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Thread: Good, but overrated

  1. #106
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Yeah, as others have said, Dawn is camp city, some really silly stuff going on in there, but it just becomes greater than the sum of it's parts when I watch it.

    Same for Day as well really. As for the original Night, that is a great movie IMO, it's biggest downfall is that I personally enjoy the remake more. Tonny Todd just chews up the scene whenever he is on camera.
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  2. #107
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Same for Day as well really. As for the original Night, that is a great movie IMO, it's biggest downfall is that I personally enjoy the remake more. Tonny Todd just chews up the scene whenever he is on camera.
    Todd friggin rocks Night90. The remake has also become my favorite of the two in recent years. It's nothing against the original, it's just that its so prominent on TV, Radio, ETC. Especially during the Halloween seasons. I have VERY early memories of Night before I really even paid attention to movies. It was just somehow drilled into my head. Might have something to do with it being public domain so everyone and their brother plays it, but somehow it's just lost all of it's *pop* in recent years because i've seen it so much. Night90 feels more fresh.

    Hopefully the same fate never happens to Dawn and Day. God knows I won't turn to their remakes.

  3. #108
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I'm confused also by the bashing of uncle George as he comes across as a cool fella with very few hangups. I kinda liked Diary but thought Survival was total garbage. Dawn is my passion and TWD gives me that apocalyptic feeling and love that i have for Dawn. Its gonna be interesting to see where they take it.
    Managed to get my hands on a 1080i version with 5.1 sound yesterday and watching it up on a 9ft screen in the home cinema just elevates the whole thing to another level. It's interesting to notice they use a lot of grain and the tone is very grey in areas. This is gonna be one of those presentations that won't look much better on blu-ray unfortunately. Audio was ace though.
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  4. #109
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    I'm confused also by the bashing of uncle George as he comes across as a cool fella with very few hangups.
    and i'm confused by people who cannot tell the difference between criticism of an artistic work and bashing a person. that seems to be a basic failure of intellect. there is a difference, folks, a big, big difference.

    no one has said anything personal about romero. all comments have revolved around the feeling that certain members have that some of romero's movies have not aged well. if you cannot understand that, then i don't know what else to write.
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  5. #110
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    and i'm confused by people who cannot tell the difference between criticism of an artistic work and bashing a person. that seems to be a basic failure of intellect. there is a difference, folks, a big, big difference.

    no one has said anything personal about romero. all comments have revolved around the feeling that certain members have that some of romero's movies have not aged well. if you cannot understand that, then i don't know what else to write.
    Chill out dude.
    I'm talking about the almost glee that certain members post with when uncle George missfires with a movie that doesn't live upto peoples expectations.
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  6. #111
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    I'm talking about the almost glee that certain members post with when uncle George missfires with a movie that doesn't live upto peoples expectations.
    Bingo. Comments like "hang it up," "retire now," "he's lost it" or worse have nothing to do with the films; it has been personal on many levels for at least several years now.

    It's understandable if one's viewpoint is "The Walking Dead is the type of program that I'd prefer to see from this genre over any of Romero's recent work." It simply loses validity once it becomes a conniption to crown a reigning champ.
    Last edited by DubiousComforts; 03-Nov-2010 at 10:09 PM. Reason: bingo

  7. #112
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    I want to say..TWD ROCKS!!!
    I have read through most of this thread and some were talking about how long Rick G was comatose, well, from what I could see.. beard growth,flowers wilting,IV empty and no power in that section of hospital. I agree it was over a month since he was shot.
    Did you notice?
    The gurney in front of his room, his door was closed like eventho people abandoned the hospital someone was kind enough to atleast do something to keep Rick safe. The gurney was heavy enough so if shamblers walked by they wouldn't push it away from door, they would just walk on by room. Oh yeah, another thing, Rick's couldn't have been too long since they abandoned the hospital because his wound didn't get gangerine in it or infection. If he had infection he wouldn't be getting up from that bed.
    All in all TWD lived up and surpassed what I wanted it to be and then some!!! Way to go AMC and Darabont and company!!!!

  8. #113
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I think those that think the show is overrated should give Ep#1 another watch.

    I am with Debbie, TWD does rock and I have now watched the episode 11 times, and it just keeps entertaining me viewing after viewing.
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  9. #114
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Couldn't wait till Friday so downloaded the first one and I loved it.

  10. #115
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I think those that think the show is overrated should give Ep#1 another watch.

    I am with Debbie, TWD does rock and I have now watched the episode 11 times, and it just keeps entertaining me viewing after viewing.
    Glad it's not just me doing that Gary though I do have an excuse. I had the low bitrate screener, then the 720p and now 1080i version.
    BTW if anyone is still in doubt, hang on till the 3rd episode. If it hasn't rocked your socks by then you can move on quietly.
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  11. #116
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I think you are right about that, Jim. The backlash against Romero on this site - a site which is dedicated to him and his films I might add - is really bizarre to me. It's one thing to have some issues with his work or not be thrilled at all with his later films, yet still be able to respectfully articulate those thoughts. It's entirely different to read some of the things that so called "fans" on this message board write. Oh wait, I'm sure they would consider themselves way too cool to be called fans. Perhaps casual observers would be more appropriate?
    I hope Darabont doesn't slip up at any point and fall out of favor with the peanut gallery. They will want to disembowel him I'm sure.

    So are you suggesting we should praise George for his recent mediocre efforts? As a true fan I can not do that. I am not just a Romero fan, but a zombie film fan and when the man who started the flesh eating zombie genre can't slice the bread anymore I shouldn't be saying GREAT JOB... you tried and that is what counts.

