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Thread: Bought Silent Hill: Shattered Memories today, and finished it in one sitting.

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Bought Silent Hill: Shattered Memories today, and finished it in one sitting.

    -Don't take that as a bad thing though, i ploughed through this, being a massive fan of the series. In honesty the psychological horror, riddled with multiple levels of subtext and meaning all wrapped in an iconic setting and a glorious soundtrack puts the silent hill franchise a peg above romeros work in terms of "fuck yes, lets sit through this again!".

    Clocking in at around 8 to 9 hours This game is NOT silent hill. The characters names are the same, its in a town called silent hill. EVERYTHING else is different.

    -And different person to person too.

    During the course of the game, which is told as a flashback during your psychiatrist therapy session you take part in interviews and tests with your psychiatrist ,"dr kaufman", as you progress this effects everything in the game.
    Spend time oggling at mannequins in the lingerie store?, posters of cheerleaders in the high school? then when you meet cybil she might be a buxom, bleach blonded woman in a very small shirt and leather biker pants. the enemies "raw shocks" with devlop breasts, there hips will bell out as they turn into nurses.
    Personally i met cybil as a brown haired generic mountain cop, green jacket and trousers, gun in one hand, torch in the other. and my raw shocks were floating segments of cross sectioned meat with heads i can only describe as akin to totem poles or something from a lovecraft fever dream.

    Its just one of the fascinating neat touches that was added to this game. Which seems impossible compared to most wii titles on the system.

    The motion control is mostly to control the torch which is seamless in real time and casts real time shadows across the town based on what objects are in the way. a woman cuts bits from a cake with a fork as she eats it, a man pours some scotch from into a glass and the liquid flows form the bottle and fills the glass. and this is all done in the in game engine, theres no FMV's where everything gets high res, and your very rarely out of control in cutscenes. your eyes can wander and you can effect the outcome depending on what you do.
    For example i met lisa and helped her get home, she is changing out of her nurse scrubs in the next room as i sit and watch tv, in the corner of the screen i see movement, flick towards it and see her semi nude reflection in the mirror. she freaks and calls me a peeping tom and makes me leave. All because of a scripted event i had no definitive control over.

    The story is, without spoilers absolutely different from its namesake, every ending is different. why cheryl is missing is different. everything. Dahlia is a teenage punk rock looking chick, harry no longer looks like jin from lost dipped in tea and there are even characters and subplots introduced that di not exist before.
    Honestly its best to sum it up like this: in the age it was made silent hills resonating idea was a creeping sense of loneliness and foreboding against an unknown horror. In shattered memories its all about people and connections they make. very rarely is harry truly alone. It is as though the first game was a david lynch horror film, and this was something done by the cohen brothers.

    As i move onto gameplay i should note a big game mechanic that effects how harry stays in contact with people is his smartphone.

    Now the original silent hill is set in... either 1985 or 1991, but the correct date escapes me. either way harrys only contact was a damaged radio that whined and snapped when one of the nightmares drew close.
    For SM universe harry it is 200X, and everyone has a high tech cell phone.

    As you play you use your phone for everything. receiving calls from ghosts or shades. from real people, how you can even call back for more story. you can take pictures of "echoes" left behind by tragic events in the vein of fatal frame and it has a "tom-tom" map system and even replaces documents with ghostly white noise voicemails.

    Aside from that the game is divided into two halves.

    1: The safe period, there is no true "other world", in which the town is caught in the blizzard of the century and very few people are still in town. there is NOTHING to harm you, monsters do not exist here. only shadows and nonviolent ghosts.
    You explore, find keys, treasure, documents for back story and progress in the ever intriguing plot till the shearing noise starts-

    2: But its not radio static its the ear wrenching sound of sheer ice creeping up and covering everything. water cooler tanks freeze and explode into a crystal. streets are blocked by walls of ice and metal structures buckle and break under the stress.
    Then the raw shocks appear.
    A play on the psychiatry idea of "rorschach tests" the raw shocks are what the player makes of them. but regardless of how they pysichally alter they have one goal 'grab you and pin you down under a pile'. Harry has no weapons, all you can do is run through a frozen hell till you outrun them.
    This utilies the hide and seek method of evasion from the Siren series and to be honest i rarely needed to use it, just bolt, clock tower style, away from them and enjoy exploring more of the snowy town.

    Aside from that its the basic wii style "hold a+b to grab the wallet, flip it open, shake it to reveal a hidden key and pull it out to gain it yourself". Its not bad and never to in your face and brings a nice change to silent hills past 'move this arrow to select something from a menu" but could have used some more ingenuity.

