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Thread: Last of the Living - "zomedy" from New Zealand

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Last of the Living - "zomedy" from New Zealand

    Picked this up at Wal Mart last night for $10. Very low budget amateur effort. Looks like a VHS dub from the 80's, even though it was made last year. A few snickers, but not very, funny, gory or scary. Reminds me of "Bad Taste" or "The Dead Next Door" in terms of film making, but not as good as either of those. Not very well written, has about as much internal logic as, say, "Zombieland", but not as easily forgiven as the movie just isn't that entertaining.

    Not the most awful movie I've ever seen, but not very good. Just left me blah.

    My final score? to

    Worth a rent? Only if you really like very low budget indie efforts & want to see every zombie movie out there.

    Buy? No. Only if you're a collector/completist like me.

    (PS - on the US DVD cover they felt compelled to slap on the tagline "Shaun o the Dead has got nothing on these slackers!" Note to indie zombie filmmakers: Stop trying to out-Shaun Shaun. Don't even try. And quit comparing your shitty movie to Shaun. You're only going to come away looking bad. I'm looking at you "Dead & Breakfast".)
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 31-Oct-2009 at 08:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Just been bitten

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    Exclamation Last of the Living (Kiwi zombie film)

    Anybody else seen this little gem from New Zealand? It was actually pretty good. The plot was a little iffy and some of the acting stiff, but it was better than most low budget zombie films. It's actually very professional looking, considering it's basically an amatuer film.

    My main issue with the plot is that the macguffin that the female pilot needs to get to the scientists on Stewart Island in order to find a "cure" is just a sample of zombie blood. Ordinary zombie blood, nothing special. Which is stupid considering that; A, it would mean that the government set up an emergency research base complete with a staff and equipment, but not a single specimen (& the health authorites were clearly rounding the infected up before everything collapsed); and B, it turns out that they did have research specimens chained up after all, but some of them got loose and killed everyone. The pilot never thought to radio the base, even after she took off in the plane; of course it turns out that there's a recording broadcasting a warning not to come to the island as all is lost.

    I give it a 3 out of 5.
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  3. #3
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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  5. #5
    Threads merged.

  6. #6
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Picked this up at Wal Mart last night for $10. Very low budget amateur effort. Looks like a VHS dub from the 80's, even though it was made last year. A few snickers, but not very, funny, gory or scary. Reminds me of "Bad Taste" or "The Dead Next Door" in terms of film making, but not as good as either of those. Not very well written, has about as much internal logic as, say, "Zombieland", but not as easily forgiven as the movie just isn't that entertaining.
    This 'review' made me laugh out loud! If I ever make an indy movie, remind me to NOT send you a screener...

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I know Shaun was fairly popular and it's one of my favorites, but was it THAT popular? So popular that from now on every zombie film with a hint of humor must be compared or related?

  8. #8
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Picked this up at Wal Mart last night for $10. Very low budget amateur effort. Looks like a VHS dub from the 80's, even though it was made last year. A few snickers, but not very, funny, gory or scary. Reminds me of "Bad Taste" or "The Dead Next Door" in terms of film making, but not as good as either of those. Not very well written, has about as much internal logic as, say, "Zombieland", but not as easily forgiven as the movie just isn't that entertaining.
    after some recent film experiences, it will be a very long bit before i waste anymore of my time on movies where the words "amateur", "indie", and "zombie" are combined.

    cue the inevitable "oh, but there are gems out there" reply along with a list of "indie" movies that are worthy. i don't really care.

    just because you have a camera and know which direction to point it does not mean you should shoot a zombie flick.
    Last edited by Mike70; 24-Dec-2009 at 04:23 PM.
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  9. #9
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    This 'review' made me laugh out loud! If I ever make an indy movie, remind me to NOT send you a screener...
    Normally I'm VERY forgiving of low budget/indy efforts, but you gotta bring SOMETHING to the table...writing, decent plotline, fresh ideas, SOMETHING...the only thing I can say positive about this one was the interaction between the 3 male leads was somewhat amusing & main guy's constant attempts to be a ladies man were somewhat funny...but the rest...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    after some recent film experiences, it will be a very long bit before i waste anymore of my time on movies where the words "amateur", "indie", and "zombie" are combined.

    cue the inevitable "oh, but there are gems out there" reply along with a list of "indie" movies that are worthy. i don't really care.

    just because you have a camera and know which direction to point it does not mean you should shoot a zombie flick.
    Thrill of the hunt my friend. Exploration of the unknown. That's what still does it for me. Even though this one was only meh, I still don't regret it & plan to keep going. But that's just me.
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 24-Dec-2009 at 05:02 PM.


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