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Thread: 2009 member awards

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Regardless, it's unfathomable that any political debates can overshadow Lee's tremendous contributions to this site and fandom in general over the past year: awesome Romero interview, on-the-scene Survival of the Dead reporting, first-ever John Amplas convention appearances, and now arranging for Terry Alexander and Michael Gornick, too. What else does he need to do to earn The Flyboy Award?
    Quite agree. That's why I personally gave him a mention.

    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    And I am positively dumbfounded that the ultimate champion of DEAD fandom GARY STREINER has not been mentioned once in this entire thread. Nominate your collective selves for Biggest Tool Award in light of the oversight. This man busted his ass physically and financially to bring us jerks the DEAD event of the decade, so if y'all can't think of a suitable category for nomination, then you'd better make one up.
    It says on the opening post that anyone can make up a category, so nothing's stopping you, Jim.

  2. #47
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Y'all being way too hard on Lee. Though I may not see eye-to-eye with him on politics, I can't say that he's ever been disrespectful of my opinions.

    Regardless, it's unfathomable that any political debates can overshadow Lee's tremendous contributions to this site and fandom in general over the past year: awesome Romero interview, on-the-scene Survival of the Dead reporting, first-ever John Amplas convention appearances, and now arranging for Terry Alexander and Michael Gornick, too. What else does he need to do to earn The Flyboy Award?
    Well, I mainly mentioned him because when people get into arguments with him, it all tends to go south, and insults are tossed around pretty frequently. In my mind, he seems to spring to mind when Someone mentions "antagonism" on this forum, at least nowadays. a Few months back I would have mentioned Khardis, go even further back and you have svengoolie (did I get the user name correct?) or DCBurney (i think they were the same person though, or am I mistaken?). It really isn't anything personal to THX, but he just springs to my mind first in this case.

    As sad as this may seem, I truly don't follow the interviews, or reports. I actually never read (or heard of) the survival reporting, or the convention appearances, as I tend to stick to the General Discussion, games, fiction, and lounge forums, with the occasional foray into Dead Discussion. I base my award thingies on what I have observed the most from what exposure I have had to the varying members here, and the posts that they submit. And as I said before, it isn't really a personal vendetta or anything, I just see more of the hot headed political debates then I do of the dead related topics, so I base my opinion around that.

    Hope that clears up my reasoning a bit, and hopefully I am not jumping all over the place like I tend to do when I make long posts.

  3. #48
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post

    And I am positively dumbfounded that the ultimate champion of DEAD fandom GARY STREINER has not been mentioned once in this entire thread. Nominate your collective selves for Biggest Tool Award in light of the oversight. This man busted his ass physically and financially to bring us jerks the DEAD event of the decade, so if y'all can't think of a suitable category for nomination, then you'd better make one up.
    As mentioned before...make up the category if you wish.

    I wouldn't have voted for him because he's not a steady member. Yeah, he organized that event and that's all good and well, but that doesn't mean he's a regular member here. Only posting to promote your event doesn't make you a regular member. This thread is more for the members that post on a regular basis and on every subject.
    Last edited by bassman; 21-Dec-2009 at 12:44 AM.

  4. #49
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    I've been thinking about this for days...geez it's hard, 'cause I like so MANY people around here! But here goes...

    Best Male Member Here ya go: <=======8

    ...oh wait...

    Clanglee. Us southern boys gotta sick together, plus I gotta keep it in the family w/ me brudder separated at birth. Since I can't nominate MYSELF, then Clang is the best choice...

    Best Female Member Chic Freak. Funny, classy, not offended by all of our little boy antics around here, just all around cool. Not that the rest of the ladies aren't all that, but Chic is the most active as well.

    Best ZFE (nominee must have 5000+ posts) MemberVery tough. Hells, Capn, Bassman, you're all great, but since I've got one vote I'll say Minion Zombie. Just the sheer quantity AND quality of posts is astounding, & I always look forward to hearing his thoughts on movies. A true cinephile in every sense of the word.

    Best Staff Member The Capn. Bane of spammers everywhere. More of them have left her w/ his boot print lodged in their colon than I can count. Plus his use of the...queens....english...(?!?!?) always cracks me up

    [B]Favorite American Mike 70. One of the brightest guys on here. Brutally honest. Speaks it plain. Has a way w/ a phrase that cracks me up.

    Favourite Brit Another tough one. There's a lot of you I'm fond of. MZ, Hells, Chic.

    I'd REALLY like to give Capn my vote but I alrady voted for him once.

    Krackenslayer would be another I'd LOVE to vote for (yes I know he's a Scotsman, but I'm assuming they're included as "brits"?) The guy is a great newer addition to the community, pure class, well thought out & constructive posts. Plus, see below.

    But I'm gonna give it up for Neil #1 for founding this site & #2 All of his posts just come across as proper British gentleman.

    Wish you'd come back award (Your favorite Member who stopped coming by) Even though both have been around recently, Thorn & Crappingbear are two of my favorites. Well thought out, intelligent, posts &always something to add to the discussion.

    Wish they'd let you back award (Your favorite Member who was banned) Pretty much anyone who was ever banned I say good riddance to, as they usually deserved it, but DCBurney always cracked me up.

    The Flyboy Award (Most Helpful Member)Dubious Comforts. The guy is a walking encyclopedia. His knowledge of NOTLD is astonishing.

