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Thread: Now it makes sense.........

  1. #1
    Banned joeharley666's Avatar
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    Now it makes sense.........

    Why Darabont let the writing staff walk. This last episode turned into a plausible, formula action movie. I thought all previous five were great, but really disappointed in the finale.

    The whole mad scientist routine is so cliched, then diving out of harms way at the last minute before the big explosion???
    I felt like I just Watched a segment of Magruber

  2. #2
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I agree to a certain extent but everything upto the escape was freaking superb. While formulaic it was very very tense.
    Great episode. My 2nd favorite.
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  3. #3
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by joeharley666 View Post
    why darabont let the writing staff walk. This last episode turned into a plausible, formula action movie. I thought all previous five were great, but really disappointed in the finale. *****************
    ****ing spoilers!!! Thanks VERY ****ing much!
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  4. #4
    Banned joeharley666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    ****ing spoilers!!! Thanks VERY ****ing much!

    I'm sorry Neil, I often don't start many threads, my apologies

  5. #5
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by joeharley666 View Post
    I'm sorry Neil, I often don't start many threads, my apologies
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Formulaic action movie? The only real action was in the last 10 minutes....

    And Jenner wasn't really a "mad scientist", imo. He told them what was required if he allowed them in. They chose to take the immediate course to safety rather than thinking of the long haul. He might've had a few wires loose, but he was no Dr. Logan.

    Oh and BTW....Darabont didn't fire anyone. This has all been covered in the dedicated thread.
    Last edited by bassman; 06-Dec-2010 at 12:36 PM. Reason: .

  7. #7
    Banned joeharley666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Formulaic action movie? The only real action was in the last 10 minutes....

    And Jenner wasn't really a "mad scientist", imo. He told them what was required if he allowed them in. They chose to take the immediate course to safety rather than thinking of the long haul. He might've had a few wires loose, but he was no Dr. Logan.

    Oh and BTW....Darabont didn't fire anyone. This has all been covered in the dedicated thread.
    If that last 10 minutes didn't remind you of something out of Tango and Cash, you must have had your rose colored glasses on.
    Maybe he wasn't the "mad" scientist per se, but his delivery was terrible, and ok, maybe the doors were locked, but it was cheesy that he let them all of a sudden go in the last few minutes. And the whole Dale and Andrea I'm not going without you was so cliched, and another tango and cash moment of them jumping out through the broken window at the very last second of the explosion.
    I'm sorry, to me, this episode in the last 10 minutes was a cheeze wiz fest. I loved the first 50 minutes though

  8. #8
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    No rose colored glasses, I just don't think it's fair to call the episode a by-the-book actioner when the only "action" is them running toward the camper. If running qualifies as an action rip off, that would make the entire season a rip off. Sure, the countdown to the explosion has been done before, but what really hasn't?

    Btw....Andrea and Dale didn't jump out of the window as the CDC was exploding. They were almost to the camper and ducked behind sandbags.
    Last edited by bassman; 07-Dec-2010 at 01:22 AM. Reason: .

  9. #9
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Regarding people escaping from big explosions in the nick of would be a bit lame if everybody was shouting "OMG, we only have six hours to saunter to our rides and drive miles away before this place blows up in a controlled explosion!"

    Dale was fucking awesome in that scene as well. He is one of my favorite characters in this show.

    I was also kind of gald that Jenner didn't die alone, he didn't deserve a lonely death after what he had been was good to see him and the black lady holding hands and dying together in the way they wanted.
    Last edited by Legion2213; 07-Dec-2010 at 01:50 AM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  10. #10
    Banned joeharley666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Regarding people escaping from big explosions in the nick of would be a bit lame if everybody was shouting "OMG, we only have six hours to saunter to our rides and drive miles away before this place blows up in a controlled explosion!"

    Dale was fucking awesome in that scene as well. He is one of my favorite characters in this show.

    I was also kind of gald that Jenner didn't die alone, he didn't deserve a lonely death after what he had been was good to see him and the black lady holding hands and dying together in the way they wanted.
    Ok guys, I saw it differently. Agree to disagree. I have been praising the show since it started. I'm not one those posters bashing at every little thing, it's that as I'm sitting there watching, it just felt way off especially after the grittiness of first five eps. I just remember saying to my wife that I was letdown and disappointed at the end. It really gave off a very Hollywood kind of vibe and slick ending. I am torn now because I don't see too many people on here who agree with me so that has me thinking I missed something here. I'm gonna give it another watch by Thursday.

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    We are all entitled to our opinions Joe, you as much as us. We all see things differently from time to time.

    I think the problem with Jenner (or the problem people have with him) was we only got an episode to really develop him and relate to what he his own experiences had been. I went for the sympathetic but damaged interpritation - A man who had a grandstand view of watching the world die via satelite links etc and making regular reports to people who were probably dead (think of the situation in Day of the Dead) - I think that's what they were trying to give us...if they'd wanted "evil/warped scientist" I think they would have given us lots of him "perving at our heroes through monitors" and "keep away from that room where I am experimenting on children" and stuff.

    Ideally, in a full season of 13-24 episodes, we probably would've got a few episodes in the CDC and got a better handle on the guy.

    Props for giving it another go as well, I hope you enjoy it a bit more second time around...and if not, at least you were open to trying.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    I felt a bit let down too. But I had no real problems with the episode. I think I just mostly had a problem with the way things were left after the explosion. Maybe I was just disappointed that it is over for a long while. . .I dunno. But I found the Dale and Andrea scene touching. Dale's "You don't get to do that" speech almost choked me up.

    I think I know what my problem was. . . that last episode felt rushed as hell. Not near enough time in "safety" before they had to run back out again. And since the doctor seemed a decent guy. . it seemed that since it was such a short time until the gas ran out. . .he would have given more warning about what was happening.
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  13. #13
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by joeharley666 View Post
    Why Darabont let the writing staff walk. This last episode turned into a plausible, formula action movie.
    Could be worse. You should see the Michael Bay remake of NOTLD.

  14. #14
    Fresh Meat FunkyPertwee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Could be worse. You should see the Michael Bay remake of NOTLD.

    Looks like somebody had a bonfire.

  15. #15
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by FunkyPertwee View Post
    Looks like somebody had a bonfire.
    Cookout. But I will forgive your slight quote faux pas.


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