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Thread: So I let my son watch the original Nightmare on Elm Street

  1. #211
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    I'm re-watching ANOES for the first time in years, & let me say I'm remembering now all over again why I dug the heel out of this movie when I was a teen & it was new. IMO it's damn effective.

    I don't know that I ever found the MOVIE per se scary, but the concept is scary as hell. All most all of the typical nightmare tropes (such as running in slow mo) are used effectively. Kruger is a great villain in this one, a right creepy & twisted little fucker who is almost the antithesis of the typical move slasher (small & puny compared to large & physically, verbal & not silent, intelligent & cunning not mindless brute force. A calculate move on Cravens part?). This is before he was reduced to a comedic stereotype. Plenty of weird, creepy, & disturbing imagery on display (not to the point of a Euro, but still...)

    I didn't wade back through all posts. so I'm not sure what the general consensus is here, but I know in some circles it has become fashionable to slam on this movie in modern times. (I see that trend a lot for some reason.) I notice a lot of folks attach the baggage of the sequels on, which do tend (more or less) to get successively worse with each one. But viewed by itself (as it should be), I see it as a movie that still works & works well. Despite the low budget (and the effect it has on some of the SPFX, which I can easily forgive) & some of the amature acting (from the younger cast, which, again I can overlook) I still find it compelling, well written, ambitious, & imminately re-watchable. I'm reminded all over again how fresh & original back in the day & why it was such a big hit. And why I was such a mega fan then, & feel a renewed interest coming on now. It's like falling in love all over again.
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 21-Oct-2010 at 04:25 AM. Reason: 1, 2, Freddy's coming for you...

  2. #212
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Moon, I can't agree more. The movie was creepy, but it really didn't hit you until you got home, it was dark, then it was time for bed.. then all you can think about is... "Whatever you do... DON'T... FALL... ASLEEP!"

    The concept, for me anyway, was fantastic, and seemed not to be touched on before the original ANOES.

    The movie to this day completely creeps me out. I will say this: not ONE of the sequels impressed me. The only one I think I would ever watch again is Wes Craven's New Nightmare - but other than that, they turned Freddy from a frightening villian into a stand up comedian with third degree burns. That = NOT SCARY, people.

    As for the original intent of the thread, quickly summed up: I let my son watch the original ANOES (he's 14, I saw it when I was 13 and it scarred me for life) - and afterwards, he was not impressed. I basically got this response: "why did that scare you so much as a kid?"

    That's ok, 'cause I made him watch Drag me to Hell and it couldn't even finish watching the flick, so I got him back. Yeah, I'm an evil dad like that!
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 21-Oct-2010 at 12:45 PM. Reason: because I fucking felt like it

  3. #213
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Drag me to Hell scared your son?

    Hmmmm, I thought that movie was so-so.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  4. #214
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yes, it sure did. He has this thing about "things going into your body through your mouth" - don't know why, but there was lots of "in your mouth" stuff in this flick, and it completely wigged him out. Between that and the creepy old lady, he gave up on it quickly.

    With all this "in your mouth" talk, perhaps this should be merged w/the porn star testing positive for HIV thread..

  5. #215
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    That movie was pretty far from scary, imo. The woman sucking on the girl's chin, magical fortune tellers, friggin talking goats....

    It was kinda fun, but mostly a cheesefest. And before someone comes in with the "oh, it's meant to be fun scary like Evil Dead" crap....I get that its Raimi's style. I just don't like it. Didn't even like ED that much. Although Army of Darkness is great.

  6. #216
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    The movie to this day completely creeps me out. I will say this: not ONE of the sequels impressed me. The only one I think I would ever watch again is Wes Craven's New Nightmare - but other than that, they turned Freddy from a frightening villian into a stand up comedian with third degree burns. That = NOT SCARY, people.
    Yeah, I still like some-most of the sequels, but for the same reason I like all the other slasher series, just for the cheese. They lost their way from the original REAL FAST.

