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Thread: TWD 2x06 "Secrets" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #61
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Agree with everything that's said about the safety of whole situation. In fact, the zombie apoc in 'The Walking Dead' seems quite pleasant at times.

    Even if they had the odd walker (or two) drift by the farm, it would go some way to inject a bit of unease into the "farm sequence". At the moment, the lack of threat is a bit silly. Even if the characters mentioned the fact that farm seemed to be unusually safe, it would at least be an acknowledgment of the, seemingly, extraordinary situation.
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  2. #62
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Agree with everything that's said about the safety of whole situation. In fact, the zombie apoc in 'The Walking Dead' seems quite pleasant at times.

    Even if they had the odd walker (or two) drift by the farm, it would go some way to inject a bit of unease into the "farm sequence". At the moment, the lack of threat is a bit silly. Even if the characters mentioned the fact that farm seemed to be unusually safe, it would at least be an acknowledgment of the, seemingly, extraordinary situation.
    It is odd that when the show has teeth, it goes at it with pretty grisly abandon, but then they lull it down, one would assume for the sake of the audience and to be able to tell an actual story, but in so doing they go a bit too far, get lax in the writing and take the realistic fear out of their own world. When they go into this mode it almost reminds me more of the cosy catastrophe brand of the apocalyptic genre, as opposed to a grim zombie apocalypse.

    Still, the show as a whole blows most of what we've seen on film and certainly TV (of course) the last 10 + years (maybe 20+???) out of the water for zombie goodness.

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  3. #63
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Maybe it's because I live in the area that the show takes place, but the lack of walkers on the farm makes sense to me. There are totally isolated farm houses around here. True, a few could trickle in or even a herd in a worst case scenario(which we will see eventually), but this is a rural country's not the city. Nowhere near the city, for that matter. They may make Atlanta and surrounding areas seem huge on the show, but in reality it's actually very small and not over populated, imo.

    Plus the lack of walkers gives the show time to furter develop the living characters. Many people complained about a lack of character development in the first season and this season seems to be doing that in spades. Also as Rick says....the farm is seemingly a miracle.

  4. #64

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    Agree that the "fluctuating safety levels" can be a bit atmosphere-eroding,
    As someone who lives in a rural suburban area, I can understand how an area could become rather isolated even if common sense might SEEM to indicate it wouldn't be. For example, my house is only 9 miles down a side-road that leads directly onto one of the main thoroughfares through Central Florida. However, as you travel along that side road, you notice right off the bat that there are 3 and 4 mile gaps between housing subdivisions. That may not seem like a huge amount of distance, but on the other hand what would cause a herd of Walkers to become stimulated to shamble en masse up a slight incline for 4 miles of empty wooded lots on either side of the 2-lane road? Sure, it could happen, but its not nearly as likely as say, a herd moving along an Interstate area adjacent to a major metropolitan area's limits.

    You don't need to go forty miles as the crow flies from my house to get to horse farm country, where you have 1 house sitting on 10-40 acres every few miles down mile-long gated driveways that open out onto a gravel road running past these farm properties. Out in that area, I would have a difficult time believing that a mass of zombies might actually make it all the way down the mile-long driveway in more than some very unusual circumstances. So, the idea that a farm could be simultaneously "isolated" and (relatively speaking) near a major thoroughfare (traveling by car I mean) isn't a major stretch for me based on my own personal experience living in this area to believe that other than the occasional 1-3 isolated zombies popping up now and again, months could easily go by without a significant influx of Walkers. The bottom line of all this being that I agree sprawling, spread-out farms could easily end up mainly undead-free for significant periods of time even if said farms weren't really far off the beaten track.

  5. #65
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Another good episode. Thoughts:

    1) We don't know specifically how many geeks are in the barn, but as Maggie says two of them are specifically in her family, then at least two are neighbours, so it would never have been a mass of zombies together - it would have been people they've lost over the weeks, and random shamblers that happened by the place.