    Soundtrack wise its, well, its Akira Yamoaka, the mans second in gaming musicians to Nobou Uematsu and noone else. This game was his final one for the franchise and its a nice change of pace. Gone is the now overstayed industrial banging and gentle acoustic and piano beats feed the idea that this town is shut down due to the ungodly storm. But theres also a flair of something new and inventive. He reunites with Mary mcglynn for 4 new vocal tracks including a haunting dark, slightly techno, cover of Evlis presley's "you are always on my mind" that are some of there best.
    It takes you through the game with only mild repetition and is a fitting farewell from Yamaoka to the series.

    Honestly i could ramble for a while but im incredibly surprised this well made, incredibly satisfying game was made by the same people who made that absolutely terrible silent hill origins. This was a supremely enjoyable ride that surprised me at the end and didnt try to leave it open for a sequel, or use the cliche "but the evils not over" it ends with a subtle and all the more successful wimper than a Michael bay style bang and overall this was £30 very well spent.
    Honest i would say its one of the best survival horrors in recent years. i had lost a lot of hope for the genre, with games like dead space and resi 5 i thought the original idea of surviving a horrific ordeal was forever replaced by a cheap run and gun action game and i am very pleased to see it revitalized in this game.
    It's not up there in my holy trinity of 2's, silent hill 2, resident evil 2 and fatal frame 2: crimson butterfly. But its the closest any survival horror games come since there generation.

    Basically its on wii, psp, ps2 and possibly pc so theres a good chance you own a system that can play it, if so i can hearilty recommend playing this. the first true "survival" horror game of this period of the current gameing generation. and prepare to play something that, isnt amazing in terms of controls or combat- or lack thereof, but something that delivers a great retelling of a story that, lets face it needed a bit fo a rejigger, with great characters, memorable locale's and a bitchin' soundtrack.

    Basically, get ready to enjoy the first proper silent hill game in a long, LONG time.

  2. #2
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Good review, thanks man. One of my room mates owns a Wii so I'm going to have to talk him into buying this.

  3. #3
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    It doesn't suprise me how quickly you ran through it. Being somewhat familiar with the setting and plot must have helped speed it along.

    Now that i think about it the survival horror genre, when it first came out, didn't have very long games, the original silent hill included. What made them long was having to figure out what to do next.

    For example you could finish the RE 1 and 2 in under 5 hours and get rewarded handsomely for it. ( Remember the days of free DLC? I wonder what we would have to cough up for that extra content these days).

    But based on your review i should be picking this up. I normally rent but when it comes to the RE and SH series they are all buys, (yes inckluding SH origins ).


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  4. #4
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    so i lent it to a friend and it turns out a lot of it changes based one you.

    heres two examples

    here his playthrough cybil:

    here's the one from mine:

    heres his playthroughs dahlia:

    again, heres mine for comparison:

    So there's more variance than i gave it credit for, and these arent the only possible options for just these two characters based on you.

  6. #6
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Really interesting review.

    So let's say I've never played anything that had "Silent Hill" in the title. Where do I start? Can I pick this up and get into it without a bunch of references from older titles limiting my ability to succeed or have fun with it? I don't want to go back and play a 1985 game and it's 12 ever other year followups.

    Basically, it sounds like fun, but where do I get started and how much will I miss hopping in part way through the series?
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    the origional was superb in the day but like resident evil its aged terribly, id say go with this then grab silent hill two, it still holds up to a 2001 game and its one of my favourite games of all time.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Random question: have you guys heard of the 360 game "Deadly Premonition"? It recently came out in the US for $20, and while IGN gave it a 3.2, other sites like Destructoid gave it a 10, and OXM and 1up both gave it 7.5. Apparently it's supposed to be like PS2-era survival horror mixed with campy dialogue and characters. With so many conflicting opinions, I'm wondering if it's worth it. A quote from the Destructoid review:

    There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect.
    Sounds oddly enticing.

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Yes, yes i have. Its been acause of much flaming in the survival horror circles online.

    Basically it started as rainy woods, an out and out direct rip off of the tv show twin peaks. Naturally when Lynch got wind of it about a year ago they "whent back to the drawing board" and hastily redesigned a poor ps2 budget release but because it retains enough of twin peaks, like the protagonist special agent and his bizaare love of coffee, has people who never watched twin peaks applauding its unusual design and story. When actually its a hastily made cross between a gta mod and resident evil 4. Honestly id give ti a miss, but then people i know have enjoyed it as a comedy game so who knows you might dig it.

    Last edited by Danny; 07-Apr-2010 at 01:19 AM.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Well, I bought it. Installing now. The Gamestop employee, immediately after asking him for the game, said "You don't want it. We have 5 copies, and it's 5 too many."

    Hopefully there will be enough quirky humor and old school charm to keep me from thinking I wasted my money!
    Last edited by CoinReturn; 07-Apr-2010 at 06:29 PM.


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