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Thread: Your unpopular film opinion

  1. #16
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    - Waterworld is a great adventure flick with some kickass stunts.

    - Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome ain't bad, I like it.

    - Alien 3 is great and atmospheric.

    - James Cameron is pretty mediocre and hasn't produced something truly great since Terminator 2.

    - Avatar sucks friggin' pigs balls and looks like shit too. Too much CGI is just ugly.

    - And for the same reasons, the Star Wars prequels all look and play like shit, as do the Lord of the Rings films. Especially the last one, "Return of even more CGI". They are lame and hilariously undramatic.

    - The first Pirates of the Caribbean film was Okay. The sequels were not even Okay, they were horrible. And Jack Sparrow is boring and annoying.

    - Infact, Johnny DEPP is boring and annoying, and a pretty bland actor to boot.

    - Tim Burton used to be good. His last good film was Mars Attacks!. Maybe Sleepy Hollow.

    - The Matrix sequels kick ass. But not in a philosophical kinda way. Just in a kick ass kinda way.

    - Alexander, by Oliver Stone, is one of my favourite films of all time.

    - Zombieland wasn't really that funny. At all. And not that great either.

    - Apart from Romero's zombieflicks, all good zombiefilms come from Europe with very few exceptions.

    - Planet Terror is crap, and Death Proof is good halfway through but all-in-all that Grindhouse experiment was one epic failure.

    - I don't get why Robert Rodriguez gets so much attention. He hasn't produced much of value. Desperado was cool when I was fifteen, and Sin City both neat and incredibly lame at times. But that's it.

    - Anything, anything, anything where a character pulls out a japanese swords and starts acting all ninja or cliché samurai is automaticly turned into a crappy shitfest, and whoever writes those kinds of films doesn't seem to have a clue about anything. This is part of why Sin City sucked, by the way.

    - I thought the Chronicles of Riddick was pretty decent, a neat space opera in a time when we don't get much of that on the big screen. But Pitch Black was, of course, way better.

    - Nicholas Cage is an awful actor. Just terrible.

  2. #17
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Thanks for this thread

    My two pennies:

    ALL of the Batman movies suck one way or another. If it's not Keaton sucking, it's Burton, if not either of them it's Clooney, Kilmer, or Bale. Christian Bale's gruffy voice as batman is nothing short of unwatchable and pathetic, and The Dark Knight is only an OK film - it's terribly paced, and could do with a whole 25 minute section at the end completely cut out (the hospital bit...did we need that? No.) Batman Begins only ticks boxes - it does nothing else. It's boring, the bad guys and the conflict is uninteresting, and of course Bale is flat.

    Nightmare Before Christmas and all it's bastard derivatives are rubbish.

    Heresy Dere!

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    I hate most new comedies. The Hangover was awful and boring. Nothing happened to them that wasn't entirely forseeable by an average human mind. The characters were shitty and only Zack Galifanakis did anything for the movie, and he has already played the same character three or four times since making that film.

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post

    New trilogy:
    New trilogy are the worst three films made on a chromakey background ever. ALL of the effects are shite. EVERY single one. The characters, plots and everything that supposedly binds these films together are piss boring and generic.

    George Lucas is a massively untalented hack - who happens to be an excellent and shrewd buisiness man.

    I think I've said enough!!
    I don't think this is unpopular at all. I always though this was the general fans all thought now.

  3. #18
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    Heresy Dere!


    I don't think this is unpopular at all. I always though this was the general fans all thought now.
    Thanks for your partial support! More than I thought I'd get! :P

    ---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

    This is probably my favourite thread ever...
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  4. #19
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Oh yay! I love these kinds of threads.

    1) The only thing Rob Zombie did worth a fuck film-wise was The Devil's Rejects - and I attribute most of that goodness to Bill Moseley. Halloween and Halloween II should be wiped off the face of the planet and we should pretend they never existed. In fact, burn the masters before more copies of this abomination make it out to the public. There's 109 Reasons why the first Halloween sucked donkey balls, and Dj, my wife and I covered it in this thread right here.