    The Rhodes Award (Most Antagonistic Member)Most of the REAL antagonistic members have fallen by the way side. Out of current, active, offense, but THX Leo...even though he keeps it civil & orderly, just through carefully crafted verbiage he can REALLY get some folks worked up...

    Best Quote (who posted your most memorable quote) Overall the Capn drops some awesome stuff in just everyday posts, but the BEST quote in recent memory comes from (& my vote goes to) Krackenslayer for THIS gem:

    "I always thought that Trojan was a terrible brand name.

    I mean, if you think about the original Trojan horse - it slipped into the city under false pretences and, once it was safely inside, burst open and released its cargo of troops who then overran the inside of the fortress. Not exactly what you want from a condom."
    Here's a couple other nominations I'd like to throw out:

    All around nice guy: Yojimbo. The all around nicest, most laid back, well mannered & polite dude on here. Most of us can tend to get a bit snarky at one time or another, but this cat is pure cool.

    Voice of reason: AcesandEights. Just like Yojimbo, Aces can managed to offer rational counterpoint to many posts.

    Hello Funnyman: Along w/ Clang, Mike, The Capn & others, Mista Mo & blind2D always crack me up w/ their persistent offbeat outlook on life.

    Welcome Back Cotter:Deadpunk. Jumped back in in a big way & has been a great addition back into the family!

    Best New Member (1 year or less): JDFP & jded are both great new additions to the forums. Welcome gentlemen!

    Lifetime Achievement Award: As Dubious points out, definitely Gary. Dude was IN NOTLD, plus all the efforts he put into the recent festival are amazing. Wish I could have gone.

    There's my thoughts, such as they are. Apologies to any I left out & wish I could nominate everybody for everything. You're all good people in my book.

  5. #50
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    As mentioned before...make up the category if you wish.
    It means a whole lot more if one of you ungrateful assholes does it, so there.

  6. #51
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post

    Best New Member (1 year or less): JDFP & jded are both great new additions to the forums. Welcome gentlemen!
    Moon, you have officially made my day to list me in a category with all the great folks here on this list. I really can't say much as far as "Award" wise with respect to others as I haven't really gotten to know too many of you that well yet, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of input come the 2010 awards. I'm looking forward to winning the 2010 award for most posts while being drunk-off-his-ass (sorry, Cap, but I plan on taking that award next year!).

    Anyone else notice how a lot of other folks come here and post once or twice and then get pissed off because they aren't treated like gods and then just "disappear" off the board? Maybe there should be a category for "Biggest Cry-Baby" of the year?

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  7. #52
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Lifetime Achievement Award: As Dubious points out, definitely Gary. Dude was IN NOTLD, plus all the efforts he put into the recent festival are amazing. Wish I could have gone.
    See? That was so much better than if I were to do it.

    I'd nominate myself for The Wooley Miserable Bastard Award, but it says on the first page that you can't nominate yourself for anything.

  8. #53
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    I just noticed this thread and I had to laugh at how many people gave the Rhodes award to me. I'm not all offended though, everyone was quite respectful as to why they felt that way. To quote Shakespeare..."This above all:to thine own self be true / And it must follow, as the night the day / Thou canst not then be false to any man". I've lived my life that way for a VERY LONG time.
    I'd like to say thank you to DubiousComforts and capncnut for their very kind words. You guys are two of my favorite people on here.
    BTW, does this mean that I'm running this monkey farm now?

  9. #54
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    BTW, does this mean that I'm running this monkey farm now?
    Neil's scouting for his replacement, like charlie and the chocolate factory meets the last star fighter.

    with zombies.

  10. #55
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I just noticed this thread and I had to laugh at how many people gave the Rhodes award to me. I'm not all offended though, everyone was quite respectful as to why they felt that way. To quote Shakespeare..."This above all:to thine own self be true / And it must follow, as the night the day / Thou canst not then be false to any man". I've lived my life that way for a VERY LONG time.
    I'd like to say thank you to DubiousComforts and capncnut for their very kind words. You guys are two of my favorite people on here.
    BTW, does this mean that I'm running this monkey farm now?
    Well, for about 2 or 3 days before you get eaten by the zombies.

  11. #56
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Best ZFE (nominee must have 5000+ posts) MemberVery tough. Hells, Capn, Bassman, you're all great, but since I've got one vote I'll say Minion Zombie. Just the sheer quantity AND quality of posts is astounding, & I always look forward to hearing his thoughts on movies. A true cinephile in every sense of the word.
    Awww shucks.

    Thoughts on Avatar forthcoming.

  12. #57
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    Well, for about 2 or 3 days before you get eaten by the zombies.
    Which member am I going to shoot "in cold blood" and then rationalize it because I thought they were a "butcher"?

  13. #58
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    Which member am I going to shoot "in cold blood" and then rationalize it because I thought they were a "butcher"?
    you'll have to take a hostage too, lee.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #59
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Wish they'd let you back award: Its gotta be HLS. Her inane, usless posting was funny as hell, as was her and Adreno's battles. And who could forget that gem, 'torlet'.

    I've rarely been more serious on these boards. The Bosses should seriously consider letting them back in. I mean, strictly for the comedic value, it would be priceless.

    We can post quotes but those who have never met them could never fathom the WTF-ness those two provided.


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  15. #60
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    you'll have to take a hostage too, lee.
    Yes, I forgot about that Mike. Thank you so much for reminding me.


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