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Thread: TWD 2x02 "Bloodletting" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Post TWD 2x02 "Bloodletting" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Alright kids, have at it.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Great episode! I enjoyed it much more than the series premiere. Shane really stepped up when he was needed and the Carl scenes were absolutely gut-wrenching. Top notch "soap opera".

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Anyone else notice the possible nod to Breaking Bad? All the Meth at the bottom of the bag that Daryll pulls out is bright blue. . . .thought that was pretty funny.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I didn't even think about it being blue. Good catch.

    Turns out my theory on Merle's motorcycle was correct.

    "Merle gets the clap occasionally."
    Last edited by bassman; 24-Oct-2011 at 02:20 AM. Reason: .

  5. #5
    Just been bitten jded's Avatar

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    I'll be seeing it about an hour from now. Here in Boise I get it at 10 pm. I had to shield my eyes from your comments for now. Counting down the minutes, can't wait! Later, gotta go get in the zone.
    "You stick your head in the sun, they're gonna come up behind you and bite off your ass."

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Very good episode and a great setup for what comes next.

    The TV Otis is already more useful than comic book Otis.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #7
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Good episode but the level of activity of the zombies at the high school was a little weird for me. Seemed out of place.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    Good episode but the level of activity of the zombies at the high school was a little weird for me. Seemed out of place.
    It was a FEMA camp.

  9. #9
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    What a superb episode.

    This is exactly what Im looking for from TWD. Stealthily creeping around looking for supplies. Philosophical discussion about the nature of the apocalypse. Friendship. Family. Danger. Action. Its all their for me.
    Herschel is going to be a great character. The actor playing him gives out such a sombre demeanour. An educated man conflicted between faith and science and the people have read the comic know where this leads. Can't wait for that to play out.
    Loved the parallels with Rick and Carl being shot. It worked really well with Lori and Shane being the strong ones and its not a stretch to see how they ended up comforting each other while Rick was in a coma. I've really grown to like this Shane since this show began. He really is doing what he thinks is best and he should be applauded for the way he's behaved since Rick turned up. He's been a very good friend to Rick and continues to be despite his fling with his wife although that is obviously going to come to a head at some point.
    Now we know T-Dog's name. Theodore. No wonder he's called T-Dog. Im worried for the guy though now he has a fever. Hmmm. I wonder whats causing that?
    Where the hell is Sophia? I really hope they don't drag that on for too long. I understand they are using it so the group can explore the woods and find out how certain people reacted to the end of the world but if it goes on too much longer the audience is going to get bored.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  10. #10
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Now we know T-Dog's name. Theodore. No wonder he's called T-Dog. Im worried for the guy though now he has a fever. Hmmm. I wonder whats causing that?
    I guess that lays to rest all the concerns that 'T-Dawg' was actually short for Tyrese. Although at this point we're past the point of Tyrese, so he may be skipped totally? Or maybe brought in later. Poor Carol can't catch a break.

    Where the hell is Sophia? I really hope they don't drag that on for too long. I understand they are using it so the group can explore the woods and find out how certain people reacted to the end of the world but if it goes on too much longer the audience is going to get bored.
    I agree. I was thinking she would be at Herschel's farm, but I guess not. Whenever they do discover her, and if she's alive, I hope she's been taken in my a local family. They've spent much too long now to say she's just been hanging out in the woods.

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Excellent episode! It still isn't grim or gritty enough given the state of the world, but it's about as close as basic cable and the general viewing public could probably stand.

    Re-watched episode 1 with the wife before watching this week's installment and felt that despite some down-time in this episode and a whole lot of not much happening for an hour of TV, we got some decent dialog, pretty good action and some great scenes. The fence scene at the end was fantastic, IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Now we know T-Dog's name. Theodore. No wonder he's called T-Dog.

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  12. #12

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    I guess the theory someone came up with earlier about the Premier Episode really having been 2 Episodes edited together into 1 Episode was right. The supporting evidence is conclusive: When Dale and T-Dog are talking an exasperated Dale says about the group and their search "It's been over a day now." That comment woulda been easy for the editors to miss, but makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE in the timeframe the rest of the 2 episodes we have so far have presented us with. In the "intended" time-frame, it's only been several hours.

    More evidence for the notion that 2 days of in-story-continuity were fused together into 1 day of in-story time via the editing is T-Dog's infected arm. There simply aren't any conventional pathogens that could have made a big healthy man like T-Dog THAT sick in the 5-7hrs of time it's supposed to have been since he ripped his arm open on that car door. *48* hours, on the other hand, is PLENTY of time for a severe laceration that cut the (sp?) brachial artery on the inside of the forearm to have developed one of the many strains of bacteria collectively know as septicemia/(blood poisoning, as Dale and people of his generation call it) into a raging infection. 5-7 hours just isn't enough time. I don't care if he was deliberately grinding the decomposing flesh of the corpse he was under against the open wound. It hasn't even been long enough for the clotting factors to even settle into their functioning groove...unless that scene was originally intended to have been a day and a half AFTER Sophia first went missing instead of the 5-7 hours we're supposed to believe its been.