    2) The Nightmare on Elm Street remake was an EPIC FAIL. The original trumps it in every single possible way.

    3) Land, Diary & Survival should also be stricken from our memories and masters burned.

    4) George Romero has lost his mind. I think that pretty much covers it.

    5) Frank Darabont COMPLETELY FUCKED UP the last 5 minutes of The Mist. I don't care if Stephen King signed off on it, it was a stupid, cheap, lame-assed way to wrap up an otherwise fantastic film adaptation of the novella.

    6) House on Haunted Hill ('99 remake) was fantastic, if just for Geoffrey Rush's performance in that flick. Afterall, he's "STEPHEN GODDAMN PRICE!" This is one of the very few times a remake has been better than the original. Yeah, I said it, so what? Wanna fight about it?

    7) Avatar - bloated, overrated, overbudgeted piece of fucking shit. Might have great SFX, but without a decent story that hasn't been told 1000 times already, it's a worthless endeavour. 3D and tons of money do not a great movie make. And I have to mention - "unobtanium"? REALLY? Christ, Cameron was just grasping at straws for a story, eh?

    8) Grindhouse was awful. Just plain fucking awful. The fake trailers were better than the goddamn features.

    9) Shaun of the Dead is probably one of the best comedy scripts ever written, period. It's comedic genius - even without the zombies.

    10) The Exorcist blows goats. Not sure why people are so fascinated by this flick.

    11) The Dark Knight - it really wasn't that great of a film. Heath Ledger is WAY overrated, and mostly due to the fact he croaked before TDK came out. If that hadn't happened, TDK wouldn't have been as massive of a success as it was.

    12) Christian Bale plays Patrick Bateman in every fucking movie he does. The only exception to this rule is The Machinist.

    13) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was a good Indiana Jones flick, despite people's inability to suspend reality when it came to the fridge scene. Oh, but pulling live hearts out of people's chests in Temple of Doom (and they continue to live!) is SO much more believeable, eh?

    You know what I say to that?

    14) Empire Strikes Back was the best SW film, period.

    15) Paranormal Activity was a massive pile of dogshit.

    16) Blair Witch 2 was better than Blair Witch 1, which was so overrated..

    17) Running zombies KICK ASS.

    18) Dawn '04 was a great flick.

    19) While Army of Darkness was cool, nothing beats Evil Dead 2.

    20) Bubba Ho Tep was a fantastic Bruce Campbell film - and BC played a kick-ass Evlis.

    21) Aside from the first Nightmare on Elm street, every single sequel after the original sucked horribly. Fuck you for turning Freddy into a comedian with third-degree burns, even though he started out as a fantastic, creepy-as-shit killer.

    22) I agree with Mike70 - Seinfeld was a HORRIFIC show and an example of where TV started to go VERY wrong.

    23) Family Guy is still fucking hilarious.

    24) Raiders of the Lost Ark is still the best Indy flick ever.

    25) The only 2 films James Cameron did worth a shit were Aliens and T2.

    26) Hot Fuzz was a great flick, despite most people panning it.

    27) Speaking of Friday the 13th movies, Parts 1-4 are the only ones worth a hoot. The rest can eat a bowl of Aids, especially Freddy vs. Jason.

    28) Reality shows - ALL OF THEM - are for people with no common sense or very low IQ's. This shit isn't "reality" people - it's scripted garbage and you're falling for it. (ok, not exactly a "film" opinion, but it still pisses me off and I'm very much apparently in the minority when it comes to this subject)

    29) Uma Thurman was only hot in the Kill Bill flicks. Otherwise.... *shudder*

    That's it for now... I realize some kinda swerved into television territory, but they're still unpopular opinions for most.

