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Thread: Your unpopular film opinion

  1. #31
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Here's a few on my mind...

    -- Jack Nicholson kicks Heath Ledger's dead ass at being the Joker.

    -- M. Night Shyamalan doesn't get the respect he deserves for his films. He's a better director than Quentin Tarantino who is basically Woody Allen (talk, talk, talk, talk) minus the situational sardonic ironic Jewish humor and an influx of some occasional bits of blood/violence and blowing shit up for good measure to go with the talk, talk, talk.

    -- This doesn't mean that Tarantino can't make a decent film. I digged "Kill Bill" because Carradine gave his finest performance in a film. Period.

    -- "Inglorious Basterds" is one of the most pompous and arrogant films I've ever seen. Plus, the accent that Brad Pitt has in the film is total bullshit. I live 5 miles from Maynardville, TN. (where his character is supposed to be from) and guess what? PEOPLE DON'T TALK LIKE THAT THERE!

    -- "Donnie Darko" is one of the greatest 80's films ever made that wasn't made in the 80's. And that comment makes sense for people who have seen the film. This is also the only film Richard Kelly has made that is any good. "Southland Tales" and "The Box" are both steaming piles of shit (wait, I don't think that's an unpopular opinion).

    -- Leni Riefenstahl never got the credit she deserved for being a pioneer of film-making and just a brilliant film-maker. "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" are both brilliant.

    -- People who like Leni Riefenstahl's films doesn't make someone a Nazi.

    -- "Red Dawn" is one of the greatest American films ever made. People who disagree with me are pinko Commie bastards.

    -- Arnold Schwarzenneger's best film is "Kindergarten Cop".

    -- Ashton Kutcher and Josh Hartnett and Sarah Silverman are all terrible actors. They should just die.

    -- Michael Moore's fictional mockumentaries should be labeled as such.

    -- Lucio Fulci was a hack director.

    -- "The Scary Movie" and "Jack-Ass" films should be used to weed out men and women to know who in society is not allowed to reproduce. People who think these films are funny shouldn't be allowed to have children.

    -- Judd Apatow films are shit. This includes, but is not limited to, "Superbad", "Knocked Up", and "Funny People".

    -- "Napoleon Dynamite" wasn't funny. It was stupid.

    -- "Dogma" wasn't funny. It was stupid.

    -- Joel Coen's "Fargo" was completely ruined by the over-the-top accents in the film. Oh yahhh, don'tcha know?

    -- Joel Coen's "O Brother Where Art Thou?" was completely ruined b the over-the-top accents in the film.

    -- Films that portray ALL Southerners as having a heavily thick Mississippi delta accent or South Carolina Charleston-brogue when they aren't filmed in either location are annoying as piss and instantly make me dislike the film. Not everyone in the South speaks like a fucking backwater hick anymore than everyone from Boston pahk's the cah in the ga'age.

    -- Russell Crowe, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Leo Dicaprio, and all these sissy and pansy wannabe 'gritty' actors would have their asses kicked by real men actors like Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Charlton Heston, Robert Mitchum, Powers Boothe, and their ilk were real men actors.

    -- Michael Ironside is one of the single greatest actors of all time. He never gets the true respect he deserves.

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  2. #32
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post

    -- "The Scary Movie" and "Jack-Ass" films should be used to weed out men and women to know who in society is not allowed to reproduce. People who think these films are funny shouldn't be allowed to have children.
    Add Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck, Date Movie, and Not another Teen Movie in that list too.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    -- Michael Ironside is one of the single greatest actors of all time. He never gets the true respect he deserves.
    True Dat!

    -I love Freddy's Nightmares!
    - I love the Friday the 13th tv series! Even though, it has nothing to do with the films.
    - The only decent Friday the 13th was the original.
    - Gremlins 2 is just as good as Part 1!
    - The acting sucked for the most part in "A New Hope".
    - Star Wars while, a entertaining series of films have a bunch of plotholes. Yes even the originals.
    - I love Back to the Future 3 more then 2.
    - American Werewolf in London is a amazing werewolf movie, but it still will always be second to the original 1941 classic.
    - I'm honesty not to amazed by "The Thing" remake.
    - Most of the classic Disney princesses are bland compared to the 90's princesses.
    - Most of Carpenter's 80s works are entirely cheesy fun! Fun to watch, but I just can't take them seriously.
    - Jessica Rabbit ain't that hot!