    I watched the 2nd one last night & was shocked. I remebered the shower scence but above & beond that I was thinking "WTF is up w/ all the homoerotic subtext in THIS?" And no, apparently I wasn't the only one (from Wikipedia):

    Film commentators often remark on the film's perceived homoerotic theme. The argument is that a subtext exists about Jesse's alleged repressed homosexuality (never clarified in the movie), and it is pointed out the encounter that he has with his gym teacher in a homosexual S&M leather bar, and his flight to a male friend's house after an aborted attempt of making out at his girlfriend's pool party.[2][3]

    In a February interview with Attitude magazine, Robert Englund commented (Attitude Interview) on this when asked whether he was aware about the camp, gay appeal of the series. He replied: "... the second Nightmare on Elm Street is obviously intended as a bisexual themed film. It was early '80s, pre-AIDS paranoia. Jesse's wrestling with whether to come out or not and his own sexual desires was manifested by Freddy. His friend is the object of his affection. That's all there in that film. We did it subtly but the casting of Mark Patton was intentional too, because Mark was out and had done Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean".

    In the documentary Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy, screenwriter David Chaskin confirms that he had intentionally meant for the film to have homoerotic subtext though others who had worked on the film, including producer Robert Shaye and director Jack Sholder, claim that they were completely unaware of it at the time.
    Now, having said THAT there is one great scene at the end when Freddy makes his apperance at the pool party, exclaiming "You are all my childern now!". From his vanishning jump through the window to his strutting around like a bad ass exit, that one scene was pretty awesome. But one scene does not a movie make.

    I'll be taking a run at the rest maybe tonight/this week. I remember liking the 3rd one even though they get too cheesy/superheroic w/ the "dream warriors" schtick.
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 21-Oct-2010 at 05:20 PM. Reason: damn quote tags!

  7. #217
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Ho-ly shit, I never really noticed the whole homoerotic subtext of part 2, nor any of the other parts. WTF?!

    I guess I was so taken back by how bad they were that it never occurred to me.

    I did think Kim Meyers (Lisa) was cute though.. Yeah yeah, it's the redhead thing, gimmie a break.

  8. #218
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Ho-ly shit, I never really noticed the whole homoerotic subtext of part 2, nor any of the other parts. WTF?!
    I always was a little uncomfortable w/ the whole "kinky S&M leather gym teacher who gets tied up stripped naked & his ass whipped with a towel" thing. (OK, make that A LOT unfomfortable. Even descibing it just seems wrong... ) but after watching it again, it seemd like there was a WHOLE lot more going on. I was actually googling the movie trying to find out what kind of car Jesse is driving when I stumbled apon that Wikipedia article & thought "ok, so it's NOT just me..."

  9. #219
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Just after I was flipping through this thread yesterday, I stumbled upon a brand new NOES documentary on BIO. It had a ton of insight into the series and was pretty fuckin awesome. Only caught about 40 minutes of it, though. The reason I say "only" is because I'm fairly certain it was 4-5 hours long.

  10. #220
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Just after I was flipping through this thread yesterday, I stumbled upon a brand new NOES documentary on BIO. It had a ton of insight into the series and was pretty fuckin awesome. Only caught about 40 minutes of it, though. The reason I say "only" is because I'm fairly certain it was 4-5 hours long.
    Would love to see THAT. Wonder if it's a bonus feature on one of the deluxe versions or box sets out there?

    Watched 3 & 4 last night.

    Still enjoyed 3, as they got back to the "dream" aspect more, but it's still silly & cheesy w/ the whole "dream warriors"/super hero thingie. Plus now they're moving into the "Stand up Freddie" phase, & tayloring the kills to the victims personalities/fears, which would be GOOD if they kept it kind of grim & dark, & he were using your fears against you in a more "realistic" way (I use quotes as it's hard to apply reality to a dream, but I hope I'm coveying what I mean.) Instead, they're just using them to stage elaborate set pieces. It was nice to see Nancy return, & I like they way they worked her in, how her character developed, etc.

