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Thread: Apocalypse like riots in London, Birmingham and Leeds

  1. #16
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Use them! Pleeease! If a gang of individuals attack police officers they need to be taught a lesson IMHO.
    Wish granted:


    A bit more on the Met's confirmation that plastic bullets, or baton rounds to give them their proper name, will be made available to officers. They have been used before in Britain although it is not thought this was in a public order situation.

    Will be looking forward to the video footage tomorrow.

  2. #17
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    From one of the things i read, this was sparked partially by a police killing. if rubber bullets are used and someone is killed (which can happen very easily with rubber bullets) wouldn't that only exacerbate things?
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  3. #18
    Being Attacked AfterMovieDiner's Avatar

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    Like I say, violence leads to more violence... not sure of an alternative method at this point though.

    We could try the element of surprise route and have the police dress up in tutus and viking helmets
    and have them attack the looters by setting lobsters on them.
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  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exatreides View Post
    From one of the things i read, this was sparked partially by a police killing. if rubber bullets are used and someone is killed (which can happen very easily with rubber bullets) wouldn't that only exacerbate things?
    A suspected gang member, so I've heard, and possibly something about an operation to deal with illegal firearms (perhaps some sort of gangland arms deal?) ... the story seems to be, from what I've heard anyway, is that the guy tried to kill a police officer and was killed in the struggle.

    Regardless of that, or anything that wimpy wishy washy Guardian columnists and well-to-do student 'protesters' might say (i.e. the vast minority), there is no political agenda to this thuggery and looting. (Disclaimer, I'm not lumping you in with that lot Exatreides, I would never be so cruel).

    It's a bunch of twats who deserve harsh and swift justice, and they've seen a weak response (up until now at least - I hope) and have just gotten into mob mentality and gone out looting and causing untold amounts of destruction. They're not only ruining countless lives of those around them, but they're also destroying their own areas.

    Furthermore, they're not protesters. They have no agenda and no grounds for any sort of moral group stance. They're also not impoverished or deprived - if you can organise a riot via Blackberries, you're not fucking deprived. The only people who are actually truly deprived in this country are the homeless and those living in such shockingly terrible conditions, their experiences are used in horrific examples in the Sociology textbooks like I used to read at A-Level.

    And another thing - I'm sick of the few morons interview on television who claim that "da yoof are angry abaht their pozishun in loife 'n' tha' they 'ave no prozpekts n' that" ... you know what, practically fucking everybody in my generation (and on either side of it on the cusps) are suffering from diminished prospects. We won't get a state pension by the time we're old enough. Our degrees are damn near meaningless for the most part. We can't afford to move out of the family home and set up on our own, or alternatively live entirely on our own (i.e. not in a rented house shared with 3 or 4 other people, so you're living like a bloody student far beyond your time when you actually lived like a student). Our job prospects coming out of university or high school or college are nothing like they were 30 or 40 years ago when you could walk straight into a job ... now we've got graduates manning the tills at MacDonald's for fuck sake ... ... I could go on, but the point is, there's an entire generation of young people who are facing diminished or very hard prospects at getting their lives off the ground, but we're not all running around like A Clockwork Orange was a documentary or motivational recruitment film! It's only a handful of c**ts - the same handful of c**ts you'll find in all counties of this nation, and indeed, in all countries of this world.

    Ugh ... this horrid nonsense is shameful and disgusting, and I look forward to the bastards responsible getting dealt with harshly, and the first stop are the baton rounds - pulled out at least 24 hours too late in my view, if not 48 hours too late ... ... perhaps even 72 hours too late. We should at least be 24 hours ahead of our current position at this stage. At least.

    Plus there's the simple issue of - if you don't want to get injured, get off the bloody streets and don't break the law so abundantly like the grotty little fetid turd that you are has been doing. Plain and simple as. If you break into someone's house, you deserve to receive a golf club or a baseball bat (or a shotgun if you're in America) to the back of the head ... likewise, if you're burning cars, looting shops, and destroying innocent people's lives (in your own community!), then you deserve a kick up the arse with a rocket fired from a tank, straight into the English Channel.


    It must be absolutely awful living in the affected areas. I can't even imagine the worry and stress and fear that so many innocent people must be feeling on their own streets - and in their own homes - right now.

