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Thread: Ouija Board Experiences

  1. #1
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Ouija Board Experiences

    Any other folks here have any experiences with the Ouija board? I refuse to allow the things around, personally. The last one I had I ended up burning and burying (George Noory says it's really the only way to get rid of the things -- and George can't be wrong on the matter).

    Here's my story...

    Nothing tremendously spectacular, I'm afraid... but it's still something that scared the shit out of me and keeps me from allowing anyone (regardless of how drunk I am) to bring the Ouija boards into my apartment -- right up there with Tarot cards, minors, Natural Light beer, or generally people I just don't really know over to my place (with exception to highly attractive gals I would like to.. ahem, never mind).

    So, many moons ago (I was around 17) I was at my grandparents old house (before they sold it and bought a condo) with some friends. I lived there at the time. We were goofing around and my friend Chris brought over a Ouija board. We were playing around with it and had candles going and we were basically saying: "Hey spirits! If you can hear us, prove you are there!" and all this nonsense that kids that age do. My grandparents were out of town for the weekend and so we had a run of the place.

    Nothing happened that evening... the next day, I go into the bathroom at my grandparents house and the bathroom has one of those great big mirrors right above the sink where you can pretty much see your entire upper body. As I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror I'll be damned if the thing doesn't crack into about a thousand pieces -- literally right in front of me. The cracks end up going all the way across the mirror as I'm looking at it. Naturally, I do what anyone at the age of 17 with that type of experience does. I freeze looking at it for a good ten minutes and then decide it's better not to be there (alone) and go over to my friend Chris's house (he had been there the night before with the Ouija board at my grandparents place).

    When I get there I discover that he's working on his second or third 6-pack of beer (which I partake) and he's pretty shaken up -- without ever telling him what had happened. A few minutes later I finally pry from him that I should go into his bathroom and look at the mirror. I proceed to do so and see that his mirror has also been cracked into about a thousand different pieces. Coincidence? Sheer happenstance? I don't know. All I know is that Chris couldn't have done something to my mirror in my bathroom to make it crack into pieces right in front of me that morning when he wasn't there. I just don't see how this would be possible. On top of this, the same exact thing happening to his mirror as well. It was enough to bug the hell out of both of us.

    We both burned and buried our Ouija boards that we had and neither one of us have really discussed the matter since then. Sorry to disappoint, there haven't been any other "paranormal" things to take place to either one of us. But, it was enough to scare the shit out of both of us. And has made me decide on a general banning of any "supernatural doorways" (Tarot cards, Ouija boards and the like) from my apartment. The jest of it is that I do believe in doorways -- and sometimes if you open up a door, you might not be able to close it again.

    I guess I'm pretty down to earth and sane most of the time (eh, give or take the amount of alcohol I've had) but there are just some things that I believe you shouldn't mess with because nothing good can really come from it (Man, I wish I had felt that way about my ex-fiancee early on).

    Anyway, that's my story... have any of you ever messed around with Ouija boards, Tarot Cards, or any other 'doorways' that you shouldn't have? Have you ever had strange events happen to you because of taking these actions? Any of you that have wised up and stopped screwing with this shit because of any events having happened to you or friends?

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  2. #2
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I've never been a believer of Ouija Boards actually being able to communicate with spirits. However, lately there has been some weird shit going on in our house and one of my room mates wants to use a Ouija on me & my girlfriends floor of the house. I'm strongly against it, not because I believe it'll do something, but because I'm so superstitious and always think "but what if...?"

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    some judge was off their rocker when they deicided this was to be deemed a game. it's just as much a game as voodoo. do NOT fuck with this stuff

  4. #4
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    some judge was off their rocker when they deicided this was to be deemed a game. it's just as much a game as voodoo. do NOT fuck with this stuff
    Except, unlike voodoo, it's mass-produced pieces of plastic and cardboard, often built by HASBRO...

  5. #5
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Except, unlike voodoo, it's mass-produced pieces of plastic and cardboard, often built by HASBRO...
    Indeed, and a gun is just metal, rubber and/or wood constructed together in a certain fashion.

    It's not really a matter of what something is, but a matter of what it can potentially do.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

    "A page of good prose remains invincible." - John Cheever

  6. #6
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    The first portion of this response is me being my typical science loving self. Second portion has a potential explanation.

    First Portion
    By the definition of natural forces within the universe I would say that there is no such thing as a supernatural event, simply by its definition.
    "Natural" essentially covers anything dealing with Matter and Energy...Perhaps even more fundamentally anything that can be measured and duplicated because after this is accomplished Math joins the party...And Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change.

    The unexplained or supernatural has simply not been explained or had its characteristics given a natural context.