  3. #33
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    - Jessica Rabbit ain't that hot!
    well maybe not. . . . . .but Holly Would however., .. . . . .
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    - Jessica Rabbit ain't that hot!
    What's the matter? Don't like red-heads?
    Look, I love Jack-ass, and I hate all that other crap you mentioned. Why? Skateboarding. Yeah, Big Brother, what?! Look, it's really not that bad if you take an objective view to it. You think they don't know they're acting like morons? They know, dude... they know. Because it works, and it's just f*cking fun. That's it.
    Anyway, more to list:
    -Anything by Ralph Bakshi is better than anything by Bill Plympton... but not by much. (look it up!)
    -Bruce Lee's best movie was his first one (The Big Boss/Fist of Fury).
    -Runners aren't scary... they're silly. (I still love you, DJ!)
    -Night '90 was better than the original. (heresy, I know, but c'mon...)
    -Linda Linda Linda is a better movie than Almost Famous.

  5. #35

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    With lowered standards, Dawn of the Dead '04 isn't all that bad.

    The film-score in Survival of the Dead its biggest fault. (Among many other faults.)

    Land of the Dead was awesome despite Big Daddy. One of my favorite movies.

    If the acting and characters had been better, Diary of the Dead could've been an awesome movie too.

    I hope Romero continues to make Dead films.


    The Dark Knight is such a terrible example of film-making it literally HURTS when people exalt it. Watchmen, on the other hand, was quite brilliant.

    For the same reasons, the recent fake Mortal Kombat trailer making its rounds on the net was even more painful to watch. DON'T let them ruin Mortal Kombat in that way.

    Grown Ups wasn't THAT bad. And I actually really liked Click. And while I definitely love Billy Madison, I prefer Little Nicky, Happy Gilmore, and the Wedding Singer to it any day of the week. The Waterboy, on the other hand, was kinda shitty.

    The Hot Chick with Rob Schneider is surprisingly hilarious.

    I liked Zombieland enough to see it 3 times. I only paid for it one time, but I enjoyed all three viewings.

    I agree with whoever said Nicholas Cage was terrible. One of the worst actors I've ever had the misfortune of watching. IN FACT...

    Nicholas Cages accent in Con Air ruins every scene its featured in, almost ruining the movie.

    30 Days of Night would've been a pretty stellar movie...if it weren't for the vampires "violently shaking head" feasting scenes.

    As lame as the acting in the Star Wars prequels was, it was most definitely the CGI that killed the entire thing before it started.

    The Matrix pretty much sucks in general. But the first one has an appeal for nostalgic reasons.

    I have fond memories of "I Know What You Did Last Summer." But I haven't seen it since the year it was released, when I was but 9 years of age.

    I actually have fond memories of Jeepers Creepers too, which came out when I was 13.

    I wasn't a fan of House of 1000 Corpses when it came out. However, I feel like I'd enjoy it much more now.

    I still like Judd Apatow films, despite the over-exposure.

    Will Ferrels best role ever was in Zoolander. His funniest movie was far and away Step Brothers. Step Brothers is probably 100x funnier than Anchorman, which is still awesome, though overrated.

    Speaking of Zoolander...Zoolander was fucking awesome.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 21-Dec-2010 at 07:00 AM. Reason: more stuff to add

  6. #36
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

    "I hate everything" should do it, shootem.
    Hmmmm...It may be time to change my sig.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  7. #37
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    - I love the Friday the 13th tv series! Even though, it has nothing to do with the films.

    Fri13th:The Series was a fantastic show and way ahead of it's time (they were doing stuff on TV that no one else was doing). Not only that, it had Louise Robey in it, back when she was one of the sweetest redhead pieces of.... oh.. I'm rambling, sorry.

    I saw someone mention jackass a few messages back - I FUCKING HATE THAT SHOW and everyone involved in it. Bunch of redneck morons who think hurting themselves doing stupid things is funny. Uhhhh, NO. It's not. It's stupid. NEXT!

    Adam Sandler - who ever thought this dude had talent? I mean, really?

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP
    -- "Inglorious Basterds" is one of the most pompous and arrogant films I've ever seen. Plus, the accent that Brad Pitt has in the film is total bullshit. I live 5 miles from Maynardville, TN. (where his character is supposed to be from) and guess what? PEOPLE DON'T TALK LIKE THAT THERE!
    *virtual high-five* Couldn't agree more.

    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post
    This shit is awesome.

    (Cue Lou with the hot redhead eating the popcorn gif !)
    Your wish is my command...
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 21-Dec-2010 at 12:40 PM. Reason: Popcorn, motherfucker!

  8. #38
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    JD - accents being fucked up is a pretty normal thing. Nine times out of ten they're over the top and not like anything from the region they're portraying. TWD was guilty of that, as well.

