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Thread: New Competition - Reign of the Dead:Outbreak novel

  1. #1
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    New Competition - Reign of the Dead:Outbreak novel

    Homepage of the Dead is pleased to be offering a signed copy of Len Barnhart's latest addition to the 'Reign of the Dead' saga.

    The day is any day now. The time: 1 A.M. The place, New York's Downtown University Hospital.

    A major pileup on interstate Seventy has put an already short-handed medical staff into an all out panic as victim after victim show up hanging on to life by mere threads. Doctor Adam Riker and his staff work frantically to save them to no avail. Many die on the operating tables.

    In the back streets across town, Duane Rogers and Chuck Longfellow watch from the shadows as street gangs clash in a deadly battle. As one by one fall, the gangs are unaware of an approaching horror. The metropolitan area of New York city is home to eight million people. In a very short period of time, most of them will be dead. There's a plague coming and it is like nothing the world has ever seen. This time there will be no cure. No corner of the Earth is unaffected, and precious little time remains as civilization and the forces of reason collapse.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  2. #2
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    interstate 70? in New York?? the author should look at an atlas.

  3. #3
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Feb 2008
    Meh, I entered the comp, but this made me cringe a little:

    Melissa – A young child with eerie powers of precognition is so traumatized by the ordeal that causes her sister's death that she loses her ability to speak.

    Cliche much?

    I really don't think it's very common for a traumatic event to actually cause mutism. Selective mutism (when someone has problems to speak under certain specific circumstances) is somewhat common in kids when in a stressful situation, but complete lack of speech? Nah. It's pretty damn rare. However, if you believed what you read and saw in horror fiction, you'd think people were constantly being struck dumb all over the place. It's sort of like the old "whatever it was he saw, it made his hair turn white" conceit.

    And don't get me started on the whole Psychic Child trope.

    Still, I'd give it a shot.
    Last edited by krakenslayer; 11-Sep-2010 at 04:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat Tri-Murda's Avatar

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    Sep 2010
    O.k New rule,I know Im the new guy here but trust me To Many I'm a 5star Vet, so we have to play this like this, No one will be making any movies ideas about my hometown New York City, especially if they have not been there or know nothing about it, I have been born and raised there and even made babies there, I lead my own people and get offended by people who talk about gangs like they know them, or my home town. I have a script I really hate to re-write cause I started it when i was 14,a short stories called zombies in Ny, I won an award for it and many urged me to write it longer,Moving and Getting put away forced me to lose it so I have been sitting back and watching and am not pleased, but this was offensive, we don't just clash in the street like west side story,it's more discreet than that,and 95 is near Nyc. not 70. so I have not wanted to do this but I will. I will re-write my Movie, new title is NYZ(No one steal that plz)it is based in NYC. but there's more to it and has meaning. here's The intro I wrote a while ago,I may even re-write that cause it's old,but this person was the last straw,and we dont have cheesy names like Duane Rogers and Chuck Longfellow , maybe duane campbell and Rob Rodriguez,not that,so I'm Forced, here's my intro,give me feedback plz so I can further work on this,it's being rushed due to people putting crap out and I don't want to ytake out what's important,and thats actual realism and a message,plus good story line. so without further delay my intro to NYZ-