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey

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    ^^...Agree with almost all of those...^^

    That nightmare on elm st remake was just pathetic. So far from horrifying, or menacing. It was just so weak. Alluding to Freddy being innocent but ahh, no he's not. And since when was Freddy a kiddie fiddler? He was a child KILLER - they never said he did that shit to them. That doesn't make it any more scary or creepy than it does controversial. It's a cheap shot. The whole movie just misfired on such an indifferent level.

    And here's the proof, right from good old always accurate Wikipedia:

    "The original script actually called for Krueger to be a child molester, rather than a child killer, before being murdered.[25]"

    Proof if anyone needs it.
    Last edited by SymphonicX; 20-Dec-2010 at 04:01 PM. Reason: sdfsfd
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    11) The Dark Knight - it really wasn't that great of a film. Heath Ledger is WAY overrated, and mostly due to the fact he croaked before TDK came out. If that hadn't happened, TDK wouldn't have been as massive of a success as it was.
    It's cool if you werent impressed with the film, but you think it went on to a BILLION dollars because of Ledger's premature death? If that were the case, shouldn't Plan 9 From Outer Space have been a massive success as well? Queen of the Damned? Almost Heroes?

    I'm not denying that maybe his passing helped earn the film some more money, but THAT much? I think it has more to do with batman Begins gaining a bigger following through dvd and tv. Also the first ever use of Imax cameras.

    12) Christian Bale plays Patrick Bateman in every fucking movie he does. The only exception to this rule is The Machinist.
    Empire of the Sun? Little Women?

  7. #22
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It's cool if you werent impressed with the film, but you think it went on to a BILLION dollars because of Ledger's premature death? If that were the case, shouldn't Plan 9 From Outer Space have been a massive success as well? Queen of the Damned? Almost Heroes?

    I'm not denying that maybe his passing helped earn the film some more money, but THAT much? I think it has more to do with batman Begins gaining a bigger following through dvd and tv. Also the first ever use of Imax cameras.
    I agree Bass. It was defiantly a factor, but Ledger's death the only reason for the film success is silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    ^^...Agree with almost all of those...^^

    That nightmare on elm st remake was just pathetic. So far from horrifying, or menacing. It was just so weak. Alluding to Freddy being innocent but ahh, no he's not. And since when was Freddy a kiddie fiddler? He was a child KILLER - they never said he did that shit to them. That doesn't make it any more scary or creepy than it does controversial. It's a cheap shot. The whole movie just misfired on such an indifferent level.

    And here's the proof, right from good old always accurate Wikipedia:

    "The original script actually called for Krueger to be a child molester, rather than a child killer, before being murdered.[25]"

    Proof if anyone needs it.

    Being a fan of the original series yeah, he was defiantly just a child killer though there was some things here and there in the original series that hinted he could have also been a molester as well. Though most the films that did that were the sequels so, take that as you will.

    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    21) Aside from the first Nightmare on Elm street, every single sequel after the original sucked horribly. Fuck you for turning Freddy into a comedian with third-degree burns, even though he started out as a fantastic, creepy-as-shit killer.
    Not even Freddy's Revenge, or Dream Warriors capture your fancy!

  8. #23
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It's cool if you werent impressed with the film, but you think it went on to a BILLION dollars because of Ledger's premature death? If that were the case, shouldn't Plan 9 From Outer Space have been a massive success as well?
    Lets see:

    Ed Wood - dies of a heart attack watching a football game
    Heath Ledger - dies of a accidental drug overdose just before an over-hyped movie with him starring is released

    Which do you think is more glorified in the news? Which do you think gets more press coverage? Which do you think would cause more sales for a movie than the other? Case closed.

    I'm not denying that maybe his passing helped earn the film some more money, but THAT much? I think it has more to do with batman Begins gaining a bigger following through dvd and tv. Also the first ever use of Imax cameras.
    Perhaps not by "that" much, but you gotta admit, the simple fact that he died just after completing the film certainly added an air of 'mystique' to the film which brought in a LOT more people than who would've come had he not passed.

