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Thread: Uber Conjecture Thread *spoilers 'o course*

  1. #1
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    Uber Conjecture Thread *spoilers 'o course*

    After watching the first episode 8 times so far, I've noticed alot of things that have me wondering alot and I'd like to hear from you guys and see what all you've picked up on.

    1. The dude who bursts out of the judge initially seems to have a yellow band around his left wrist. Could he have been bitten and shot his assailant, sparking the chase? Like another thread posited a while back, could the first zombie slayings be construed as murder?

    2. The conversation in the cruiser, when Shane asks Rick about Lori seems to imply that he's a little more interested than he should be. Is this a clue that the one night stand from the comic is a little more than that here?

    3. One of Shane's lines to Rick when he's visiting him with the vase seem to imply that stuff is going on. "We're still hangin' in." Is this a clue to a situation that's getting progressively worse or just a man letting his friend know that everyone is still holding out hope.

    4. There is some discrepancy about Rick's wound. When he's lying on his back and Shane is putting pressure on the wound, it seems high shoulder oriented, yet his bandages are around his stomach, side area. Is this a makeup oversight, or did the jacket from the bullet come off and create a separate wound channel? Or is it possible that the initial shot that was absorbed by the vest broke ribs, or bruised something internally that necessitated exploratory surgery after the fact?

    5. Was the gurney placed in front of his door intentionally, as a way to discourage any walkers from trying to get in? Or just set dressing?

    6. Based on the heavy amounts of military gear left behind at the hospital, you'd expect to see more soldiers and air cav fellas walking around. Were they instead evacuated on something else, put down and wrapped in sheets, or simply hadn't migrated to where they would be visible?

    7. Bicycle zombie. Why was she so decayed? Where did her bottom half go? There was no conclusive evidence of her being disemboweled at her location next to the bike. Was it even hers? I had an idea maybe she was struck by a vehicle and part of her was catapulted to her resting location and the bottom half was drug along.

    Anyway, that's all I've got for now, can't wait to hear what you guys caught!
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  2. #2
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    quick answers (or my view, at least) to a few of your questions:

    1. don't think so. morgan mentioned that they hadn't had hot water in a month or so, so i doubt it took that long for society to fall apart.

    2. i imagine that shane was just trying to be a friend and wasn't really thinking of lori in that way yet.

    3. i think shane was just referring to rick's condition and i doubt anything was going on at that point.

    4. i noticed that deal with the gunshot and the bandage.....anybody else notice that rick didn't have a catheter in when he woke from his coma? i've taken a few medial courses and have a few nurses in my family, so that stood out to me.

    5. i'd also bet that the gurney was placed there on purpose and that the door was probably locked from inside.

    6. i think they must have migrated from the military staging area, but it was odd that there weren't any soldiers milling about. or that he ran into any before bicycle girl.

    7. who the fuck knows....mabye she was hit by a car hauling ass and drug herself kinda far along and lost a few pieces along the way.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    I'm really looking forward to the episode tomorrow. Seen a few sneak previews and all, and it seems like they're introducing alot of new characters.

    Personally, I think this is for the benefit of people who aren't familiar with the comic. They won't know the difference, so when we start seeing them drop like flies, it'll have more impact? Or I could be fulla crap, who knows.

    Anyway, I have a feeling Rick is going back into Atlanta for more than Merle. Dropped gun bag? Raiding gun store like in the book?
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  4. #4
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I think your right about it benefiting those of us who haven't read the comic. There's a lot of posts on here complaining that characters aren't exactly the same as they are in the comic, or scenes that don't play out the same, but that doesn't bother me because I have nothing to compare it to, so watching the show I don't feel that they're doing things wrong or missing bits out etc. I do feel sorry for those who aren't enjoying this series the way they should because they're too caught up in picking faults

  5. #5
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    I love examining it, rolling it around, comparing and everything, but like I told my girlfriend last week when she was pissed over that episode, comics and television are two different mediums. Kirkman is a producer, and he's apparently okay with where things have changed over. Yeah, alot of these folks are new, but to non readers, they aren't.