    2) Regarding Lori's pregnany and Rick - hmmm ... there's two ways to read the scene. Either Jenner did tell Rick that Lori was pregnant and his conversation with Lori in 2x06 was more about the issue of trust between him and Lori ... or Jenner said something else. It could be that he saw what Shane tried to do in that room ... but then why has Rick done nothing about it thus far, and why has he been on friendly terms (most of the time anyway) with Shane? Perhaps he doesn't want to believe it? Or could it be something else?

    3) Glenn - more great Glenn moments - he provides a nice bit of comic relief, but not overtly so, rather he makes for a very accessible character amidst all this craziness.

    4) Drug Store zombie - awesome.

    5) Dale vs Shane - oooooooooh.

    6) The housing estate - a basic theory for future episodes:
    Perhaps they have to move there after 2x07 - the preview suggests that the zombies are unleashed and all hell breaks loose - I'd think therefore that Herschel would demand they leave and so they head there (bringing Maggie with them at least) and try to make a go of it there and clear the place out a bit. However they'd find that they can't stay there and then they have to move on - and that brings them to the prison by the end of the season.

    7) The house estate in general - very cool - some spiffing horror moments in there, and hooray, we finally get Andrea the gunslinger.

    8) Speaking of which - blimey - Andrea's forward, isn't she?!

    9) Goddamn, Sophia's still missing ... they must surely conclude this arc in 2x07 - surely?!

    10) I don't know about you folks in America, but here in the UK the announcers kept saying "Darryl tries to make it back to the farm alive" in episode preview statements - so I don't know what went on there, but someone messed up the info for the announcers - you're only a week late, mate.


    I'm going to watch the mid-season finale ahead of my usual schedule - I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible, plus being a mid-season finale you know it's gonna be huge. Although I'd still end up watching it on Friday again anyway to register my official support.

  6. #66
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    It could be that he saw what Shane tried to do in that room ... but then why has Rick done nothing about it thus far, and why has he been on friendly terms (most of the time anyway) with Shane? Perhaps he doesn't want to believe it? Or could it be something else?
    If Jenner did indeed tell Rick about Shane and Lori's talk in the CDC, maybe Rick is playing it as a "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" kind of thing? Or maybe it's exactly as Rick says. She thought he was dead and he can understand why they hooked up?

    Kevin Smith nailed it on Talking Dead, though. He thought (paraphrase)"No guy would ever respond like that after his woman says she was sleeping with his best friend! I immediately had to rewind the episode to the opening credits and sure was written by a woman."
    Last edited by bassman; 26-Nov-2011 at 11:41 AM. Reason: .

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Haha! Didn't even notice that it was written by a woman.

    Although it does ring true to Rick's character from the comics...

    In Volume 7 or 8, can't remember which, Lori finally confirms to Rick that she and Shane got jiggy way-back-when, but he already figured as much and didn't want her to actually say the words ... Volume 8 being as far as I've gotten through the trade paperbacks.

    Now - if that Kirkman quote you spoke of earlier could be indeed true, then it might have something to do with Shane. The pregnancy thing has already been handled - well, in terms of revealing it anyway - and it was more of a 'dun-dun-dun' moment a few episodes ago (at least, for those who haven't gotten that far in the comics) ... and it sounds like he seemed to suggest that it will change the show, or have a big impact on it - which might suggest, well, I'm not entirely sure.

    I do love this anticipation of finding out though - it's great that the show itself has plenty of surprises for those that have read the corresponding comics.

  8. #68
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    You'd kind of think they would have stopped sleeping outdoors after what happened in their last encampment where they lost like 30% of their crew.

    Being mobile seems to me to be the ideal solution, you stay in one spot too long and you end up like in Resident Evil: Afterlife, the remaining people were in one place while the entire cities worth of ghouls were right outside the door forcing them into an inescapable situation. At least in that movie they lived in a pretty good stronghold, just living in a tent in the same spot night after night seems a bit insane.