    Moving on, I had a difficult time with the notion that a rifle slug which DIDN'T strike a bone in the deer (you can see from the shot placement, though I'll grant it's JUST possible it deflected a bit off a rib), did the through and through and struck Carl in soft tissue as well, and then fragmented into SIX pieces. WTH? I went deer hunting for a decade and change with my stepdad growing up, and even been part of a couple F&G-approved cull-seasons. So, conservatively, I've brought down at least 20+ deer of varying ages and both genders, and I've been on the scene immediately after someone else's successful shot for 2, maybe even 3x that many deer. One of my longest hunts was the year I turned 17. We were up in W. Virginia, where my stepdad and his family are from (he moved away decades ago obviously), and my stepfather and one of his brothers had taken me, and my 14 and 15yr-old step-cousins Mark Steven & Mark Edward on what was Mark Steven's first deer-hunt.

    Long story short: Mark Steven smashed a .308 round into that big-ass knobby joint at the top of a 6-pointer's right-front foreleg. That was, bar none, by FAR the LONGEST walk of my entire life. We teens dragged ourselves along as my stepdad and step-uncle tracked that damned buck 9 miles and change. 9 miles is nothing,...on FLAT ground. Going up one mountainside, skirting ravines, detouring around impenetrable snags of brush, and down the other side into the "hollers" (Hollows) between one mountain and the next, and then doing it all in REVERSE, while carrying all our shit and our portions of the dressed deer as added weight...That, THAT was TORTURE.

    Even so, that .308 slug was a mario-mushroom. One piece, flat on the top-most circular surface.

    If a .308 round won't break up when it's smashed from a few hundred yards away into one of the biggest, densest bones/joints/what-have you, I had a hard time believing a rifle round went all frag-grenade in the kid's abdomen after a through-and-through. Any other hunters/individuals with rifle experience want to weigh in here?

    The scene with Shane and Otis was very cool. A lil aggravating, but tense and interesting. I'm already bored with the Sophia search though. Get it done with, please. It's a drag on the plot momentum. Still, I'm very interested to see what happens next w/ Shane and Otis.

    About Dale taking Andrea's gun, one more time: He wrong enough for you guys now? Raise your hand if, having JUST been through what Andrea went through with that Walker, you wouldn't at the VERY LEAST deck that old man? Andrea called it, repeatedly. The fact she was saved was less than immaterial, because had it been solely up to their group, she was zombie-food and nothing they could have done about it in time.

    All in all Ep. 2 kept me interested despite some believability issues. Thought the tossing road flares to distract the Walkers was a nice homage to Riley and Co. from Land.

  13. #13
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    I guess the theory someone came up with earlier about the Premier Episode really having been 2 Episodes edited together into 1 Episode was right. The supporting evidence is conclusive: When Dale and T-Dog are talking an exasperated Dale says about the group and their search "It's been over a day now." That comment woulda been easy for the editors to miss, but makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE in the timeframe the rest of the 2 episodes we have so far have presented us with. In the "intended" time-frame, it's only been several hours.

    More evidence for the notion that 2 days of in-story-continuity were fused together into 1 day of in-story time via the editing is T-Dog's infected arm. There simply aren't any conventional pathogens that could have made a big healthy man like T-Dog THAT sick in the 5-7hrs of time it's supposed to have been since he ripped his arm open on that car door. *48* hours, on the other hand, is PLENTY of time for a severe laceration that cut the (sp?) brachial artery on the inside of the forearm to have developed one of the many strains of bacteria collectively know as septicemia/(blood poisoning, as Dale and people of his generation call it) into a raging infection. 5-7 hours just isn't enough time. I don't care if he was deliberately grinding the decomposing flesh of the corpse he was under against the open wound. It hasn't even been long enough for the clotting factors to even settle into their functioning groove...unless that scene was originally intended to have been a day and a half AFTER Sophia first went missing instead of the 5-7 hours we're supposed to believe its been.
    It's been 24 hours or more since T-Dawg got his wound. Remember in episode 201 that Rick and Daryl come back at Dusk and say they'll all head out for an organized search at first light. Then we get a jump cut to the next morning where they all go out and find the suicide in the tent, the church, Carl's shooting, etc. So by the time T-Dawg gets the antibiotics from Daryl in Episode 202, it's already been more than 24 hours since the herd first came through the roadblock.

    Thought the tossing road flares to distract the Walkers was a nice homage to Riley and Co. from Land.
    That was my first thought. "skyflowers".
    Last edited by bassman; 24-Oct-2011 at 03:13 PM. Reason: .

  14. #14
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    The child seat in the back of the car Anyone want to provide the backstory for that one?
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  15. #15
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Messy kid, strawberry jam all over the place.

    Little bollox, just wait til yer ma sees that, she'll go mad.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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