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Thread: Fulci's Box Of Terror

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm not Fulci fanatic by any means, and I've certainly not seen all his movies, but I have seen a bunch of them.

    I really dig Zombi 2, although after the first viewing (at which point I loved it) I came to resent it quite a bit as a soul-less cash-in (the Zombi 2 title business really), but then after not seeing it for ages and finally getting to see it totally uncut I really enjoyed it again. It's a great sleazy euro-zombi flick.

    I quite enjoy New York Ripper, even though it's fairly messy and really grotty ... you've gotta be in that exploitation movie vibe to watch some of Fulci's flicks I think.

    I recently saw City of the Living Dead for the first time, and to be honest it was a bit of a boring affair for most of the running time. Sometimes it was really cool with some kick ass sequences, but other times it was deathly dull and what's more it didn't make a lick of sense. At least with Zombi 2 there's a plot that makes sense, but CityOTLD barely makes a jot of sense.

    I saw House by the Cemetery uncut for the first time a few weeks ago too. I've got it (cut, and not in the O.A.R.) on DVD and didn't enjoy it an awful lot, but seeing it uncut and in its OAR made it more enjoyable ... although that weird-looking blonde kid (who was also in A Blade in the Dark) is annoying as all get-out, especially his English voice dubber. That high-pitched whine throughout the whole damn movie is piss-annoying. House by the Cemetery, again, doesn't make an awful lot of sense, but there are some awesome horror sequences in that, and again it's full of style - like a lot of Italian horror flicks (City of the Living Dead was very, very stylish and good looking).

    I quite like The Beyond, I enjoyed that from the first viewing. Zombi 3 is a shoddy affair though. It's enjoyably camp and 'so bad it's kinda good' ... but yeah, what an utter load of cobblers that is, it's absolutely all over the place.

    I want to see Cat in the Brain sometime, come to think of it.

    So in short, I'm in favour of Fulci's flicks, and once I realised a while back that there's just a particular way that Italian horror flicks are made and play out, I came to enjoy them more than I had been before. However, I've got to be in the right mood for a Fulci flick.

  2. #17
    Dying fulci fan's Avatar

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    Yeah,yeah,yeah. I'm here. I haven't been on in a while because I was in California doing some shit. And I went through a bad break up in August, But I am back And I am here to tell all the Fulci haters to fuck off .



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