    I'm certainly not saying it was the reason it did ALL the business it did, but I can guarantee you the numbers would've been a lot lower had he not died prior to the release. This isn't the only movie to prove that point, either.

    Empire of the Sun? Little Women?
    Perhaps I should've qualified that for the finicky here - "out of all the movies I've seen of his personally" - and I haven't seen the two above.

    There, that make you feel better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    I agree Bass. It was defiantly a factor, but Ledger's death the only reason for the film success is silly.
    No one said it was the "only" reason, Doc.

    Well, I certainly hit the nail on the "unpopular opinion" head with this one, didn't I?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc
    Not even Freddy's Revenge, or Dream Warriors capture your fancy!
    Nope. By that time he was a comedian, not a killer.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 20-Dec-2010 at 06:13 PM. Reason: BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Lets see:

    Ed Wood - dies of a heart attack watching a football game
    Heath Ledger - dies of a accidental drug overdose just before an over-hyped movie with him starring is released

    Which do you think is more glorified in the news? Which do you think gets more press coverage? Which do you think would cause more sales for a movie than the other? Case closed.
    Actually....I was talking about Bela Lugosi(the original dracula. Also addicted to opiates, dying during production). Ed Wood lived for many years after Plan 9.

    Chris Farley would be on par with Ledger as well. He was a household name and at the top of his career when he died of an overdose about 6 months before the release of the film. Same as Ledger. Yet that film tanked.

    Perhaps not by "that" much, but you gotta admit, the simple fact that he died just after completing the film certainly added an air of 'mystique' to the film which brought in a LOT more people than who would've come had he not passed.
    Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was actually his last film released and it didn't come anywhere near to the third highest grossing film of all time. If his death helped TDK, why not Imaginarium?

    As I said before....i'm sure his death may have helped add some revenue to the total, but it was probably a minor portion compared to the rest. It was Batman Begins, Imax, and a new Joker that brought in the crowds. Fans were psyched for Ledger's portrayal of The Joker long before he died. Everyone wanted to see what he was going to do, and in most cases, claim he couldn't beat Nicholson's OTT Nicholson impression. should check out Empire of the Sun. Good flick.
    Last edited by bassman; 20-Dec-2010 at 06:18 PM. Reason: .

  10. #25
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Actually....I was talking about Bela Lugosi(the original dracula. Also addicted to opiates, dying during production). Ed Wood lived for many years after Plan 9.

    Chris Farley would be on par with Ledger as well. He was a household name and at the top of his career when he died of an overdose about 6 months before the release of the film. Same as Ledger. Yet that film tanked.
    Even though I don't like Ledger that much, I can see the talent in the guy - however, bringing up Chris Farley in the same breath for this comparison is blasphemy. Those two are apples & oranges, dude.

    As far as ed wood/lugosi - Sorry 'bout that, I goofed and was thinking of Wood. Either way, we didn't have the tabloid kind of press back then that we do now that sensationalizes shit like this (and a gullible public, like we do now - "reality tv" proves that point with no room to argue). If we did, I suspect it would've been the exact same case w/Lugosi. His death would be sensationalized, and his last works would've sold a lot better. We're in a completely different world and culture from back then at this point.

    From the tabloid kind of press angle: look at Corey Haim - look at the shitstorm of press his death caused. Why? At the point he died, the only thing he was known for was not being an actor, but being a child-actor-turned-junkie. And they (the media) went nuts because they all assumed his death was due to a drug overdose. Of course, they were wrong (lets not nitpick, I realize his death was probably caused by drug use, but that wasn't the immediate cause of death, so lets not go there, ok?), but boy did they take that story and run with it to the extreme. Had it been 1956 when this happened (ie: the year Lugosi died), it would've been a story or two in the newspapers and forgotten about.