    I still laugh at Morgan's "did you geit....beit?"

  9. #39
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    Lou, Lou, Lou... they're not rednecks... well, maybe Knoxville, but other than that... have you actually sat through an entire episode? It's not all about pain and suffering... anyway, half of the cast is from California, you know... skateboarding, it's cool, I swear... and uh, yes, it is funny. Maybe not to you, but they've made enough money from it to fund over three films, so... yeah, people like it. That's why they keep doing it. Because people still watch.
    *sigh* Never mind... I know how stubborn you older folks can be...
    "Oi, wot was that?" - Murdoc
    Nothing! Sorry.

  10. #40
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I can't stand most James Bond movies and have only made it through a handful of them. Although I agree 100% with Bassman that Timothy Dalton was criminally underrated as James bond.

    I have never sat through an entire Indiana Jones movie. They bore me to tears.

    28 Weeks Later had the potential to be the best outbreak/zombie movie ever after the first half hour, but screwed up so bad in the rest that it is below average at best in total.

    28 Days Later did the exact same thing a few years earlier.

    Land of the Dead would've been the best zombie movie ever if it had shown 500,000 zombies outside the city that they had to battle through to scavenge supplies. No other changes necessary.

    Bubba Ho-Tep displays the dehumanization and discardation of the elderly better than any movie ever. And the JFK character is easily as funny as Bruce campbell's Elvis. "I'm thinking with sand here." "They dyed me this color."

    From Dusk Till Dawn is a great vampire movie.

    Agree with jdfp about Red Dawn. I watch it whenever it comes on.

    The Seventh Sign is one of the most scary and chilling movies ever and I will never watch it again cause I cannot emotionally stand the ending.

    Nothing But Trouble is a funny movie and totally underrated. It has Dan Akroid and Chevy Chase in it.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  11. #41
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I can't stand most James Bond movies and have only made it through a handful of them. Although I agree 100% with Bassman that Timothy Dalton was criminally underrated as James bond.
    If you haven't tried it yet, you should check out Casino Royale. FANTASTIC flick. Not just a good (and possibly best) Bond flick, but just a good movie. Craig's Bond is similar to Dalton's, as well.

    Nothing But Trouble is a funny movie and totally underrated. It has Dan Akroid and Chevy Chase in it.
    HA! I can't believe I didn't think of this. I love this movie, as well. It's a bit silly, but lots of fun. Let's not forget the late great John Candy. And Tupac.
    Last edited by bassman; 21-Dec-2010 at 04:24 PM. Reason: .

  12. #42
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Lou, Lou, Lou... they're not rednecks... well, maybe Knoxville, but other than that... have you actually sat through an entire episode? It's not all about pain and suffering...
    No, it's about stupid shit all the way across the board - what's your point?

    Wow, ya'll like picking on me for my unpopular opinions, don't ya? That's ok, I can take it.

    Yes, I have sat (unfortunately) through a few episodes - against my will, but for sake of bitching about it, I figured I had better see the damn thing before I open my mouth - ok, so perhaps they're not "all" rednecks, but the whole idea of "Jackass" is juvenile and asinine and you might as well be a redneck. (remember, this is about personal, unpopular opinions.. )

    FYI -

    red·neck noun \ˈred-ˌnek\
    Definition of REDNECK
    1 a white member of the Southern rural laboring class
    2 a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks


    Personally, I don't care where they're from, what they do - shows like that getting huge ratings (and movies to boot! WTF?!) is just... it's pathetic. I'm all for "dumb shit" but this is the bottom of the barrel.

    Lou = curmudgeon. That's right, I said it. I'm a cranky old man, so what? wanna fight about it?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 21-Dec-2010 at 04:53 PM. Reason: No reason required.

  13. #43
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Lou = curmudgeon. That's right, I said it. I'm a cranky old man, so what? wanna fight about it?
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  14. #44
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post

  15. #45
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    Haha, point taken. I recede. Sorry if I upset you, it's just... I... I love skateboarding so... even the stupidest bits... so yeah, I'm way too biased to be really objective about it.
    More stuff!
    -3 Ninjas is a better film than Home Alone.
    -TMNT is the best '90s film, period.
    -Akira is not the best anime film of all time. Nor is Ghost in the Shell. The winner is Spirited Away.
    -Steve Buscemi is the best modern actor in America.
    -Only the first Jackass movie was any good.
    -It's called "Flying Wild", not "Fly Away Home."
    -There are too many movies about friggin' boxing.
    -Grind had its moments. It wasn't complete crap. Willy and Kareem were great, at least.
    -All Christmas movies suck.


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