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Thread: So I let my son watch the original Nightmare on Elm Street

  1. #46
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fulci fan View Post
    Do you even own a copy of Cannibal Holocaust?
    I did--an illegally downloaded copy which I ultimately threw in the garbage. Regardless of the film's obvious strengths, I do not consider it entertainment that warrants multiple viewing.

  2. #47
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fulci fan View Post
    Do you even own a copy of Cannibal Holocaust?
    Own a copy? Hell no. Seen it? Yes, once, and that was enough for me.

    It is kinda scary my little one is in high school next year. He's in 8th now, but next year is the leap to high school. The cool thing is, he spent 8 years in private school, so going into public high school, I think he'll be surprised at how things work. We shall see...

    It seems like just yesterday he was starting school and now he's going into 9th next year. Where the hell did the time go?!

  3. #48
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    It seems like just yesterday he was starting school and now he's going into 9th next year. Where the hell did the time go?!
    So it only gets worse, huh? I've recently been thinking that it seems like yesterday I was changing my kid's diaper and now she's telling me about her day when I get home. Weird.

    Can't wait to show her the dead trilogy, though. I figure I'll probably wait until she's around 10-13. Fun.

  4. #49
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    So it only gets worse, huh? I've recently been thinking that it seems like yesterday I was changing my kid's diaper and now she's telling me about her day when I get home. Weird.

    Can't wait to show her the dead trilogy, though. I figure I'll probably wait until she's around 10-13. Fun.
    10-13... SHEEEEEEIT... Show it to her at 7-8, instill fear in that child at an early age.
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  5. #50
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Let's be honest.....Any kid these days will be bored with Night, laugh at Dawn, but maybe get creeped out by Day. So really there's only one film that could do the scaring...

  6. #51
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I'm going to drop any offspring of mine down a well at about the age of 6. Leave them there for a day and a half to survive on well water and the dregs of whatever has been tossed down said well.

    If they can survive that, then they might be able to endure a showing of Diary.

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  7. #52
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Let's be honest.....Any kid these days will be bored with Night, laugh at Dawn, but maybe get creeped out by Day. So really there's only one film that could do the scaring...
    I don't know how your kids are, Bassman, but if I ever have kids (which God knows I have no intention of doing anytime soon) I plan on them being cultured little boogers. Nothing but the finest entertainment for them which they will value greatly. Plus, the benefit to having kids will be having someone fetch my beer from the fridge for me as well as getting free back rubs.

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  8. #53
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    She's only two, so I can't say just yet. Sure, she could like the films. They were before my time and I still enjoy them, so maybe she will as well. But i'm thinking she'll probably laugh at Dawn. That's okay though....I laugh at it as well.

    Besides....once she hits puberty she'll hate everything that I like and everything I stand for, so the chances of her becoming a fan are slim to none. Her mom really likes Day, so maybe they can bond over that when they're done with their Twilights and Harry Potters.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Now, let me start off by saying that the original NOES was the one and only film that really disturbed me as a kid. It came out in '84, and I was the ripe young age of 13. My mom took me and a friend to the theatre to check it out, and I was never the same. I spent a week sleeping on a concrete floor in a bedroom in our basement because I was petrified of the "Johnny Depp" fate. Top this all off with a double-dose - the following weekend was my birthday, and what stupid idea did I have? Yeah, "lets go see it again!" Bad idea. Disturbed me just as much the first time as it did the 2nd.

    Fast-forward a few decades. My son is now 14. I finally sat down with him and let him watch the original in all it's uncut glory. I told him beforehand how much this movie bothered me as a kid, and that I was only a year younger than him when I saw it for the fist time. I figured it was time he checked it out (he's a major horror movie fan, but being the kind of parent I am, I don't just let him watch "anything" uncut - it depends on the content of the film). So anyway, we sit down and watch the movie from beginning to end in a nice dark room on my big screen with the audio CRANKED through my surround sound system. FYI, we were watching the Infinifilm version, which has the DD5.1 mix on it (mixed well, too).

    So we watch the movie, and when it's over, my son turns to me and says "That movie scared you that much? Why?"

    It's amazing, but I'm having a hard time comprehending how he didn't find anything that "scary" about the film. He's only a year older than I was when he saw it, yet, it had nowhere near the impact on him that it did me. I'm not sure if it's because of the environment he saw it in (I have a 50" LCD, so it's a decent sized screen, and my audio/surround setup is pretty damn good for a home theatre) or if it's just.... well, I don't know! While some parts of the movie are dated, I didn't think the FX or anything were THAT dated to make him think "wow, the effects just suck in this"

    I think I mentioned in several other threads that certain movies were just done in the right time in our lives and wouldn't have the same affect on us had we saw them at any other point. I'm starting to think that was the case here. Either that, or I was just a MAJOR wuss when I was a kid, I don't know. Most horror movies didn't have a scare-the-ever-living-shit-out-of-me affect when I was a kid, but NOES did. I can't explain why, I just know what it did - and here, my son at 14, is asking me why I thought the movie was as scary as it was to me.

    I was pretty surprised to say the least.

    To be honest, I can't think of one movie that has bothered him so much that it completely freaked him out. I wonder why that is? I mean, we do watch a lot of horror movies, and he checks out a lot of SyFy flicks (I know, 99% of them suck, but still, he gets a kick out of 'em) - do you think it's a desensitization issue? Or perhaps he's just not moved by scary flicks?