    Look at Michael Jackson for an example: The dude purposely kept his music from being whored out to a lot of things - commericals, video games, etc. - before he died. He didn't NEED the money, he wanted artistic integrity. However, what has happened since he died? His music has been sold and whored out to just about every media outlet possible for probably hundreds of millions, if not more...but his death has nothing to do with that, right? Wait, what's that saying? "You're worth more dead than alive"??

    It's true in more cases than not, but there's always exceptions to the rule. Perhaps TDK was one of them, but I seriously doubt that's the case. It made as much as it did because of hype around Ledger and his death. Don't get me wrong - it would've done extremely well regardless, but you cannot sit here and tell me that his death didn't help skyrocket that movie into at least quite a bit of the success it received. It sure as shit wasn't due to Bale's BATEman imitation.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman
    Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was actually his last film released and it didn't come anywhere near to the third highest grossing film of all time. If his death helped TDK, why not Imaginarium?
    Do I really need to answer this question, smartass?

    I thought we weren't supposed to argue about others "unpopular opinions" in this thread?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 20-Dec-2010 at 07:02 PM. Reason: I was hoping my death would increase my popularity. :p

  11. #26
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post

    "lost" was a complete and total waste of time.

    "seinfeld" is about as funny as a case of leprosy.

    "heroes" is cookie cutter kids stuff.

    any and all shows that involve regular folks singing and/or dancing are gay as fook.

    and and all shows that involve people "racing" from place to place are gay as fook.

    the "office" is about as funny as leukemia.
    Agreed 100%

    I never understood the appeal of Seinfeld, juts looking at JS makes me wanna punch him in the face. When he opens his mouth I cringe, the shows was the worst 8 years of Television while Cheers was the best 10 years of Televsion.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  12. #27
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    And people want this stuff to stop !?!

    This shit is awesome.

    (Cue Lou with the hot redhead eating the popcorn gif !)


    I DIDN'T KILL NOBODY. I DIDN'T RAPE NOBODY. THAT'S IT. ~ Manny Ramirez commenting on his use of a banned substance.

    "We kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong" ~ Unknown


    "All i care about is money and the city that I'm from, imma sip until I feel it, Imma smoke it till' it's done, I don't really give fuck and my excuse is that I'm young,and I'm only getting older, sombody shoulda told ya, I'm on one !"

  13. #28
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    I can think of only one at the moment: Inception was a huge pile of steaming dogshit. Big fucking deal. Would someone stop giving Leo roles to massacre, please? The movie was LAME.
    I guess another unpopular one, at least here on this thread, is that Chris Farley is way sweeeter than Heath Ledger. If I had a choice of bringing one back from the dead, it wouldn't be the Joker. I think Crispin Glover would've rocked that role better.
    Farley is awesome, the whole Sandler gang is the schnizz. That's all I gots.

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Timothy Dalton is criminally underrated as James Bond.
    Quantum of Solace was pretty good.
    Jack Nicholson's Joker is about as frightening as Ceasar Romero's.
    Dawn of the Dead is a pretty shitty flick. Yeah...I said it. I still love it regardless.
    The Shrek films are awful. They're filled with current pop culture references that nobody will understand in 10 years.
    Braveheart, while not particularly bad, wasn't anything special.
    Same for Gladiator.
    Funny People is a good drama with bits of comedy sprinkled throughout.
    I love Smokey and the Bandit.(not sure if this is generally an unpopular opinion, but all my friends hate it)
    Batman Forever, while generous with the cheese, is better than Burton's films.
    Not a fan of the Harry Potter films. There's never any real danger when the flick of a stick and a few words of jibberish can solve anything.
    The LOTR trilogy is too long and too boring.
    Last edited by bassman; 20-Dec-2010 at 11:45 PM. Reason: .

  15. #30
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Temple of Doom is my favorite Indy Movie.

    I found Crystal Skull to be an entertaining and worthy entry into the Indiana Jones mythos.

    I think Wes Craven is one of the worst horror directors of all time.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."


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