument I've ever heard concerning this was that if the genders of the main characters were reversed, I would like it. Here was my response- "Please try to convince me how a book in which a male lead character spends every 10-20 pages describing how his female attraction has such a voluptuous ass, perfect perky boobs that bounch slightly every step she takes, and how he loves the feel of her body rubbing up against his, would last five seconds without the author being burned alive by women screaming bloody murder about sexism, much less being sold as a young adult book."

    And don't even get me started on the supposed 'true love' that's protrayed in this crap. The human/vampire relationship in Rob Morganbesser's "Stranger" on this site was better fleshed out.
    You're reiterating thoughts I've read time and time again about these books and films - literally, it just has to be true...generally when a lot of people hate a movie or something its usually because by and large it f**king sucks, and this seems to be the case for twilight...

    I hope you went easy on your other half though, I hate going on rants to my gf about stuff she likes and she's gotta sit there listening to me completely destroy it - afterwards I feel awful...!

    I've seen the first movie - so my comments only extend to the experience of seeing that - but what I felt was important about your post there was your comment on the lack of "flesh" with the love story...from the movie (which I saw from about 29 minutes in) all I really saw was new girl arrives at school, everyone's a dick, she nearly gets raped and p*ssy boy saves her - then from that point, nothing significant happens to either of them...they decide almost randomly that they are in love - we don't even see them sharing their time together properly, its all shrouded in this bullshit - I mean, to fall in love so many things need to fit into place, and this stupid love story just felt like two angst ridden teens had arbitrarily decided they love each other and that was it...

    The "love" was decided on so quickly, without discussion or analysis - and that's what made the movie so dire. It was just instant gratification, cutting straight to the point and forgetting that a good story needs to be embellished with human detail. The characters aren't even likeable, I just don't understand why this film is so popular - it really is just total and utter rubbish.
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  5. #20
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Wow, you liked that? I thought it was a literary abortion...slow wasn't the issue, it was the whole book for me...rubbish characters, rubbish setting and a rubbish plot...but hey if you liked it, perhaps I missed something...if I ever see it around I'll give it another glance.
    I think I liked it quite a bit more because I had just read the Dark Tower books, so it was a nice side piece to those.
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  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    People who go out of their way to display their distaste for Twilight are getting to be worse than the Twilight fans themselves. I can't wait until it's no longer "cool" to make fun of Twilight.

    Seriously....I hear more about this series from internet tough guy bitching than I do from my wife.
    Last edited by bassman; 03-Dec-2009 at 12:52 PM.

  7. #22
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    INTERNET tough guys eh.

  8. #23
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    INTERNET tough guys eh.
    I wans't referring to anyone here. Just a general statement from all the places I visit.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I don't understand what is wrong with talking about a persons hatred for a terrible movie franchise. All the the on this movie is for (generally) good reason, and the arguments have been written and discussed numerous times. Sure you get the odd person that shouts "DIS MOVIE IS CRAP CUZ OF FAGGY VAMPIRES XD" but there are actual genuine complaints, some of which have been outlined in symponics post. Personally, I detest these films. They are poorly written, acted, and the subject material that they are based on is the kind of thing one would expect from a girl just hitting puberty, not an established writer.

    I can understand why they are popular, and I am more than tempted to say "Women have poor taste in film and literature" but that is jumping the gun, and a sweeping generalization on my part. If I wanted a poorly written outlet for my repressed sexual desires, I would write one myself. I don't need some Nancy getting wet in her underoos thinking about how she can write about sexy vampire body to do it for me.

    Speaking of which....

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    And as far as twilight goes, well the big difference between us as zombie fans and the little girls as twilight fans is that we are innundated with twilight crap in the media, constantly. The media panders to little girls, not so much to us. Fuck Twilight, fuck it up it's stupid sparkly ass.
    i think the biggest difference is that we don't sit around pining for true love with a character from the dead movies.

    you don't read shit here like, "oh, that ben is soooo dreamy. when my boyfriend kisses me, i just close my eyes and pretend it's him."
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  11. #26
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    you don't read shit here like, "oh, that ben is soooo dreamy. when my boyfriend kisses me, i just close my eyes and pretend it's him."