    Honestly, the only things I've been worried about so far are things like if T-Dog is replacing Tyreese, and if there is going to be an explanation on how long Rick was out. Everything else, the Glock comment, the Challenger starting up without a key within a few dozen feet, stuff like that I can kinda harumph and let go.

    As for the zed jumping the fence..I wouldn't have had a problem with it if it'd faceplanted. It didn't. My gal Sarah said it best when she talked about their fine motor skills. I dunno though, as long as it's internally consistent, I can accept that this is how capable their zeds are.
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  6. #6
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    the more i think about it, the less likely it seems that t-dog is tyrese.

    first, tyrese wouldn't have had his ass kicked so easily by dixon.

    secondly, tyrese doesn't appear till after the camp is ambushed and they decide to leave.

    finally, tyrese has a daughter (i'd almost forgot as well), and what becomes of her is an important part of his character.

    i realize that they are deviating from the comics a bit, but i think his character is too important to reduce to some chubby wimp named t-dog.

  7. #7
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    I was thinking along those exact lines, prof, but it does still worry me nevertheless. Mostly because of his name..if it was C-Dog or something else, I probably wouldn't have given it much thought, but this dude is in no way, shape or form Tyreese. He was levelheaded (most of the time) and brave. T-Dog kinda seems like a guy who was cruising around in a late 90s low rider BMW, maybe reliving the glory days of his high school sports years while he worked at a low level accountancy or IT firm.
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  8. #8
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    unless of course "T-dog" hardens up over the course of the series to become the character you guys know from the comics? At what point was this tyrese introduced in the comics? was there a specific scene that hasn't happened yet where he would appear?

  9. #9
    Just been bitten Ghoulman's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    unless of course "T-dog" hardens up over the course of the series to become the character you guys know from the comics? At what point was this tyrese introduced in the comics? was there a specific scene that hasn't happened yet where he would appear?
    Darabont apparently has stated he wants Keith Allen Hayes to play Tyreese.

    In the comic Tyreese, his daughter, and her boyfriend, are encountered on the road while the group are traveling from their "camp" outside Atlanta after a second attack on the camp that kills a secondary character (the first attack comes when the ladies unknowingly bring a ghould back to camp after washing laundry with Glenn's recently liberated detergent).

  10. #10
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    As mentioned before....I highly doubt T-dog is replacement for Tyrese. Tyrese doesn't come in until after the camp, and T Dog doesn't have a daughter(that we know about). I can't imagine them inckuding Tyrese without his daughter considering what happens once they get to you-know-where.

  11. #11

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    Here's an online viewer that has TWD #1 available for those who haven't read it.

    Some of the actual events at the hospital are a bit different.
    For instance, the door marked "Don't open Dead Inside" isn't locked, Rick opens it and gets a big surprise, then he uses his belt to cinch the door closed and has to fight off several stank asses.
    5. Was the gurney placed in front of his door intentionally, as a way to discourage any walkers from trying to get in? Or just set dressing?
    It probly just ended up there as the hospital became more and more hectic, and the hallway filled up.
    If they wanted to get in there that gurney wouldn't do much to stop them.
    6. Based on the heavy amounts of military gear left behind at the hospital, you'd expect to see more soldiers and air cav fellas walking around. Were they instead evacuated on something else, put down and wrapped in sheets, or simply hadn't migrated to where they would be visible?
    Probly put down and wrapped in sheets for the most part, others locked in rooms where they can't do any damage, others migrated toward gunshots or other signs of life.
    Looks to me like they tried to hold the fort down at the hospital.
    Which is logical because at what point would the majority of the still living people decide it was a zombie outbreak and act accordingly?
    Probly never, they all probly died not knowing WTF was happening, medical personnel were likely trying to save people until the very end.