    So are you suggesting we start the "No Romero zombie film left behind act"? We all know how the no child left behind act worked for US education, now we have more dumbasses graduating high school then ever before.

    While we differ quite a bit on opinions I will tell you like I told someone else we both know.... just because I am a fan doesn't mean he gets a free pass. If he produces a shit film I will call it a shit film because I feel it is a shit film. Romero as an adult I bet would respect that opinion, and I would hope he understands that as a fan I expect him to turn out great works like he did in the past, but if he can't then what is the point in continuing the work.

    I recognize the man has made zombies mainstream, and fun. He created 3 zombie films I enjoy still to this very day, one of them being 42+ years old, and I hope he can make another great zombie film I will enjoy, but what he has offered up in LAND and SURVIVAL is not what I consider worthy entries... Diary I dig, Survival I thought would have been awesome if it just focused on the military guys getting out of dodge and not some stupid drunken irish feud that was his way of making a western.

    Basically what i am saying is that IMHO as of right now based on his recent work and what Darabont has done with TWD... Darabont is the new king of zombies to me... if Romero makes another film in the genre and it knocks my socks off then I will change my tone, but with what is presented to me at the moment, this is the opinion I have come too and will continue to possess.

    I don't care ho wmany here have worked with him, produced documentaries about his films etc etc... It is what it is and I am not the only one who shares this opinion.

    Just a side note: Romero was the reason I got into filmmaking and so he gets my respect.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  12. #117
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
    As for Romero bashing I would never "bash" Romero, I love the guy. I love who he is, and what he has done for the genre he created. I do not even loathe all of his later offerings as some do.

    You can look at a film, and detail the short comings of that film without bashing it. We can all look at things with an analytical eye and comment on what we see. It in no way changes my fanboy affection for GAR or his work.
    This times Infinity (and beyond!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    and i'm confused by people who cannot tell the difference between criticism of an artistic work and bashing a person. that seems to be a basic failure of intellect. there is a difference, folks, a big, big difference.

    no one has said anything personal about romero. all comments have revolved around the feeling that certain members have that some of romero's movies have not aged well. if you cannot understand that, then i don't know what else to write.
    Eh...there are some folks who do blur the line mightily...the verbiage they employ, or the amount of hysteria, histrionics & hyperbole (say THAT five times fast! ) that they use in their posts I usually find pretty offensive to be honest, & if it were ME they were taking about I would damn sure take offense. It comes across as little more than a personal attack IMO, wrapped in a "review"...but hey, it's "da interwebz". What else should I expect?

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Chill out dude.
    I'm talking about the almost glee that certain members post with when uncle George missfires with a movie that doesn't live upto peoples expectations.
    Yeah. Glee would be a good way to characterize the types of posts I'm referencing above. Posting a reasonable, rational, well thought out critique of why some thing is good or bad is respectful, the types of posts I'm thinking of are just insulting. If one chooses to be insulting, that's their choice. I find it tasteless, but that's just me. Nobody's seeking my approval, & I'm not handing it out, as it should be. Besides, I save that type of posting for films like "Halloween:Resurrection" which REALLY deserves it!
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 03-Nov-2010 at 11:15 PM. Reason: THAT...five times fast!

  13. #118
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Just a side note: Romero was the reason I got into filmmaking and so he gets my respect.
    That's what George Romero deserves from us...respect. I will always respect him as a filmmaker, even if I don't really enjoy some of his later efforts as much as I enjoy his older films. I'll always hold him in high regard and I'll never slight or disrespect him or his work simply because it didn't measure up to the original NOTLD or DOTD.
    George Romero has become a little like the Coen brothers to me in his later years. I don't necessarily like all of his films, but I find all of his films interesting and I want to see anything he makes.

  14. #119
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    That's what George Romero deserves from us...respect. I will always respect him as a filmmaker, even if I don't really enjoy some of his later efforts as much as I enjoy his older films. I'll always hold him in high regard and I'll never slight or disrespect him or his work simply because it didn't measure up to the original NOTLD or DOTD.
    George Romero has become a little like the Coen brothers to me in his later years. I don't necessarily like all of his films, but I find all of his films interesting and I want to see anything he makes.
    DITTO...GAR ALWAYS deserves respect!!
    I mean really even his films after the triology should be respected. As he always says, he does his movies from his own aspect not ours. Like them ...don't like them...end of the day..he keeps the genre alive!!! He still is "THE MAN" to me!! I will always love his films!!!!!

  15. #120
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I think a lot of people are confusing some things. There's respect and then there's brown nosing. I'll always respect Romero for what he's done in the past, but that's not to say I have to swallow my tongue when it comes to his new efforts.

    It's like your favorite musician or band. If they've had three GREAT albums and three poor albums, are you going to lie to their face and say you loved the latest three? Or just keep your mouth shut about them? No artist should expect his/her fans to lie or keep their mouths shut.

    That being said, I don't agree with the "throne" thing being thrown around. At the same time....Romero has failed to turn in anything good in recent years(imo). I would love nothing more than to see him make another great movie, but does that mean I should pretend to like his latest efforts in that hope? If he's an artist, he should be able to take the criticism into consideration. Or not, for that matter. But the point is that there is no reason we should lie and further fuel the fire of the mediocre albums.

    In that sense, I see where DJ is coming from. He deserves our respect for the good films, but he does not however deserve respect for the weaker efforts. Of course that varies from person to person, but I think most can agree that the latest three in no way compare to the original three. Nor are they very good when not compared to any past efforts. And I enjoy Land...
    Last edited by bassman; 04-Nov-2010 at 02:48 AM. Reason: 1


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