  5. #20
    Being Attacked AfterMovieDiner's Avatar

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    Well said!
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  6. #21
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Let's not forget that we have a secet weapon for dealing with situations like these - the British weather! A few nights of rain and they'll soon call it a day, the whole thing will just lose momentum and grind to a halt. Then the police can quietly go about their business of tracking these people down and just when they think they've gotten away with it, they get that knock on the door...

  7. #22
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    The problem with water canons is:-
    a) They're not very mobile, and there's not many of them.
    b) They give a clear target for groups to fixate/rally around.

    I'd advocate rubber bullets though! Any groups seens openly attacking officers should be fair game IMHO!

    Nah I'd say it works pretty well actually...

  8. #23
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    Well at least no one in England can defend themselves with firearms so this situation won't result in any actual damage or people being injured. If only America would repeal their silly antiquated 2nd Amendment, then we could join the rest of the civilized world in peace, love, and helplessness in the face of barbarians.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  9. #24
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    I actually had a dream the other night about being a shop keeper in London and a group of looters stealing stuff. I pulled a 12 gauge pump out and every time I blasted someone they would say "Oye". I think they meant to say ouch but for whatever reason in the dream they said oye....

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rancid Carcass View Post
    Let's not forget that we have a secet weapon for dealing with situations like these - the British weather! A few nights of rain and they'll soon call it a day, the whole thing will just lose momentum and grind to a halt. Then the police can quietly go about their business of tracking these people down and just when they think they've gotten away with it, they get that knock on the door...
    Indeed - we could do with a national lashing of rain to piss all over their looting.

    I quite liked the headline in The Sun yesterday or today that said "SHOP A MORON" and had a series of pictures of people caught on CCTV with their faces in full-view of the camera. Indeed I've seen pictures on the Guido Fawkes blog of muppets who have laid out their haul and taken pictures of themselves alongside it, gurning like an idiot. I hope all these bell-ends get that chilling knock at the door - what's more, they should have their own possessions confiscated too, to help pay for damages, in addition to large fines and even jail time.

    With all this, it makes me wonder - whatever happened to all those people who looted that crashed cargo ship on the English coast a year or two ago?

  11. #26
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcades057 View Post
    Well at least no one in England can defend themselves with firearms so this situation won't result in any actual damage or people being injured. If only America would repeal their silly antiquated 2nd Amendment, then we could join the rest of the civilized world in peace, love, and helplessness in the face of barbarians.
    Arcades doesn't post too often, but when he does I have endless amusement and a great laugh at his wonderful posts! Of course, as being someone who leans right-from-center on most things I approve of his messages and love the witty way he states things.

    As far as the protestors, in New Orleans after Katrina they made it fairly clear: "If you loot, you will be shot on spot." I think this is the best way of handling looting -- free the authorities to shoot on spot anyone they catch doing it and ask questions later.

    As far as guns, if the "powers that be" want to come for any weapons I have they can receive them barrel first. I won't have my Constitutional rights taken away from me without kicking and screaming and firing back. Everyone else I know who lives around me has/have gun(s) and most of them feel the same way. I can't see gun ownership in this nation being stripped as folks here just won't stand for it (especially in the south).

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  12. #27
    Banned User

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    ...This makes me think of (naturally) Shaun of the Dead.
    Why no looters seen in that film? Not very realistic... Just folks running, looking for a place to hole up.
    But anyway, yeah, imagine what this situation would be like in the zombocalypse.
    Shaun of the Dead 2!

  13. #28
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Good to see people and the police fighting back...

    Take that you little bastards!

  14. #29
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Ive been watching with interest the new reports since the riots began, and the police shooting that 'preceded' it, all i can say is that ive seen the absolute worse of our country from all sides. Having wacthed the chavy, scummy junkies tearing our cities to bits, the police struggling to cope and the politicans squirming and writhing and generally looking foolish, all i will say is that i am now thoroughly ashamed to be english and embarrassed by the actions of the chavs and the wishy washy fucking spineless slow reaction of the 'authorities'. its showing us up in front of america, europe and the entire world is all its doing.

    Cameron has finally ordered in the water cannons and rubber bullets, but god damn its taken him long enough, maybe this is a turning point for us, maybe this will be the start of some real authority and the fear of god finally put into these scumbags but i wouldnt bet on it.

  15. #30
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    I can't believe no one's mentioned 'White Riot' yet. I friggin' love that song.


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