    I will direct your attention to a fantasy I had about George Romero, written and typed out here....somewhere.

    "Since you asked Bassman, here is why I would like to meet George Romero.

    I want to meet George. I think me and him would mesh well. I would tell him my ideas for a new zombie story, and he'd tell me what he thought of it. We would talk all day and night, eating breakfast and lunch together. I would go out on family trips with him and his family, handle his tax returns, and take his kids to swimming practice. We'd stay up all night chit chatting, telling each other about our own respective problems, and cry on each others shoulders. We'd wipe our tears and i would gently stroke his beard, while running my tongue over his glasses, trailing a long line of saliva across his coke bottle lenses.

    We'd head up stairs, me behind him, rubbing his back, and cooing into his ears. We sit down at the foot of his bed, and I would rub and jostle his formidable belly, kneading out any fat lumps. His face would start to turn red as I twirled my fingers in his chest hair, making tiny little knots of gray hair across his liver spotted chest. I'd slowly push him down, and start massaging his feet, using my finger nails to dig the fungus from underneath his yellow, smelly nails. I'd twirl it around in between my fingers, sniffing it on occasion, and run my tongue across it.

    It would taste like popcorn covered in sewage water.

    I would use my teeth to slowly nibble away at his nails, all the while massaging his inner thighs. He would find it rather ticklish, and start moving around like a newborn being tickled by its parent. I would then run my tongue over his calloused feet, getting into every nook and cranny available. At this point, I would start to slap his belly with a DVD copy of Day of the dead, making him moan like a zombie from one of his films. I would put on some soothing music; sounds of nature, or maybe some barry white, and begin to use the DVD case to tickle his unwashed, sweaty pits. With my other hand, I would slowly clamp electrodes to his nipples, and begin feeding an electrical charge into his erect man boobs.

    He would call me Bub, and I would call him Doctor Frankenstein; His breathing would start to become ragged and shallow at this point. I would comb his beard into the shape of a windmill, and blow on it. Afterwords I would cuddle with him and the collection of his DVDs that he has, and tell the DVDs that it's all right, I am here, and I am never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

    We would have shepherds pie and pizza for breakfast, and repeat the days activities to the end of times."

    snipped from another thread.
    Last edited by mista_mo; 03-Dec-2009 at 01:18 PM. Reason: found it!

  12. #27
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    i think the biggest difference is that we don't sit around pining for true love with a character from the dead movies.
    Maybe not true love, but this is pretty pathetic.

  13. #28
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I agree with Bassman. I don't know how people have the energy to be so very pissed off by so much inconsequential pop culture bullshit.

    To be honest though, I guess I've had my weak moments. After all, I still make fun of people who think Gladiator was a good movie and I get pretty angry over bad remakes. Don't get me started on the remake of Planet of the Apes, for instance.

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  14. #29
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Don't get me started on the remake of Planet of the Apes, for instance.

    please, do get started.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  15. #30
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    People who go out of their way to display their distaste for Twilight are getting to be worse than the Twilight fans themselves. I can't wait until it's no longer "cool" to make fun of Twilight.
    Expressing one's honest opinion never goes out of style.

    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    I don't understand what is wrong with talking about a persons hatred for a terrible movie franchise.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Maybe not true love, but this is pretty pathetic.

    Harmless game. When I start seeing folks post "When my wife says mean things to me I think 'Barbra wouldn't have treated me like that' or 'last night I asked my husband to slick back his hair & pretend he was Rhodes' then there will be more room for comparison, & I'll start worrying.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I agree with Bassman. I don't know how people have the energy to be so very pissed off by so much inconsequential pop culture bullshit.
    Doesn't take much energy, just an opinion & the ability to type. I don't see what's wrong with calling "bullshit" when one sees it.


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