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Thread: What do you think really happened to Romero?

  1. #16
    Being Attacked

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    My favourite was Dawn to be honest. And I'd say it has aged well, considering there is a remake of it and also Dead Rising was clearly inspired by it. Malls are a hot topic with zombies and its because of Dawn. The whole mall concept won me over, not to mention Ken Foree's character and also his "no more room in hell" line...epic!

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey

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    my idea is that he got bored with his films not going way beyond what they should have box office wise so he went a different route. only problem was, others came out with zombie films and or remakes of his that did far better than his original movies. so its like "we dont want you, we want your ideas"

  3. #18
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    i'd say thats exactly the problem with the last few seasons of south park dude.
    Which is not to say that it isn't the exact same problem for Romero too.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  4. #19
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Simple. He went for the "golden" ring of Hollywood and it killed his creativity.

    Plus, by his own admission, he's always wanted to do something "big" that is not a horror film. IMHO he just does not take the Dead seriously any longer. It shows.


  5. #20
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    For me, it seems that for intellectual endeavors (art or science), humans hit a peak in achievement between their late 20's and their early 40's. (In physics, the range seems to be the early 20's to the early 30's.)

    Romero had a talent to make fun and entertaining movies that we love. That talent has waned. In my opinion, he deserves respect for creating a sub-genre of horror that I doubt will ever die due to the strength of the impact of his original zombie trilogy. George Romero is the reason the MPAA created ratings, and I respect George for refusing to play their game for as long as he did.

    Out of the respect I feel he is due George Romero I will always watch any movie he makes (at least once), but the sun set long ago on his achievement in film.

  6. #21
    Fresh Meat UndeadChicken's Avatar

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    You know it is sad that Romero is getting old, in fact it seems like all the great directors, writers, and actors who actually had talent are getting too old for the movie business.

    Anyways as to why his recent films aren't as good as his originals, like many people said it could be just because he realizes that he doesn't have a lot of time left so he's focusing more on having fun making films then he is trying too hard to make great zombie movies like his first three.

    However I personally think it's because these days horror movies just aren't as popular as they used to be. In the 20th century horror movies were very big and everyone, no matter who they were, would enjoy a good horror movie at the theater occassionaly. Now it just seems like nobody is effected by horror movies anymore, maybe it's because of all the cynicism in the world? Or maybe because we're so used to the special effects that they just don't scare us? I mean even people who watch the the classic horror films don't really get scared by them, they just watch them for the nostalgia.

    So anyways my point is Romero might have realized that these days making a new horror movie would be ineffective, so instead of focusing on horror he's trying to focus on new things like showing the aftermath of an apocalyptic zombie world where humans are struggling to survive. He's kind of doing it with an adventurous tone instead of a horror tone, such as the fact that he's showing the survivors fight zombies with creative ways. Even though that new style of his isn't effective either, I think his reasons for doing it is understandable because that's more of what movie fans want these days: adventure films.

  7. #22
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    I have been gone for a while, working, but stop by occasionally to read whats going on and this thread struck a cord with me. I don't think it is Romero, or Lucas, or ... I think this is a generational thing. I have been teaching for a little while now and noticed something terrible has happened... people have become lazy. It is not just the youth of today either, it is everyone. I have been teaching college and witnessed the change. Even people older than me (non-traditional students) have become lazy. I feel, this is the world in general. Romeros ideas are valid, its his process that is FUCKED! We have become dependent on technology and "gasp" even became used to it. Think about watching a modern horror movie and seeing some of the terrible effects from the 80's.. We would be bitching about that...CGI is no different. We have all become used to CGI to the point that its all we think about. Romero has been trying to hard to make a movie that says something instead of making one that is entertaining on both a viewing and intellectual level.

  8. #23
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    Exactly!! We're all too lazy! I blame technology and the art of convenience, which science begot in the early years of the last century, culminating in the 50's and other such eras of modern luxury. We are the rich, and that has made us neglectful of ourselves. Distraction is driving us to disaster, which is why I refuse to spurt another sperm und egg baby into this polluted sea of sludge we call Earth. Also, no woman in their right mind would ever screw me, but that's beside the point.

  9. #24
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Also, no woman in their right mind would ever screw me, but that's beside the point.
    Then you need to find one in her wrong mind. They can be fun too.


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