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Thread: Call of Duty- Balck Ops - Full Review

  1. #91
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    where eagles dare
    United States
    still enjoying the MP with my friends quite a bit.

    could really care less about the campaign, but since i've beat all other CoD games (with the exception of the first one and the 3rd one) on veteran difficulty setting, i've got some sort of OCD thing in my head about beating this one and getting all achievements....and fuck me, playing these games on veteran is beyond frustrating...

    and the story is decent, i suppose, but i'm really not feeling all the needless profanities and dumbed-down for 21st century digital boy audience writing.....seems every other word in this game is FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK and every time ice cube's character is on screen, he sounds like he's about to start freestyling or being the hype-man for vietnam gun battles....please.

    definitely the last CoD game i'm playing, unless something really worthwhile is added. even if i get a free copy, i'll probably take it and return it/trade it in for store credit.

  2. #92
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States
    Doesn't deserve it's own thread, but if you like CoD, check out the Crysis 2 demo that just went up on Xbox Live. Similar gameplay, but with great graphics and armor abilities.


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