Anyone else catch this Mel Gibson thriller directed by Martin Campbell? I wasn't in any kind of rush to see it after the trailers, but I gave it a watch last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a few of your cliche "revenge" movie staples and few other problems, but it's a pretty tight little story that keeps you hooked till the end.

It's also nice to see Gibson sans-beard and in front of the camera again. He really rocks this one, too. It reminded me a bit of the tortured Riggs from the first Lethal Weapon, but actually ramped up a notch. Martin Campbell continues to rise on my "directors to watch" list. I loved his two Bond offerings(Goldeneye, Casino Royale), his Zorro films were okay for what they were, but I'm really liking his style in recent years. Can't wait to see how he handles Green Lantern next year.'s a decent little flick that I would recommend. Decent action, some good(and some not so good) "cat" scares, realistic deaths and gore for you gorehounds out there, and some moments that genuinely pull on the heart strings. Some of the stuff with the daughter had me watering up. And not to forget the always wonderful Ray Winstone, as well as Romero regular Shawn Roberts.