    As far as 'bicycle zombie' goes, I don't think that was her bike.
    The bike is in working condition.
    A person takes a hit on a bike that severs her body in 2, the bike isn't gonna be in such good condition.
    The bike looks like it was abandoned.
    As for the timeframe, how long would it take for flowers in water to completely wilt and die?
    Last edited by babomb; 14-Nov-2010 at 05:19 PM. Reason: consolidation

  12. #12
    Just been bitten Ghoulman's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    4. i noticed that deal with the gunshot and the bandage.....anybody else notice that rick didn't have a catheter in when he woke from his coma? i've taken a few medial courses and have a few nurses in my family, so that stood out to me.
    I noticed that as well. I remember thinking "Okay, there's his I.V. drip but where's the catheter? Why isn't he swimming in his own piss and shit!?" But it's TV... A minor quivvle.

  13. #13
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoulman View Post
    Darabont apparently has stated he wants Keith Allen Hayes to play Tyreese.

    In the comic Tyreese, his daughter, and her boyfriend, are encountered on the road while the group are traveling from their "camp" outside Atlanta after a second attack on the camp that kills a secondary character (the first attack comes when the ladies unknowingly bring a ghould back to camp after washing laundry with Glenn's recently liberated detergent).

    holy fuck, that tie/scarf/homo badge has got to be the one of the gheyest things ever. that's something i'd expect a homosexual clown to wear. dude ought to be disqualified for the part based on that stupid accessory alone.

    plus, he looks way to young to be tyrese. tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend are in their mid-to-late teens. this dude doesn't look like a former NFL player, either, more like a male cheerleader (probably just that silly tie/scarf/gay-indicator again).

    as long as they don't butcher tyrese's character by reducing him to t-dog, i guess i'm okay with it, i just thought the actor playing him would be a bit older and badder-looking than this clown they've supposedly picked.

    i seriously hope this is just a rumor or case of the internet speculation machine at work, tyrese is a character they cannot fuck up.

    this clown also seems to mainly be an extra in most of his work, i'm doubting they'd hire some glorified extra to play one of the baddest characters in the series.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 14-Nov-2010 at 06:32 PM. Reason: this dude is not tyrese, please.....

  14. #14
    Just been bitten Gryphon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I think your right about it benefiting those of us who haven't read the comic. There's a lot of posts on here complaining that characters aren't exactly the same as they are in the comic, or scenes that don't play out the same, but that doesn't bother me because I have nothing to compare it to, so watching the show I don't feel that they're doing things wrong or missing bits out etc. I do feel sorry for those who aren't enjoying this series the way they should because they're too caught up in picking faults
    Kirkman has said that he wants this series to still be surprising and new, even to readers of his comic, so it's likely he's encouraging them to change things up as much as possible, while retaining the main story arc.

  15. #15
    Just been bitten Ghoulman's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post

    holy fuck, that tie/scarf/homo badge has got to be the one of the gheyest things ever. that's something i'd expect a homosexual clown to wear. dude ought to be disqualified for the part based on that stupid accessory alone.

    plus, he looks way to young to be tyrese. tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend are in their mid-to-late teens. this dude doesn't look like a former NFL player, either, more like a male cheerleader (probably just that silly tie/scarf/gay-indicator again).

    as long as they don't butcher tyrese's character by reducing him to t-dog, i guess i'm okay with it, i just thought the actor playing him would be a bit older and badder-looking than this clown they've supposedly picked.

    i seriously hope this is just a rumor or case of the internet speculation machine at work, tyrese is a character they cannot fuck up.

    this clown also seems to mainly be an extra in most of his work, i'm doubting they'd hire some glorified extra to play one of the baddest characters in the series.
    Once you get passed his loud attire, which I love by the way, I completely see Tyrese in this man. He looks perfectly old enough to have a teenager and completely believable to have washed out of the NFL for a sports injury. And I would disagree about Tyrese being the baddest character in the series. That badge of honor goes to Michonne.


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