    4 on the other hand...I didn't remember it being so dreadfully DULL. Mmm maybe SOMEWHAT dull.


    ************************************************** *********************

    All of the old guard left from the 3rd are quickly trotted in & dispatched so we can be rushed through an introduction to more victims that we get to know just enough about so that the ways in which Freddy kills them have significance. (in the midst of this they DO manage to work in one of my favorite movie lines EVER: "You shouldn'ta burried me. I ain't dead." )

    Oh, and there's a tired plot about a wallflower being empowered as she absorbs skills & tallents from each of her friends as they die, so she can save the captain of the football team who has inexplicably fallen for ther in the big showdown at the end.

    All of this wrapped around a center of more yucks from Freddy & more set pieces (in one a girl who is afraid of bugs, turns into a giant bug hybrid & them gets squished in a roach motel! Get it! :lol": Here's a perfect example about how IF he'd used their fears against them in a darker, more realistic, way it would have been better. Afraid of bugs? Maybe have her eaten alive by a swarm of them, or turn into a swarm of them when she tries to hit you, envelope her, then turn back & kill her. That sort of thing ) So now pattern is firmly locked in place.

    Despite all that, I actually more or less enjoyed them more than I should, in a juvinile, purile sort of way. i think they take be back to a simpler time & make me feel like a kid again. But great movies they ain't, & not a patch on the original. And I will say this about the 2nd one, despite all of IT'S flaws, it's still pretty dark, nasty, & serious. By the time 3 & 4 roll around, we've firmly moved into "pop culture" territory, what with videos w/ Dokken in 3, Freddy doing rap in 4 etc. (IIRC I still have videos w/ Freddy & The Phat Boys & cameos by Tom & Roseanne to lo0k forward to in 5-6. Oh joy.)
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 22-Oct-2010 at 12:00 PM. Reason: Now with more pontification!

  11. #221
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Would love to see THAT. Wonder if it's a bonus feature on one of the deluxe versions or box sets out there?
    Nah, it can't be - it was made this year. Pretty sure yesterday's showing on BIO was the first release of it. I'm going to find out when it's airing next and let you know.

    EDIT: It's showing again Sunday at 4pm. Then again on Halloween at 6. Also, there's a website which you can buy it from: and apparently you can find it at Walmart & Target stores, as well.
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 22-Oct-2010 at 12:05 PM. Reason: found

  12. #222
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Nah, it can't be - it was made this year. Pretty sure yesterday's showing on BIO was the first release of it. I'm going to find out when it's airing next and let you know.

    EDIT: It's showing again Sunday at 4pm. Then again on Halloween at 6. Also, there's a website which you can buy it from: and apparently you can find it at Walmart & Target stores, as well.
    Don't get Bio, but it's nice to know you can buy it as a stand alone. Thanks!

  13. #223
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Don't get Bio, but it's nice to know you can buy it as a stand alone. Thanks!
    Damn, that channel has some of the best documentaries on films. Their 3-hour doc on Animal House is rad as hell.

    Also, I'm sitting here listening to the NOES theme song. Man... fucking chilling.

  14. #224
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Damn, that channel has some of the best documentaries on films. Their 3-hour doc on Animal House is rad as hell.
    It is a great channel. Those Animal House and the Caddyshack docs they put out recently are fantastic. I think i've seen the American Werewolf doc, Beware The Moon on there as well. Which, btw, the same guys behind that doc are now putting the finishing touches on a Ghostbusters doc called "Cleaning up the Town". Looks like another good one.

  15. #225
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It is a great channel. Those Animal House and the Caddyshack docs they put out recently are fantastic. I think i've seen the American Werewolf doc, Beware The Moon on there as well. Which, btw, the same guys behind that doc are now putting the finishing touches on a Ghostbusters doc called "Cleaning up the Town". Looks like another good one.
    Yeah, the Caddyshack doc has some really funny anecdotes. Can't wait for that GB doc! I'm sure they'll do a BTTF one soon...


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