    Various Elements interact with each other in a set predictable way dictated by their differing atomic structures and characteristics.
    Electrons have set predictable characteristics.
    All of which are measurable and repeatable giving us the ability to harness electricity, chemicals, and manipulation of our own bodies and consciousness.

    Typically it is easy for people to dismiss most "supernatural" stories as lies/manufacturings or individual and even group physiological/psychological hallucinations.
    That gets discussion no where though...So all things taken as truth some natural physical events occurred....

    Second Portion

    1)At least two mirrors broke.
    2)Group physiological/psychological uneasiness (admittedly this could easy be a situational response).

    Ok step 1 For something to break, some force has to act on it.
    Glass is notoriously brittle and highly susceptible to structural failure. Especially when subjected to Resonance! (Only came to mind because when taught in physics the examples given of this phenomenon in the real world is sound breaking a wine glass)

    Here is a short Resonance Definition.(in bold is important parts.)
    In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations.
    Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions.
    Step 1 complete...Identified a phenomenon that could break the glass....

    Step 2 Need a possible source of vibrations....

    For some reason Infrasound immediately popped into my mind...and its descriptions are very compelling

    Infrasound Info:
    Infrasound is sound with a frequency too low to be detected by humans.
    Infrasound is generated by natural processes such as avalanches, volcanoes, tornadoes, ocean waves, earthquakes, and meteors. It can be generated by large chemical or nuclear explosions and industrial equipment.
    And here is the best part! At least from my perspective.
    Infrasound has been known to cause feelings of awe or fear in humans. Since it is not consciously perceived, it can make people feel vaguely that supernatural events are taking place.
    It can even cause people to hallucinate grey figures if the resonant frequency of the eye is reach(18HZ according to NASA). At the right frequency, infrasound can make human organs vibrate, causing pain. Infrasound is at the right frequency to wreak havoc upon fragile objects like glass windows and household trinkets.

    So Infrasound would account for both the mirrors breaking and both you and your friends uneasiness.

    Not saying this is definitely what happened...but this is a rational and completely feasible explanation for the events stated.

    I have no friends
    Last edited by Terran; 19-May-2010 at 03:21 AM.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    nope, even growing up i knew there was no such thing as ghosts or spirits. A ouija board in particular, regardless of any pagan spiritualist ideas like religions its just a flat piece of wood the letters painted on it. Its no different than people going out and trying a crystal to a stick and being sure theyve made a magic wand. The only supernatural element is in your head with what you imbue it with.
    If someone uses something like this they believe its possible in some fashion otherwise its just a literal waste of time. Therefore they are far more susceptible to suggestion, for example there own impulses twitch there hand and the believe it is a spirit and get all wierded out.
    its all the basics of illusion acts, smoke and mirrors as they say, if someone wants to believe a piece of mdf they bought from hot topic will connect them to another realm there gonna be predisposed to be all "number 23" on there own spooked asses.

  8. #8
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone specifically so that the 19th century could phone in and tell you that they want their bullshit back.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 19-May-2010 at 05:26 AM.

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey

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    not for me, I believe in it about as much as Micheal Jackson's innocence...
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Im not a believer in anything like that, but I still wouldnt do a Ouiji board "just in case" things people have told me in the past have been pretty creepy but whether they're just stories or not I cant prove or disprove so I just remain sceptical but with a slightly open mind...

  11. #11
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I've never been a believer of Ouija Boards actually being able to communicate with spirits. However, lately there has been some weird shit going on in our house and one of my room mates wants to use a Ouija on me & my girlfriends floor of the house. I'm strongly against it, not because I believe it'll do something, but because I'm so superstitious and always think "but what if...?"
    My thoughts exactly. Logically I don't believe in any of it. But the illogical parts of my brain are scared $hitless about anything like this
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    ive got to point out that all the people, not just in his thread but in general, who say "i dont believe in them but-" need to stop trying to convince themselves. You DO believe in them. Theres no maybe about believing if a piece of wood is magic or not. You either think its just a piece of wood OR you think it is a magic piece of wood used to contact ghosts. Theres varying degrees of this belief, as with any belief, but if theres a niggling feeling in the back of your mind that using a ouija board in your house invokes bad juju then you do think it has some inherent magical power.

    I assume these kinda people are feeling slightly foolish about said magic wood ideas and are trying to convince themselves with the above paraphrase before anyone else and that kinda shit aint healthy. If you think theres a chance i could come round your house with a piece of wooden board with numbers and letters on and a slate and proceed to conjure the spirits of the dead then you are conceding to yourself that you believe it is possible.

    Like i said, its a wooden board or a magic wooden board, its kind of a simple distinction. yes or no, one or the other.

