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Thread: Capn Dallow

  1. #61
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Apparently I was on the receiving end of one of Capn's famous outbursts some time ago, but never saw the original post as it was deleted before I logged on that day, but how I learned about it was from Capn himself. He actually PM'd me and apologized... when I said asked what he was apologizing for he gave me the story of what transpired and I said to him... No worries... Since I didn't see it for myself and you were man enough to PM me and say something about I considered it water under the bridge.

    I hadn't really brought it up or thought about it until I read the topic, but... to me if someone is man enough or woman enough to apologize they are ok in my book.

    I can forgive just about anyone... only a few people will never get my forgiveness, and that is a very very short list (3 people)

    Now, since I am lately known as the forum asshole.... thanks for the title BTW, I wear it proudly, I say if Capn is man enough to apologize again and everyone is willing to forgive and forget let him back in... but ... and this is just my opinion... maybe let him back with restrictions or removal of certain powers, title whatever, until he learns to handle himself (Nod to Peter in DAWN)

    Just my 2 cents. I know HPOTD isn't a democracy, but I say lets be democratic about it and put it to a vote. Since Capn is a very popular member and well liked... maybe we should all give him the benefit of the doubt.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #62
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    If Brett were to reply through another person, would that person be banned? I believe he has a right to reply!

  3. #63
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    With that said...

    We have a secret underground forum here called the "Crypt"?

    Say what?

    Its very common practice for any webboard to have a mod/staff only forum, i would put money on it that everyboard everyone of you guys visits has one.

    Its simply the most effective way for the 5 of us to communicate, for example if you report a post, it dosnt send a message to each of us individually, it just posts an alert in our staff forum so all 5 of us see the same topic, avoiding confusion over who's dealing with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Apparently I was on the receiving end of one of Capn's famous outbursts some time ago, but never saw the original post as it was deleted before I logged on that day, but how I learned about it was from Capn himself. He actually PM'd me and apologized... when I said asked what he was apologizing for he gave me the story of what transpired and I said to him... No worries... Since I didn't see it for myself and you were man enough to PM me and say something about I considered it water under the bridge.

    I hadn't really brought it up or thought about it until I read the topic, but... to me if someone is man enough or woman enough to apologize they are ok in my book.

    I can forgive just about anyone... only a few people will never get my forgiveness, and that is a very very short list (3 people)

    Now, since I am lately known as the forum asshole.... thanks for the title BTW, I wear it proudly, I say if Capn is man enough to apologize again and everyone is willing to forgive and forget let him back in... but ... and this is just my opinion... maybe let him back with restrictions or removal of certain powers, title whatever, until he learns to handle himself (Nod to Peter in DAWN)

    Just my 2 cents. I know HPOTD isn't a democracy, but I say lets be democratic about it and put it to a vote. Since Capn is a very popular member and well liked... maybe we should all give him the benefit of the doubt.
    I feel your fustration DJ but our banning system isnt based on 'he's popular, we wont ban him' its based on warnings, and chances, and oportunities and if you miss those, your out. no matter who you are, including me, the only person who is truely exempt from banning under our system is neil himself and i think thats fairer than basing it solely on popularity and to be honest, brett has had more than his fair share of warnings due to his friendship with me, ive put off taking action against him for a long time.

    Brett also hasnt apologised or even accepted any wrong doing on his behalf as far as im aware.

    Quote Originally Posted by Debbieangel View Post
    If Brett were to reply through another person, would that person be banned? I believe he has a right to reply!
    Yes to your question, brett does not have the right to reply, he is a banned member. he no longer has the right to access this board or any of its features until such time as he is unbanned. Allowing him to access the board through your account will result in infractions or a potential ban. Sorry debs.

    If brett really wants to talk, he has my email address but i am not prepared to engage him in a public display.

  4. #64
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post

    I feel your fustration DJ but our banning system isnt based on 'he's popular, we wont ban him' its based on warnings, and chances, and oportunities and if you miss those, your out. no matter who you are, including me, the only person who is truely exempt from banning under our system is neil himself and i think thats fairer than basing it solely on popularity and to be honest, brett has had more than his fair share of warnings due to his friendship with me, ive put off taking action against him for a long time.

    Brett also hasnt apologised or even accepted any wrong doing on his behalf as far as im aware.
    Understandable... I was just trying to find an amicable and hopefully agreeable to all parties way to help the situation, but if what you are saying is the final and done answer I respect it and will move on.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  5. #65
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    no no..u got me wrong..I wont give my account to anyone to post here.
    I meant relay a message. But, ok thank you for answering me, Andy.

  6. #66
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    This is all very sad for me because I like Andy, Neil and Brett very much.

  7. #67
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Banning a HPOTD moderator has created a buzz among former board members.

    Bongholio called yesterday and mentioned this incident several times.

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  8. #68
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    We have a secret underground forum here called the "Crypt"?
    Virtually any forum you find will have an admin forum, just for mods where forum related stuff is posted!? I'm surprised if anyone thought that one would not exist?

    Anything from system generated messages, to 'do we need a new forum about X', to 'I'm on holiday next week' etc etc... goes on in there...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  9. #69
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter View Post
    Banning a HPOTD moderator has created a buzz among former board members.

    Bongholio called yesterday and mentioned this incident several times.
    wow how did he hear about it...just goes to show no-one ever really leaves the hpotd

  10. #70
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Virtually any forum you find will have an admin forum, just for mods where forum related stuff is posted!? I'm surprised if anyone thought that one would not exist?

    Anything from system generated messages, to 'do we need a new forum about X', to 'I'm on holiday next week' etc etc... goes on in there...
    I think the concern/surprise is more about things like ranting about members and coming up with insulting (but perhaps highly funny) alternate names for members.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  11. #71
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    just ask bassman

  12. #72
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, what the fuck's up with that? bassman seems to be one of the more balanced and even-tempered guys around here and it's sorta odd that he gets called "basscunt"...wonder what they come up with for the rest of us?

  13. #73
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    yeah, what the fuck's up with that? bassman seems to be one of the more balanced and even-tempered guys around here and it's sorta odd that he gets called "basscunt"...wonder what they come up with for the rest of us?
    it think its best if we never know

  14. #74
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fartpants View Post
    it think its best if we never know
    Are you kidding? If they're all that entertaining then we all deserve one. I demand my insulting name!!
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  15. #75
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    I found out in our severely drunken chat room last night (there was more alcohol involved in that chat than an evening down at my pub) that I'm just not important enough to be discussed in the Crypt.

    I have mixed feelings about this -- yay, it's good that nothing negatively is being said about me. But, at the same time, just not "being important enough" to be discussed? Sniffle... I'm going to go whine in my whining thread in the lounge now...

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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