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Thread: Election Predictions

  1. #1
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Election Predictions

    What are your predictions for your state?

    I'm in Tennessee, no great big seats up for grab this year here in my home state for Congress -- though I'd happily re-elect Sen. Lamar Alexander and Sen. Bob Corker. Sen. Corker seems to be a decent enough guy with a great voting record and I have nothing but the highest respect possible for Sen. Alexander as being a true American patriot and a hero for private industry (and someone who has worked hard to ensure that I keep my job and our private financial comany stays open even with all the liberals attacks against private servicing for federal student loans).

    The next governor here in our state (and I happily voted for) is going to be Gov. Bill Haslam. I'll wager that he'll probably run for a presidential seat one day (wouldn't surprise me knowing him and his family). I could definitely see Bill Haslam running for "higher" office within the next decade.

    Republicans will win big over the Democrats this year. I'll be surprised if the voice of reason, Sharron Angle, wins in Nevada though. Harry Reid will find some underhanded way of coming out ahead in that state (as usual) but it will be close enough to where we won't know until the re-count.

    This will be a mostly hollow victory for Republicans though. I think we'll re-take the House (not the Senate) but it will only lead to the next two years of being very little to anything being accomplished. On the bright side, anything that Obama wants will probably never see the light of day. On the negative side, anything that the Republicans attempt to pass through Congress will probably be vetoed by the president. Tit for tat.

    The next two years will probably see very little being accomplished (less so than what is usually accomplished by politicians, which is never enough). So, even though I am happy to see the Republicans will have a high win rate tonight (hopefully re-taking the House and possibly -- although I doubt -- the Senate) and that Rep. John Boehner will be the new Majority Leader/Speaker, I take very little of it as a great success -- because it will only deter Obama's policies from proceeding with nothing really being pushed through as an accomplishment in turn by House/Senate Republicans who will be vetoed at every presidential turn.

    2012 is going to be the "real" election year and hopefully we'll see some highly dramatic changes that year (here's looking at you, Romney!).

    Last edited by JDFP; 02-Nov-2010 at 11:16 PM. Reason: yes
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  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i'm interested in seeing how the new marijuana proposals go through. If only for the spectacle, because eventually the us governments going to legalize it to make money from taxing it and it always just serves to rile people up in entertaining ways.

    -That and the current stuff to lable videos games as 'smut' and have it considered in the same vein as pornography.

  3. #3
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    i'm interested in seeing how the new marijuana proposals go through. If only for the spectacle, because eventually the us governments going to legalize it to make money from taxing it and it always just serves to rile people up in entertaining ways.
    Just imagine how many people could find gainful employment if marijuana was legalized. That would open up a TON of new job opportunities for people. I'd be all for it.

    Hell, I can't say anything to anyone about wanting to "light one up" as I sit back with a twelve pack of beer. I'm not a hypocrite. I'd never touch weed personally as I just have zero interest in it and wouldn't bother, but I love beer and would find a way to obtain it even if it was illegal just as marijuana smokers find their ways to obtain it -- and good for them.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    honestly my only opinion on weed is people i know who smoke it at worst get stupid when they smoke it, after they are fine, tobacco smokers on the other hand suffer long lasting effects like brown fingers, yellow teeth, greasy skin and shadowy bags under there eyes. thats before you take into account the long term effects like cancer or the drugs hardcore addiction.

    and anyone who says tobacco isn't a drug is mad. It's a dependancy forming habit forming "relaxant" which people easily become hooked on and get very angry and rude when they haven't got there fix.

    Only difference is one we've been advertised about and seen on every store counter for decades so we've accepted it as kosher to just pay money to burn something with no positive effects.
    Last edited by Danny; 03-Nov-2010 at 12:16 AM. Reason: dsfdsfsfdsdf

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    and anyone who says tobacco isn't a drug is mad. It's a dependancy forming habit forming "relaxant" which people easily become hooked on and get very angry and rude when they haven't got there fix.

    No argument from me!! I've been off the cancer sticks for about 2.5 months and I STILL want one.
    Last edited by clanglee; 03-Nov-2010 at 01:41 AM. Reason: bollocks
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  6. #6
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Hmm, if the general population of the U.S. is anything like the average posters here at HPotD then it does not bode well for our country.

    We have several pages on an asinine topic called: "I just farted and it smells like...?" but can't drum up any discussion on the future of our nation with this election. Fantastic.

    I guess some of my "wishful" optimism for a better future just went out the window -- even if I am tickled about the Republicans re-taking the House.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  7. #7
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Looks like my state will have to put up with that Liberal pipsqueak Deval Patrick for a while longer, and my fellow Constitution Party member Tom Tancredo will come up short.

    But on a more positive note.........Rand Paul! Woooooo!

    Last edited by Purge; 03-Nov-2010 at 02:59 AM. Reason: Added stuff.

  8. #8
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Purge View Post
    But on a more positive note.........Rand Paul! Woooooo!
    Couldn't have said it better, Purge. They are predicting the Republicans to gain 65 seats in the House. Some men drink to remember, some to forget. Tonight I'm drinking to celebrate (not that I really need an excuse).