    NYZ-By:Triumph R. Iomega A.K.A (TRI-Murda)
    -- ---------Intro 1-Earth-But Another Universe,A Parallel Of What we know as Earth,But not Too Different.There's A Great War Happening,Every Country is an Enemy even to their Neighbors,A War Going on so long people forgot what Really started it.(Every one became to desperate for power that they we're living to sacrifice everything, even them selves,They Went mad with power and Began to trust no one, thats when it started. They Started getting desperate enough to Start killing even their Friends, Every one Started sending Spies And Assassins To do away with their enemies,it Got so bad Chemical Warfare and every other warfare was used. it Started taking it's toll on the earth and out the blue I got this earth was just tired and fought back or at least that's what some people suggest. I say it was A combination of everything,Last thing we knew we launched a bomb The So Called Final Bomb To End All Wars and Thats when All Hell Broke loose.It Back Fired! We Had to destroy our own bomb on our own Country,Why?...Well Getting to the point! While we We're Prepping Our Bomb,Spies of an unknown Origin Sabotaged Our Project, Half The People There we're Spies and we never knew it.So when we shot The Big Bomb It was Really Aimed for The White House, So we had to destroy it somehow, but it wasn't even that Bomb that Caused The mess, it was Our was Of resolving it, That Action Led to far worse consenquences. One's we may Never Recover from. Their reason was not taking chances,So best method was to send another Missle to shoot that one down, But something was wrong with the Earth That day because it was Dark,And The weather was horrible,On and Off Rain,None At The Moment but it was coming very Soon. And By The time The Missle hit The Other one it was over New York City Waters,But The weather and Hard Winds Shifted Everything and what was supposed to be a Success turned into Something far worse.The Missle Blew Up And Only Shifted The Missle Down,Oh The Horor on everyone's faces,especially people watching from Below. Suddenly Lighting Came out of nowhere,A shock So Loud and The Bang even louder When The Missle Exploded Finally,After a minute or two of Joy thinking Mother Nature Saved Us,in Fact She turned far worse on us. The Vapor that Came out Looked Horrible From Start, Like Death In A Gas Form,it was a nasty Brown and black with Dark Purple Vapors Combined,And it Raining didnt soon as it hit City,People where in Shock and mystified at what they we're seeing, Until The birds on the roof tops Churping so loud,Stopped in a horrible way Once The Vapors Hit Them,and the ones flying in circles Got engulfed by the Dark Vapors...Suddenly Everything got quiet... And Just As sudden Loud Birds sounds but Wretched and distorted started flairing and with speed and no coordination they swooped down,Looking hideous and disgusting and started attacking people and ripping at them,Every one Going into a State of chaos on a snap and with good reason,They we're merciless, shredding and ripping people apart,Cops every where trying to shoot at them,even some civilians in the street and the cops didn't care,they all shot for their lives, and when they shot down the last one the carnage it left behind. Zooming out you could see body parts of people and birds and blood all around,people in cars dead from either bullets or the birds,Once simple and harmless pigeons turned carnivorious monsters. Broken windows and cars glass all around.And what was far worse it not a soul alive in that point had an answer or reason for what just happened,but they knew it did,but before they could dwell Things got Weird, the body parts and corpses of the people dead started switching and People who survived the attack but had wounds started feeling sick,some worse then others.but not too long did they dwell when suddenly out of nowhere a body jumps at a survivor,and another body gets up and does the same,and another and another,even one body on the ground with half a head switching one side of it's body as of it's trying to get up or do something.Gore just started falling upon people,and corpses ripping at people not ready for the onslaught, and they started biting at them and scratching them and tearing at them, again bullets flying and shooting at them, more cops moving in from the prior chaos, they have a good Half circle surrounding he corpses,even innocent people getting hit,but they had to quickly detain the situation,and at any cost as well,many would agree right?...They hailed bullets and smoke every where from the gun powder,things started dying down,and it came to a hault,shooting down the remainder of bodies,even switching...It was horror for everyone but Joy,once again a situation contained minus all the casualties lost. not a thing evil survived. Even the cloud was at a halt way up in the air,looking like it's spreading up and out slowly but surely,Things we're looking Victorious,but that was short lived. Remember the lightning,Well it wasn't for nothing.Suddenly thunder hits,and as the people are in joy,a single drop falls from the heavens,soon many more to follow,it hit an officer in the face,and sinks in his skin,going through his system,down to his d.n.a and burns it as it alters it,few more hit him and others and the same for them,(What Now?!says an officer in the midst of it all...)their skin color starting to change,and they faces and bodies mutating. and with a blood thirst they start attacking their fellow officers,even as their shifting and more thunder and harder rain falls down,hitting everyone in that crowded city area,and just like that it was unleashed,and as that did it's job the rain moved down towards manhattan,and the oddest of things happens once we start viewing the cemetery, the ground is moving,and out clawing the ground is a hand,very very wasted away,then a head pokes out and another one,and another,til the whole grave yard is moving and revealing bodies making their way out.They start ganging up trying to leave the exit but it's locked,they just hurdle up inside, Waiting,growing in numbers as more come from the earth.Out side The rain hitting people,cars crashing if they kept their windows down,or didn't close in time,others in cars crashing just trying to escape,same happened for every borough when the rain came,suddenly New York City Was Filled With Creatures,or what most we're calling zombies, We zoom out and see n.y.c flooded more and more the further we back away,it was Horror in the Flesh.New York Zombies,This is where it all Officially Starts...

    (I'm A little Rusty but I'm sure people here will help me get my groove back)

  5. #5
    Fresh Meat Tri-Murda's Avatar

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    Sep 2010
    My Apologies,reading it now,some things are off,and I really need spell check,and so read before I send,many mis-spelled words and words used uncorrectly,I was young,what can i say,but I will read and fix that part as well.


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