    -of course my laptop has a set of numbers and letters how can that not summon the dead if the wood can? this is just superstition like the number 13 or walking under a ladder. The wood has no power other than what you imbue it with yourself. Most commonly through passed on folklore and notoriety but sometimes a spoon is just a spoon and the moon is just the moon.
    Last edited by Danny; 19-May-2010 at 10:01 AM.

  13. #13
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I dunno hellsing, a couple of years ago i would of definitely been in the same camp as you guys 'its just a piece of wood, how can it do anything?' but if i may tell a true story..

    I was working as a bar manager in a club in the town i live in, this particular club is a listed building (over 100 years old) and used to be a theater in the 1920s/30's and there was a fire there, killed a few people and the theater shut down and was abandoned until luminar bought it and turned it into a club in the 1990's.

    Anyway, because its a old theater it had a upstairs balcony, one of the old fashioned types and because it was a listed building, we couldn't get planning permission to change it into another floor for our club (we tried) and one year. halloween is coming up so our GM (general manager) chris suggests that me, neil (the other deputy manager) and mike (the chef) go and do a ouija board on the balcony on halloween night, after the club has closed.

    So halloween comes and its a good night, 3am rolls around and we get everyone out, 4am rolls around and the staff are leaving, after 4, its just us and we go upstairs to the old balcony and chris gets this ouiji board and we start messing with it having a laugh with each other and so on.

    After a while, mike the chef gets up and goes to the toilet, he's gone for a few minutes and when he comes back, he is absolutely raging, demanding to know which one of us followed him and was banging on the door while he was using the toilet.. there was only us 4 in the building and us 3 stayed up on the balcony the whole time, mike swears someone was banging on the toilet door while he was down there and while he's having a strop at us all thinking we are playing tricks on him he stops, looks at a wall behind us and then runs, the fucking fastest ive ever seen anyone run in my life and he runs down 3 flights of stairs and straight out of the building and doesn't stop.

    I saw him a couple of days later and he told me a old man chased him all the way out of the building.

    Now at first, me and neil thought that chris had put him up to it to try and scare us, both of them deny it, but then thinking back, i saw his face before he ran, it was pure white, pure terrorfied.. i dont think it could be faked.

    Thats my story, its all true i swear on my life, every word of that is true and i will never forget it, especially the look on his face.

  14. #14

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    Going to take an apparently unpopular stance,
    I believe that what people call "the supernatural" exists. At the same time, I believe that any "supernatural" event has a root cause in an as-yet-undetermined principle which describes that specific aspect of reality, and all the unexplained events which can occur from such.

    Why do I believe? I've witnessed two clearly "supernatural" entities, one of which was seen for 2-3 minutes by no less than five individuals total. None shared their individual accounts as to what they witnessed until we were all back in the van and hauling ass away. Here's what happened.

    A girl I hung out with all through high school (she was a year ahead of me), had told us about the house in her neighborhood that had been in the papers a year or so earlier due to a grisly murder-suicide. Guy killed his wife and two teenage daughters in an unusually drawn-out and horrific manner, then ate a bowl of frosted flakes + ground up lightbulb glass.

    Typical teens, we thought checking out the abandoned house would be a cool way to spend a Saturday morning/afternoon.

    Long story short, a vaguely humanoid-from-the-waist-up figure of smoky non-light (NOT shadow or darkness. It was situated at the top of the stairs between two very large windows through which the sun was shining brightly. It just seemed to suck up the light), and vaguely misty/unformed from the waist down.

    That was freaky enough, but what got to me was the INTENSE feeling of "something" that wanted something really bad to happen to us. The key being that the feeling clearly felt very external. NOT like something my own emotions generated. This was the unique thing everyone commented on experiencing.

    Of course we got the hell out of there ASAP. This confirmed the existence of the supernatural (and the demonic) in a concrete way for me.

    Anyways, yes, I believe that doorways to somewhere negative and dangerous can be opened, intentionally or otherwise. Things like Ouija/Spirit Boards fall into the category of objects that under certain unknown circumstances can open those doorways unintentionally. So are a definite no-no far as I'm concerned.

  15. #15
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    andy, wyldwraith cant you both follow your own logic backwards to see the problem there?

    "halloween, early morning"?, "house where a grisly murder is supposed to have taken place"? You are predisposing yourself based on prior, but not concrete, information to prey on your own fears and make you more susceptible to scares.

    Find me a single story like this that takes place in a wide open space with dozens of people on a sunny afternoon instead a dark and spooky night on a day, or in a location with grisly or supernatural connotations with few people at the scene. THEN i will be more inclined to hear you out and concede a possibility of it being more than a person working themselves up into a state and seeing what they expect to see.


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