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  9. #69
    Fresh Meat Ultra Magnus's Avatar

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    If anyone wants to read what happens on tonights show here is the link.
    Last edited by Ultra Magnus; 27-Nov-2011 at 04:49 PM. Reason: spoiler taken out

  10. #70

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    I've given this episode some more thought due to the Season 2 marathon today,
    Here's what I can't get past. Even if one agrees that violence isn't a suitable response to Herschel's unwavering demand(s) that Rick and Co. leave, then what IS an appropriate response? Other than simply capitulating to Herschel exiling the group from his property. I just CAN'T accept that anyone who has been through everything this group of TWD-survivors has gone through would willingly just go: "Oh OK Herschel. We'll take off in the morning."

    Rick's repeated pleas for Herschel to reconsider his decision have obviously been truly sincere, deeply heartfelt, and more than a little tinged with the desperation Rick is experiencing. Being able to honestly say to himself that he's exhausted every "diplomatic" option, and despite this Herschel is absolutely adamant, how is Rick supposed to react to that completely unfeeling ultimatum's effect on the group if not with violence?

    Responding "Then move on" just seems like a cop-out to me. Lori has made that desperate "YOU NEED TO FIX THIS!" declaration to Rick about Herschel's not-subtle statement that "you'll be moving on soon." Rick has so far only really confided in Lori about Herschel's intentions, and then only because of Herschel pushing the issue with her. If Rick is finding it very difficult to even broach the subject of leaving the farm with the other members of the group, how much MORE DIFFICULT would/will it be to essentially "blindside" everyone but Lori with the "sudden" (to the members of his group) announcement that they have to leave, and they've got to leave NOW?

    I'm genuinely trying to relate to the reasonable thought-processes of those who see these circumstances so differently than I do. These people are having enough trouble keeping it together AT THE FARM, and I feel that's directly attributable to "apocalypse fatigue". Simply put, they've been through more terror in a few weeks than in their entire previous lives. Then the farm became the proverbial lifeline thrown to people "drowning" in their fear of the future, the horrors they know all too well are waiting for them back out in the world, and their sheer exhaustion at alternating between keyed up anxiety and complacency that keeps getting them nailed, and hard.

    Some have said they wouldn't do anything violent, but they'd simply refuse to leave. How would that work, practically speaking? Herschel already perceives everyone who was at the well to be a "murderer" because of his delusion that Walkers are simply sick people. How do we know this? He SAID SO to Dale! Comparing what he called the "atrocities" he saw on TV (of Walkers being put down) directly to what happened with the Walker at the well. Would it be that much of a jump for a man who a) Literally does not care if the group lives or dies, and b) Considers them all to be "murderers" or accomplices to said "murdering" to be the one who resorted to violence if his obsessive need to control was challenged by the group's refusal to leave?

    Bottom line, I just don't get how one can make a supposedly "moral" argument that one group can demand another group throw themselves back into a more dangerous environment/situation than their (currently) safe environment. "First come, first serve" doesn't strike me as terribly moral. And for the record: Yes, if I was demanding that another group increase the danger to themselves on my say-so, because it's my property, I would expect such a group to do whatever they thought necessary to avoid being thrust back into danger. My idea of morality doesn't include being in a half-full lifeboat and not going back to rescue people on the brink of drowning "because they might overturn the lifeboat."

    That's just me though. I don't understand this, but I'm really trying here.

  11. #71
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    What helps to confuse the situation of the characters remaining on Hershel's farm is that Rick and Hershel seem to be acknowledging basic property rights that in my opinion no longer exist. It WAS Hershel's farm before the collapse of society, but what is it now considering that there is no longer law? The farm has basically become a conflict between a moralistic point of view versus a survivalist one.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 01-Dec-2011 at 12:22 AM. Reason: ed
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