    I'm sorta baffled by this one.
    Right so...Day of the Dead next.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    So it only gets worse, huh? I've recently been thinking that it seems like yesterday I was changing my kid's diaper and now she's telling me about her day when I get home. Weird.
    Yes, yes it does. It's amazing - I've told many a person that I believe kids were put on this earth to make us realize how quickly time passes. It feels like just months ago I was carrying him around in a carrier and putting him in his car seat for rides to the store - and next year he's going into high school. It's frightening actually, the passage of time and how quick it goes.

    I also think the older you get, the quicker time seems to pass, even if you take kids out of the equation. I never remember years flying by like they do now when I was in high school. Of course, I also never considered my own mortailty in high school either.

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Right so...Day of the Dead next.
    I think so. I think he'd enjoy the hell out of Day. He liked Night & Dawn, so this he'll probably dig too. We shall see.. I think he's ready for it though.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 13-May-2010 at 04:46 PM.

  11. #56
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I also think the older you get, the quicker time seems to pass, even if you take kids out of the equation.
    Of course it does. 1 year to a ten year old is a tenth their life and seems like an eternity. To us a year flies by like nothing and compares to a much smaller scale of the total scope of our lives.

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  12. #57
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Yes, yes it does. It's amazing - I've told many a person that I believe kids were put on this earth to make us realize how quickly time passes. It feels like just months ago I was carrying him around in a carrier and putting him in his car seat for rides to the store - and next year he's going into high school. It's frightening actually, the passage of time and how quick it goes.

    I also think the older you get, the quicker time seems to pass, even if you take kids out of the equation. I never remember years flying by like they do now when I was in high school. Of course, I also never considered my own mortailty in high school either.

    And it's crazy how each stage the child hits has it's diferent challenges and pros/cons.

    For example, when they're babies you can't wait to get a full night rest again, have regular sex with the missus and stop wiping shitty ass.

    Then lo and behold they're toddlers and can walk. Everything's all good right? Wrong !!!

    Now they're getting into everything. Remember when you couldn't wait for their first word and had that friendly bet with the wife on whether his first word would be mommy or daddy?

    Now they won't shut the fuck up and everything is a question.


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  13. #58
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I think so. I think he'd enjoy the hell out of Day. He liked Night & Dawn, so this he'll probably dig too. We shall see.. I think he's ready for it though.

    Then we must skip the commentary this weekend and watch DAY of the DEAD with him. That would be far more entertaining and we could do a podcast right after with him telling us whther he liked it or not.
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  14. #59
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I never remember years flying by like they do now when I was in high school. Of course, I also never considered my own mortailty in high school either.
    That's sounding awfully familiar to me these days. While I'm still a young pup to some of you here, about to turn 26, I've been noticing the years flying by faster and faster and faster - it feels more like a downhill fall to 30 down a slippery slope.

    I've long since realised I'm no longer invincible - as you do as a teenager - and I've been saying things like "my dodgy ankle is acting up" or "my back's stiff today" (both from injuries - the sorts of injuries you get when you're relatively young that just haunt you forever afterwards ) ... so I feel like I'm getting older.

    Heck, my mind isn't getting any older, but my body's leaving without me - now excuse me while I luxuriate in the knowledge that I usually wake up at 10am *Hedonism Bot mode ON* ... but I've been noticing that I'm waking up before the alarm more and more often, and that I can't stay up so late anymore.

    The days of bed at 3am and waking up at 1pm are long, long, long gone ... but being freelance I can still afford a 10am start.

    Not asking for any sympathy, so calm down ... just pointing out the little shifts away from my formative years ... the ever-so-subtle hints that my body is giving me to "grow up already you numpty" ... but my mind, stubborn as ever (hey, I'm Scottish ) refuses to budge.


    Long story short ... the sense of time becoming an unstoppable freight train is indeed upon me. Time has flown by so quickly of late (and for the last 2 or 3 years), and has gone so fast this year thus far I started my new script about 3 months behind schedule. The penchant for procrastination that is pervasive in my generation doesn't mix well with the light-speed increase in how fast the years go by as you grow older.

    Where was I? What's this thread about? ANOES ... blimey ... we're off topic now.

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Heck, my mind isn't getting any older, but my body's leaving without me
    I think that's the case with everyone, MZ. Put it this way: I'm 39, but I'll be damned if I don't still "feel" like I'm 25 as far as my mind is concerned. I do feel that I've matured and am more knowledgable, but my brain still "thinks" like it did when I was 25... well, to a certain extent. I can't say my memory is what it used to be, but there's a lot of other contributing factors that have affected that.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Where was I? What's this thread about? ANOES ... blimey ... we're off topic now.
    lol, I have a tendancy to do that in almost every thread. Perhaps it's my ADD kicking in.

    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Then we must skip the commentary this weekend and watch DAY of the DEAD with him. That would be far more entertaining and we could do a podcast right after with him telling us whther he liked it or not.
    I actually think that's a good idea - and I know he's up for it, however, I think we need to do Tremors and Land first since they're the most requested here, then perhaps we'll expose my little one (hah! I'm calling him 'little one' and he's 14) to Day and see what he thinks about it. Actually, y'know, I think he might've seen it already - I seem to remember him talking to me about Bub a few months back and him shooting the gun and all.. of course, knowing him, he probably saw a cut version of it on TV, 'cause I don't ever remember him sitting down with me and watching it uncut. I would've been there for that.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 13-May-2010 at 06:38 PM.


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