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Thread: Zombie Love - a teenage tradegy love story - my directorial debut

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    Zombie Love - a teenage tradegy love story - my directorial debut

    I would appreciate any feedback and opinions of the film. I'm new to film making and want to improve. Thanks in advance.

    The story is about teenage love, only with a twist. The zombie outbreak is drawing to a close. A cure has been found, though it will be weeks or months before it is available across the US. During this time Julie’s true love Joey has been bitten. Julie is now hiding him in the woods to protect him from zombie hunters until the treatment is available. Julie is doing everything in her power to help Joey keep his humanity by bringing him raw meat and photographs of their former life. It seems to be working; Joey is docile and even shows glimpses of his former self. But it won’t be long before their secret is discovered and a showdown seems inevitable…
    Last edited by BruceDowns; 13-May-2011 at 04:55 PM. Reason: fix link

  2. #2
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Checked it out.

    #1. I like the look and the cinematography - Was this shot via DSLR?

    #2. Some of the score music was pretty good

    #3. Make up wasn't bad, but you should have been more liberal with the make up too much real flesh tone showing through.

    #4. I won't talk about acting because all indie no budget productions have acting problems.

    #5. You could trim it up a little bit more, some of the shots you hang on a bit too long

    Otherwise it was enjoyable. You shoudl enter it in 2011 Fright night Film Fest in Louisville, KY
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #3
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Great camera quality! Music was good as Mr. Funk said. The Backyard Zombie beating was my favorite part. Something you should consider is the audience though......but.....Your plot is pretty lame/corny. If I were to run with that storyline, I'd HAVE to throw in some drunk red neck/gun nut uncle or something for comic relief. The ending reenforced the corniness of the plot. At least if you do ANYTHING.....Throw in a loud gun shot sound effect as soon as it fades to black. Perhaps several! Then roll the credits. That would have made me smile!

    Don't take anything I said as me throwing sand. Not my intentions. Just think it needs a hell of alot of work.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat

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    Thanks guys, I know I have a lot to learn with writing and moviemaking -- that's why I'm here. We shot the movie with a Canon HF M300 without an external mic. We lost a lot due to wind noise. I will reshoot the movie with better equipment and with better talent. I did this with my son’s friends and their parents. I will also will make some changes to the script to add some comic relief. We lost the guy that was to play Joey (boyfriend) the night before the finial shoot, so we lost a lot of green screen work that were to be used as flashbacks with Julie. Anyway I learned a lot and still have a lot to learn. This summer I’m serving as a PA in a feature film being shot in Atlanta – I plan on learning as much as possible. Again thanks guys.

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    All you really have to do is do some ADR work to fix the audio problems.

    Since this is a friend and family cast and shot mostly within the confines of your own property you can slow down the filming aspect and work with your cast a little more to deliver a better performance.

    While this may sound cruel... I did this to one actress to get a certain reaction out of her. I said imagine you and your mom were walking down the street and it is a very enjoyable day, you have had fun, you shopped had lunch at an outdoor cafe and suddenly someone came up and shot her point blank right in the head.

    She pretty much looked scared shitless for the remainder of the shoot and it helped get me the reactions I needed. Never worry about how offensive your direction to the cast will come off, if you need to have them be unsettled you have to put them in that mindset.

    Wes Craven did that to Drew Barrymore, telling her about a local news story about a man who drowned a box of kittens to get her riled up for Scream.

    Remember, it is horror, it is acting and whatever it takes to get a reaction... go for it.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    While this may sound cruel... I did this to one actress to get a certain reaction out of her. I said imagine you and your mom were walking down the street and it is a very enjoyable day, you have had fun, you shopped had lunch at an outdoor cafe and suddenly someone came up and shot her point blank right in the head.
    So clearly you were shooting a romantic comedy.


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