    Paul will be a big mover and shaker the next few years. As will our newly elected (here in TN.) governor Bill Haslam. Great things will come for Tennessee and private businesses under his term, I have no doubt.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  9. #9
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Hmm, if the general population of the U.S. is anything like the average posters here at HPotD then it does not bode well for our country.

    We have several pages on an asinine topic called: "I just farted and it smells like...?" but can't drum up any discussion on the future of our nation with this election. Fantastic.

    I guess some of my "wishful" optimism for a better future just went out the window -- even if I am tickled about the Republicans re-taking the House.

    while i do concur that the "my farts smell like....(derp)" thread is about the most moronic thread on this site in months, i'm kinda relieved there hasn't been a lot of political talk lately, you know how fast that shit goes south and what happens then.

    on a side note, obama's old senate seat is now in possession of the guy with an R behind his name (yeah, kirk, the dipshit who is known for constantly embellishing his military service, something that really doesnt' sit well with me and most veterans). and it looks like the 3rd-party voters ended up helping the D's keep the governor's house...way to go, morons.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 03-Nov-2010 at 04:43 AM. Reason: mark kirk is a lying pansy

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    What happened to Obama then? 2 years ago the "hope" and "change" campaign was in full swing, people around the world were worshipping him like he was the second coming! he could walk on water, turn water into wine & cure all the worlds problems, now his popularity has dropped through the floor & he's losing control fast. Even the UK is distancing itself from the US now, hence the UK/France military pact that was signed yesterday (not sure if thats good or bad yet myself, certainly did us no good in 1940). According to a lot of commentators & military types, the so called "special relationship" with the US has been one sided for a long time, and is only ever on US terms.
    Amyway, back on point, what has made Obama lose popularity so quickly?

  11. #11

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    I made my election predictions over three weeks ago.

    Senate 51 D - 49 R (Democrats retain control)
    House 228 R - 207 D (Republicans win control)
    Governors 30 R - 20 D (Republicans pick up 6)

    I was a little off, but no one else ventured a guess, so I win by default.

    Not all the gubernatorial results are final, but I expect I'll be within 1 of the correct tally. I predicted a Republican pick-up of 8 seats for the Senate. They're at 6 now, with a few left undecided. 8 isn't outside the realm of possibility, but 7 or even being stopped at 6 seems more likely. And it looks like I underestimated Republican gains in the House by at least 10-12 seats.

    ---------- Post added at 04:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Amyway, back on point, what has made Obama lose popularity so quickly?
    Obama was the product of wishful thinking of millions who were just tired of the Bush administration and desperate for something different to believe in. He became all things to all people, and his support crumbled when people got the feeling that he had overpromised and underdelivered. Progressives who supported him as a long-awaited progressive messiah felt betrayed because he was too moderate for their tastes. Centrists who expected him to be a great unifier felt that a lot of his policies were too liberal. He backtracked on a lot of things like transparency and lobbyist access to the White House that made many people conclude he was part of "politics as usual" after all, rather than a chance to end politics as usual. Combine that with a dreadfully slow economic recovery, and voila. The next two years will be interesting to see though, particularly Obama's reaction to a Republican House. Will 2012 be the new 1996?
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Without wanting to turn this into a racist thread (because I'm not), how are the black community voting at the moment? A big thing was made of him being the first black president, and judging by the news broadcasts we got over here during his election campaign & victory, they were all ecstatic that he was in power. Do they feel he has improved their lives? does he still hold the black vote?

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Without wanting to turn this into a racist thread (because I'm not), how are the black community voting at the moment? A big thing was made of him being the first black president, and judging by the news broadcasts we got over here during his election campaign & victory, they were all ecstatic that he was in power. Do they feel he has improved their lives? does he still hold the black vote?
    Black turnout was down from 2008, as they were 13% of the vote in 2008 but only 10% this time. Those who did vote still voted overwhelmingly Democratic.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  14. #14
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    i am just glad that my phone will stop ringing every 5 minutes with some political ad on the other end.

    that shit is annoying and not likely to influence the way i vote. election season is enough to make one dislike the 1st amendment.
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  15. #15
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    while i do concur that the "my farts smell like....(derp)" thread is about the most moronic thread on this site in months, i'm kinda relieved there hasn't been a lot of political talk lately, you know how fast that shit goes south and what happens then.

    on a side note, obama's old senate seat is now in possession of the guy with an R behind his name (yeah, kirk, the dipshit who is known for constantly embellishing his military service, something that really doesnt' sit well with me and most veterans). and it looks like the 3rd-party voters ended up helping the D's keep the governor's house...way to go, morons.
    Outside of ROTC I have never served in any type of military fashion, but cannot understand why anyone would falsify their military record. What does that accomplish? My mother had 5 brothers, all who served, 2 who were on 3 different ships sunk during World War 2, and I know they hated anyone who lied about their military career. If they were alive today I can just imagine what they would be saying... and believe me it isn't pretty
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