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Thread: Robert Rodriguez rebooting Predator?

  1. #166
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    2. at the end of one of the trailers, there is a predator growling/howling/screaming or whatever they do. while this film did have predators giving out war cries, none sounded like the one used in the trailer, which i believe is from the original....kinda let down by that.

    They also show brody with like 15 laser sights on him, and theres only 3 predators. Gay.

    I also felt reminiscent to JP3 when the spinosaurus kills the trex, when the "new species" predator killed the original species one. That was lame. Also new species? was that really necessary? kinda lame too.

    I liked it though. not bad.

  2. #167
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Late to the game, but chiming in with my 02.

    I personally thought it was great. There were a few minor gripes, but overall it is a fun film and a great predator film. The cast was great, the score calling back to the original was nice, and it felt like a sequel should feel. Although all are different films, I will gladly place this on my dvd shelves next to the first two.

    I think most people have sorta built up the orignal in the 20 plus years since it's release. At it's heart it's still just an action film just like this one is. Maybe it's because of Arnold, or maybe it's because it was one of the first of it's kind, but this one fits in the exact same category. Great sequel. I hope we see more.

    And I LOVED the choice of music during the credits. Got a good laugh out of that...

  3. #168
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    So i recently watched a dvd quality version which after seeing i admit i liked it better. I still can't get over the "new species" though. I mean, Stan Winston designed that creature and i just don't think it's right for them to redo it and essentially shit on the old one. Specially after he just died a couple years ago. Maybe it's cuz i'm an f/x guy. Don't get me wrong, the new one looked good and all. Just seems like one of those things hollywood does to take it up a notch. It does pay homage well to the original though, maybe even too much. Theres quite a number of nods to it.

    I was watching predator 2 the other day. Everyone remembers the part at the end with the trophy case yeah? Well theres an alien skull and a few others. I read somewhere they were just random skulls. However, 1 skull reminded me of the new predators. Were it indeed the case i'd feel a lot more open to the new predators idea. I dunno, anyone get that?

  4. #169
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I think most people have sorta built up the orignal in the 20 plus years since it's release. At it's heart it's still just an action film just like this one is. Maybe it's because of Arnold, or maybe it's because it was one of the first of it's kind, but this one fits in the exact same category. Great sequel. I hope we see more.
    While the 1st shouldn't be put on a pedestal, it really was kind of a perfect storm of personality, writing, dialog, SPFX, & great cast. Everything just gels perfectly. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, I really want to check it out.

  5. #170
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    dunno man, i still think that the original is easily one of the best films of the 80's, as far as sci-fi/action flicks go.

    i'm gonna have to watch this sequel again. like i said in the shoutbox, i thought it was decent, but nothing spectacular or even that memorable....
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 23-Oct-2010 at 04:06 PM. Reason: verbage

  6. #171
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    They were not really a different species, more like a different race/tribe. I actually think it was a nice touch, and here's why: when was the last time you saw a movie when two aliens of the same species speak a different language and/or dress differently and/or look slightly different? I'm guessing never. Human beings from different parts of Earth have adapted differently to their slightly differing environments and therefore look different and have different cultures. In sci-fi movies, however, there is this unwritten rule that any one alien species must always have one monolithic culture, speak one universal language, look the same, etc. Strikes me as a bit boring and unlikely.

    What Predators does in an interesting way is have the aliens living in a tribal culture. They're not the most multicultural species and therefore have various alliances and blood rivalries between their tribes. They tend not to breed with members of different tribes to their own, therefore each tribe has different racial traits that are unique to that tribe. What you see happening between the "wolf predators" and the "classic predators" is just a spot of old-fashioned racial hatred.

    Also, I disagree that Stan Winston is being disrespected by the film-makers. This is actually the first of the sequels to re-introduce Winston's original, unaltered Predator design, as a tribute specifically to him. None of the sequels, not even Predator 2, followed this design closely at all. I know where you're coming from, but it's not like the design was actually replaced, just complimented by new ones in addition to it.


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