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Thread: Saints Row 3 looks UTTERLY MENTAL!

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Saints Row 3 looks UTTERLY MENTAL!

    Here's seven minutes of open world gameplay - discuss.

  2. #2
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    My jaw literally hit the floor when i watched that, i fucking loved saints row 1 and 2 but that just looks insanely fun!

    Saints row is the game that ruined GTA4 for me, and ive ALWAYS said violation gets spot on right what rockstar got so wrong..

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    Rockstar are too inflated for their own good. SR games have always perfected GTA's ideas - but they've never had the "magic" of any game that Rockstar's done - its a weird process, it's like they should merge and create two companies - one with the good people from Rockstar, the other from the SR team, and make one good game, and one shite turgidly overdone crapfest. Then the choice would be clear.

    However I just sold my xbox - gone! Cancelled my xbox live account - the guy seemed really upset "you've had this account for 9 years! you can have the subscription half price if you don't cancel"....shite...should have cancelled earlier.
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  4. #4
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Yeah, that looks amazing. Too many damn games coming out!

  5. #5
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    This has that bonkers sense of fun that the early GTA's had. Rockstar tell a good story but I think with GTA IV they were so focused on that they forgot the silly stuff that makes sandboxy games so much fun.

    I'm also starting to think we should lobby to get an extra couple of months added to end of the year - too much quality, too little time...

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I just wish games companies would spread the releases out a bit - there's so many games coming out towards the end of the year that I wanna play, but as always, not enough time and money to play them all ... ... still, that means I can pick up other titles during slow times for sale prices.

    Methinks SR3 could be a pre-order situation for me - should be able to get plenty of 'farting around time' out of it - and it looks more accomplished that SR1 or 2. I remember with 2 that it felt undercooked, and the balancing was piss poor. For example, some side missions would be literally impossible to fuck up, while others would be literally impossible to complete. Plus I didn't give a single shit about anything story related in the game, the driving was dreadfully cartoonish, and it was at times insanely frustrating.

    However there were also times when it was really enjoyable, and I did rather like being able to just 'go postal' without getting too much heat - unlike in GTA IV (which didn't even have a silenced pistol!) where you'd get lots of attention bloody quick, thus making it not so fun to just fuck around in-game. That said, I much preferred GTA IV (combining the main game, and the two DLCs, I got 200 hours out of it - no joke) ... whereas I can't even remember how much time I got out of SR2. Not an embarrassingly brief time out of it, but nothing anywhere remotely close to what I got from GTA IV (which had less side missions and tasks to do too!)

    However, SR3 does look more accomplished and polished - something that was sorely lacking from SR2 - so hopefully it really is. I was literally laughing out loud at that video with my jaw scraping the floor as I saw just a taste of all the mental things you can get up to. I'm sooooooo up for SR3 now, but I'm also soooooooo up for the next GTA game too.

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Meh....I wasn't too impressed with the previous SR games. It seems like an imitation of GTA, only not as good. The cartoon-ish look of it all put me off as well. I'll take GTAV over this.
    Last edited by bassman; 25-Jun-2011 at 09:28 PM. Reason: .

  8. #8
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Not that i wont give GTAV a chance, im just saying that GTAIV really blew the series for me, i thought it was boring. Like mz touched on, you cant do anything without the cops on you and my idea of fun in these games isnt having a jamaican druglord phoning me every 2 minutes asking me to play darts with him, theyve taken everything that was fun in san andreas and scrapped it and for me personally, that left GTAIV a shell of the older GTA games. Where-as i loved saints row, it was one of the first games i got for the xbox and i did start playing it with a cynical mind like bassman, i thought it was a GTA ripoff, but i absolutly loved saints row for what it is.. have fun, dick around, take over a city square by square.. and i think rather than ditch everything that was fun in the old GTA games like IV did, saints row took those things and built on them and improved them.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    While GTA IV had some problems, and some nuisances, I still love that game - indeed I've had 200 hours out of it and the two DLCs.

    Saints Row was a bit of fun, but it was rather hollow. Saints Row 2 brought it up a few notches, but the story was rubbish and the level of polish varied greatly across all aspects of the game, so it was good fun, but would frequently do something bloody annoying/stupid/absolutely-totally-100%-frustrating (some of the story missions were so goddamned fiddly/annoying/tricky at certain points that I got a gamer-rage going ... and who wants to be pissed off by a game? Those numerous moments of frustration really put a dampener on a product that started out as really fun, for me.

    That video for SR3 though, looks like they've brought on board more talented and experienced programmers and such to make something more polished - here's hoping they've learned from the mistakes of SR1 and SR2, because SR3 looks joyously over-the-top fun - so I do hope there's no stupid balancing issues, glitches, or out-right-frustrations like those that marred the first two games.

    GTA IV - the little side things (like bowling or pool) were fun ... initially ... but your list of friends did become quite needy so it felt, and being that there wasn't much variety to the things you could do, it became a chore that you wanted to get out of the way as soon as possible (just so you could arbitrarily keep your friendship level up). I can see what they were trying to do, but there was too much of it and it became a nuisance rather than an infrequent bit of fun on the side.

    There are other niggles that I had with GTA IV, which I've gone on about before in various threads, but the story was much, much better (I decidedly preferred it to that of San Andreas, which didn't draw me into whatsoever, unlike Vice City or indeed GTA IV). The characters were much more interesting, the driving mechanics (while inititally tricky to get a handle on) were superb, the city looked and felt fantastic to drive around in (although there needed to be more fun on offer, less pinickity cops, and more variation in the landscape itself) ... although it is interesting to note that in The Ballad of Gay Tony (the 2nd of two DLCs for the game) they injected more of that fun. You could be a bouncer at a nightclub dealing with lowlifes (and getting sexual favours in return from the female manager who has the hots for you), you could go drinking, go dancing, go sky diving, and you could even drive around in a gold Rolls Royce. So they injected more of that fun (indeed one mission has you steal an APC and go on a rampage through the city) ... however they need to ease off on the toughness of the police response and allow for more maniacal fun to be had now after GTA IV clamped down on it and made it harder.

    Yeah, they were trying to make a more realistic game, but the balance tipped too far that way from previous entries. Hopefully they redress the balance with the new one coming out (seemingly) next year.

    Something that looks rather fun about SR3 is the sheer volume of things you can do - and customisation - just in beating up NPCs there's a whole bunch of options. Sandbox games should be a playground, but it also has to suit the type of game being made (such silliness wouldn't match Red Dead Redemption - which did a better job of balancing the fun of shooting up the place and having an appropriate response from in-game law men).

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    New trailer:

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    It looks a bit too silly for my sandbox tastes.

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